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姓名 林暐捷(Wei-Jie Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 脈衝式金屬有機化學氣相沉積脈衝持續時間對傳輸現象之數值分析
(Numerical Analysis of the Relation Between Pulse Time and Transport Phenomena in Pulsed Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition)
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摘要(中) 三族氮化物半導體材料因為優秀的導熱性及電性成為未來高頻率電子元件相當重
半導體元件重要的材料。由於 AlN 的製程過程會產生大量奈米微粒,進而影響薄膜品
積(MOCVD),脈衝式 MOCVD 製程中脈衝的開啟與關閉會導致腔體內的傳輸現象變得
III 或 V pulse 的邊界凸向下游,而 III pulse 的凸出率大於 V pulse 是因為 TMAl 的擴散
驅物依然會互相混合形成奈米微粒的主要原因。而載盤表面 TMAl 及 NH3 的質量分率會
在 III pulse 及 V pulse 開啟 0.15 秒後達到穩定,因此對於脈衝長度超過 0.15 秒之 III pulse
及 V pulse,持續時間改變對腔體中的傳輸現象影響不大,但腔體中 TMAl 及 NH3 的濃
度隨著 H2 pulse 持續時間增加而緩慢下降,這使得 H2 pulse 的持續時間對減緩微粒產生
脈衝持續時間取得最高沉積速率,在固定 TMAl 用量的情況下,首先參考低 V/III 比的
製程可以有效找出不同脈衝時間下的最高沉積速率,最後配合 V/III 比增加對沉積速率
的負面效應,便可預測不同 V/III 比下的最高沉積速率與相對應的脈衝持續時間。
摘要(英) Because of high thermal conductivity and outstanding electric properties, III nitride
semiconductor materials become one of the most important materials for the application of the
high-frequency device and deep ultraviolet LED. Among all III-nitride materials, AlN has the
highest bandgap. It makes the AlN can be applied not only as an extraordinary buffer layer
between group III nitride film and substrate but also as the active layer of UV LED and a barrier
layer of HEMT. To improve the performance of III-nitride devices and reduce the cost of
production, controlling the generation of nano-particle and the direction of the nucleation is
crucial in the semiconductor industry. Compared to the traditional continuous MOCVD process,
the transport phenomenon is more complicated in pulsed MOCVD because of the sequence of
different pulses during the process.
A numerical model is built to observe the relationship between the transport phenomenon,
chemical reaction, and deposition rate. The result shows that a slower mass transportation rate
in the velocity boundary layer near the wall or substrate can make the shape of III or V pulse
convex downstream. Moreover, the convexity of the interface of the III pulse increases faster
than that of the V pulse because of the lower mass diffusion coefficient of TMAl. On the other
hand, the mass fraction of TMAl or NH3 becomes stable 0.15 s after the III pulse or V pulse
starts. But it takes massive time to make the mass fraction of TMAl and NH3 near the substrate
back to zero because the mass diffusion rate is slow. The pulsed time for the H2 pulse can affect
the chemical reaction between the TMAl and NH3 more than the pulsed time of the III or V
pulse. By increasing the pulsed time of the H2 pulse, the generation of AlN nano-particle can
be suppressed and the usage of the TMAl source can be improved. However, it also makes the
process time increase. A method to find the best compromise between suppressing the
generation of AlN and the shortening process is proposed. The method to estimate the maximum
deposition rate for different V/III ratios is also presented.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數值分析
★ 脈衝式金屬有機化學氣相沉積
★ 氮化鋁
關鍵字(英) ★ numerical analysis
★ pulsed MOCVD
★ AlN
論文目次 摘要.......................................................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... ii
目錄........................................................................................................................................................ iv
圖目錄.................................................................................................................................................... vi
表目錄.................................................................................................................................................. viii
符號表.................................................................................................................................................... ix
第一章 前言 ........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 III 族氮化物的材料性質與應用(AlN)..................................................................................1
1.2 金屬有機化學氣相沉積(MOCVD).......................................................................................1
1.3 脈衝式 MOCVD 製程............................................................................................................3
1.4 製程條件與沉積之關係 ........................................................................................................3
1.5 研究動機與目的 ....................................................................................................................6
第二章 研究方法 ..............................................................................................................................10
2.1 物理與數學模型 ..................................................................................................................10
2.2 網格與數值方法 ..................................................................................................................14
2.3 模型驗證 ..............................................................................................................................14
第三章 結果與討論 ..........................................................................................................................22
3.1 脈衝式 MOCVD 製程中的基本傳輸現象..........................................................................22
3.1.1 速度與溫度分布..............................................................................................................22
3.1.2 脈衝式製程與質傳..........................................................................................................23
3.1.3 脈衝轉換對前驅物傳輸之影響......................................................................................24
3.1.4 脈衝式製程中之寄生反應..............................................................................................25
3.2 脈衝製程參數對沉積速率及微粒生成之影響...................................................................28
3.2.1 H2 pulse 時間對製程之影響............................................................................................28
3.2.2 V/III 比對製程之影響.....................................................................................................28
3.2.3 固定 TMAl 流量不同 V/III 比與 H2 pulse 持續時間對沉積速率的影響 ..................29
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指導教授 陳志臣(Jyh-Chen Chen) 審核日期 2023-4-19
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