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鄭子筠(Tsu-Yun Cheng)
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機械工程學系 |
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多階減速齒輪箱接觸分析—以Sendzimir滾軋機為例 (Contact Analysis of a Multiple-stage Gear Reducer – Using Sendzimir Rolling Mill as a Study Case)
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
When designing a gearbox, engineers usually need not only to confirm the load capacity, but also to consider space, weight, cost and other constraints, which usually cannot be solved quickly due to the various complex calculations involved. Nowadays, because the computation technology been greatly improved, the time cost in design development can be reduced, if the program is used to execute the complicated calculations with the given design parameters and requirements.
This paper is based on the study case of the switching stage of a two-speed gear reducer of Sendzimir rolling mill. Two speed ratios are formed due to gear shifting mechanism direct drive with ratio as one and speed reduction. There are two gear pairs with the same center distance but different speed ratios. In this study, script programs are developed by using software KISSsoft for gear calculation to speed up the analysis of this study case.
In the analysis, KISSsys, a module integration software of KISSsoft for gear transmission system, is used to establish the model of the two gears pairs of this study case. A script program is developed to find the maximal combination of gearing parameters for the torque to weight ratio and the minimum face load factor KHβ. In the study, a mathematical model is created according to the boundary conditions of the gear pairs base on the available modules in KISSsys. With aid of the developed KISSsys script program, the gearing parameters in the given range are repeatedly calculated using the KISSsoft helical gear pair module. The combination of parameters for the best torque to weight ratio is selected from the calculated results.
Then, in order to analyze and calculate the contact characteristics of the gear pairs under various conditions, the gearbox housing, the shafts, and the bearings are added to the KISSsys gear pairs model with the selected gearing parameters. Firstly, a script is used to calculate the optimal modification amount of the helix angle modification of the gear flank to solve the time consuming problem of manually repeated trial and error process. At the same time, the effect of modification on tooth contact characteristics is also investigated. Finally, the housing stiffness form FEM is also imported into KISSsys to investigate the influence of housing deformation on the tooth contact and modification amount of gears. The analysis results of the analysis show that the deformation of the shaft, bearing and housing has a significant effect on the tooth contact, and the locking bolts of the housing also changes the tooth contact characteristics. The face load factor KHβ can be reduced from 1.1~1.3 to 1.02~1.04 by applying flank modification.
關鍵字(中) |
★ Sendzimir滾軋機 ★ KISSsoft ★ 多階齒輪箱 ★ 齒線螺旋角修整 ★ 最佳化設計 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Sendzimir rolling mill ★ KISSsoft ★ multi-stage gearbox ★ helix angle modification ★ optimal design |
論文目次 |
摘要…….. i
Abstract… ii
誌謝…….. iv
目錄…….. v
圖目錄…… vii
表目錄….. xi
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 論文架構 3
第 2 章 研究方法 4
2.1 KISSsys程式編碼 4
2.1.1 KISSsys編碼簡介 4
2.1.2 變數宣告 4
2.1.3 邏輯運算 7
2.1.4 標準函數 8
2.1.5 應用函數 8
2.1.6 程式架構與應用 10
2.2 齒輪幾何設計 11
2.2.1 齒數參數決定 12
2.2.2 最佳化策略 15
2.3 KISSsoft齒輪接觸分析 16
2.3.1 接觸分析原理 16
2.3.2 修整形式及參數 17
2.3.3 箱體剛性導入 19
第 3 章 分析案例 31
3.1 Sendzimir滾軋機架構 31
3.2 箱體設計 34
第 4 章 同中心距齒輪參數決定 35
4.1 程式架構 35
4.2 輸入設定及結果 39
第 5 章 修整型齒輪對接觸分析 44
5.1 箱體剛性求法 44
5.1.1 箱體設定差異 44
5.1.2 箱體剛性對軸變形影響 55
5.2 軸變形對接觸影響 57
5.3 齒輪修整型式 58
5.3.1 齒線修整 58
5.3.2 齒形修整 60
5.4 齒線螺旋角修整最佳化程式 60
5.5 不考慮箱體剛性的齒面接觸分析影響 62
5.6 箱體剛性對齒面接觸分析影響 64
第 6 章 結論及展望 66
6.1 結論 66
6.2 未來展望 66
參考文獻.. 67
附錄A 齒輪參數腳本程式 69
附錄B 齒輪修整腳本程式 91
附錄C 其他齒輪對接觸分析數據 94
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
蔡錫錚(Tsai, Shyi-Jeng)
審核日期 |
2023-2-3 |
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