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姓名 馬金寧(Agustina Shinta Marginingsih)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
(Investigation on the Influences of Various Complexity of Hydrogeological Models on Pore Water Pressure Buildup Triggered by Seismic Wave Propagation)
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摘要(中) 傳統研究對於地震波引發的孔隙水壓增加通常考慮均質或完美的土層系統,然而不同的材料特性會導致地震波的傳播速度和模式不同,因此水文地質材料的分佈和整合地質模型可能在地震波傳播中擔任重要的角色,並影響孔隙水壓的分佈,誘發土壤液化。由於不均勻地面沉降將導致建築物傾斜或倒塌,因此土壤剖面複雜性導致的不均勻地面沉降需要進一步被分析。為評估水文地質模型的複雜性對地震波傳播所引起孔隙水壓增加的影響,構建並使用簡化的水文地質模型(即完美層、尖滅(地層圈閉)和透鏡體(河床沉積物))和複雜的各種水文地質模型(即淺層和深層土壤剖面)。複雜的水文地質模型以台北盆地地區為參考,採用基於UBC-sand 模型的軟體Midas GTS NX 模擬飽和多孔介質中的地震波。UBC-sand 是一彈塑性模型,用於模擬砂質材料的液化現象。研究結果表明,地質模型顯著影響孔隙水壓、垂直位移和加速度的瞬時行為。 尖滅、透鏡體和複雜模型中既存的角度導致區域孔隙水壓的積累,這很可能達到液化極限。層狀土壤的存在改變了波的傳播,依據地質模型的複雜性和地層深度而被放大和衰減;尖滅系統和透鏡系統都會出現不均勻的地面沉降。各種水文地質模型下地震波傳播模擬的孔隙水壓累積分佈可為土壤液化潛力評估提供重要的參考。
摘要(英) Traditional studies on pore water pressure buildup triggered by seismic wave propagation commonly consider a homogeneous or a perfect soil layer system. However, the difference in material property leads to different propagation speeds and patterns of seismic waves. Therefore, the distribution of hydrogeological material and the integrative geological model may play an important role in seismic wave propagation and affect the distribution of pore water pressure buildup as well as inducing soil liquefaction. Since the non-uniform ground settlement induced the building to tilt or collapse, then the complexity of the soil profile caused the non-uniform ground settlement need further analysis. To assess the effect of complexity in hydrogeological model on pore water pressure buildup due to seismic wave propagation, various hydrogeological models was constructed using simplified synthetic (i.e. perfect layer, pinch-out (stratigraphic trap), and lens (riverbed deposit)) and complex synthetic (i.e. shallow, and deep soil profile) models. The complex synthetic hydrogeological model using Taipei Basin area as a references. An UBC-sand model-based software, namely Midas GTS NX, was adopted to simulate seismic waves in a saturated porous medium. UBC-sand is an elastoplastic model for simulating the liquefaction phenomenon for the sand material. The study results show that the geological model significantly affects the transient behavior of pore water pressure, vertical displacement, and acceleration. The presence of the angles in the pinch-out, lens, and complex synthetic models leads to an accumulation of pore water pressure in the corner area, which has a high potential to reach the liquefaction limit. The presence of layered soil altered the wave propagation which is amplified and attenuated based on geological model complexity and depth of the domain. Non-uniform ground settlement occurs in pinch-out system as well as lens system. The distribution of pore water pressure buildup obtained from the simulation of seismic wave propagation under various hydrogeological models can provide an important reference for the potential assessment of soil liquefaction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 各種複雜的水文地質模型
★ 地震波傳播
★ 超額孔隙水壓
★ 垂直位移
★ 土壤液化
關鍵字(英) ★ Various complexity of hydrogeological model
★ Seismic wave propagation
★ Excess pore water pressure
★ Vertical displacement
★ Soil liquefaction
1.1 Motivations and Objectives 1
1.1.1 Motivations 1
1.1.2 Objectives 2
1.2 Literature Review 3
1.2.1 Soil Liquefaction and Excess Pore Water Pressure 3
1.2.2 Seismic Wave Propagation Altered by Layered, and Liquefiable Soil 6
1.2.3 Vertical Displacement (Ground Settlement) 8
1.3 Organization of the thesis 12
1.4 Flow chart 13
2.1 UBC-Sand Model 14
2.1.1 Elastic Behavior 15
2.1.2 Plastic Behavior 15
2.1.3 Hardening and Densification Rule 16
2.2 Boundary Condition 18
2.2.1 Degree of Freedom (DOF) Constraints 18
2.2.2 Absorbent boundary conditions 19
2.3 Software Introduction 21
3.1 Simplified Synthetics Hydrogeological Models 22
3.2 Complex Synthetic Hydrogeological Models 23
3.2.1 Shallow Soil Profile Model 24
3.2.2 Deep Soil Profile Model 25
3.3 Soil Parameters 27
3.4 Seismic Wave Input 29
3.5 Boundary Condition Illustration 29
3.5.1 Degree of Freedom (DOF) Constraints 29
3.5.2 Simplified Synthetic Hydrogeological Models 30
3.5.3 Complex Synthetic Hydrogeological Models 32
4.1 Dynamic Distribution of Pore Water Pressure and Vertical Displacement 34
4.1.1 Excess Pore Water Pressure Ratio of the Simplified Synthetic Hydrogeological Model in Drained System 34
4.1.2 Excess Pore Water Pressure Distribution in Various Complexity of the Hydrogeological Model 39
4.2 Vertical Displacement (Ground Settlement) 49
4.3 The Wave Propagation in Various Complexity of Hydrogeological Models 53
4.3.1 Simplified Synthetic Hydrogeological Models 53
4.3.2 Complex Synthetic Hydrogeological Models 56
5.1 Conclusions 61
5.2 Suggestions 63

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指導教授 王士榮(Shih-Jung Wang) 審核日期 2023-2-2
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