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姓名 張銘鳳(Ming-Feng Chang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系 論文名稱 以粉末冶金及熱壓擠製方式製作石墨-鋁基複合材料之研究
(Study on Graphite-Aluminum Matrix Composites Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy and Hot Extrusion)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 摘要
本研究是運用粉末冶金的方式製作石墨-鋁基複合材料,希望透過此方式來改善複合材料的均勻性,並運用熱壓擠製加工來提升複合材料的材料性質。另外,將此複合材料製作成水產氫(water electrolysis)電極,以探討這些電極之電解效果。
本實驗以標準差 σ 來評估複合材料組織的均勻性。實驗顯示三組複合材料的 σ 值變動均很小,表示以此方式製作複合材料是可行的。材料經熱壓擠製後,四種以粉末製作的試棒其抗拉強度比鋁鑄錠試棒大約增加26.6~ 27.8%。
實驗材料 Alp、Alp-1%G 及 Alp-0.5%Gf,其導電度分別為 61、
58.9 及 61.1 IACS(International Annealed Copper Standard),
顯示本實驗方式是有助於改善複材導電度下降的問題。在10wt.% KOH 鹼性電解液中,電解電壓 3.88V,以收集 100cc 氫氣為電解時間。結果顯示石墨-鋁基複材電極均比純鋁電極有較佳的產氫的效果。然而,使用 10wt.% HNO3 酸性電解液中,四種電極材料在電解過程均產生鈍化現象,不具實用價值。摘要(英) Abstract
This research is to make graphite-aluminum matrix
composites by powder metallurgy , hoping to improve the
uniformity of composites through this method, and use
extrusion processing to improve the material properties of
composites. In addition, these composite materials were
fabricated into water electrolysis electrodes, which were
investigated the electrolysis effect.
In this experiment, the standard deviation σ is used to
evaluate the uniformity of the composite structure.
Experiments show that the σ value of the three groups of
composite materials varies little, indicating that it is
feasible to make composite materials in this way. After hotextrusion, the tensile strength of the four test bars made of powder is approximately 26.6-27.8% higher than that of the aluminum ingot test one.
The experimental materials Al, Alp-1%G and Alp-0.5%Gf have
conductivity of 61,58.9 and 61.1 IACS (International
Annealed Copper Standard), show that this experimental
method is helpful to improve the problem of the decrease
of the conductivity of composite materials. In 10wt.% KOH
alkaline electrolyte, the electrolysis voltage is 3.88V,
and 100cc of hydrogen is collected as the electrolysis time.
The results show that the graphite-aluminum-based
composite electrodes have better hydrogen production
effect than pure aluminum electrodes. However, in the use
of 10wt.% HNO3 acid electrolyte, the four electrode
materials all produce passivation during the electrolysis
process, which is not practical.關鍵字(中) ★ 粉末冶金
★ 熱壓擠製
★ 石墨-鋁基複合材料
★ 標準差
★ 電極關鍵字(英) ★ powder metallurgy
★ hot extrusion
★ graphite-aluminum matrix composites
★ standard deviation
★ electrode論文目次 目錄
摘 要......................................................i
誌 謝.....................................................iv
目 錄.....................................................vi
第一章 緒論................................................1
1.1 研究動機 ............................................. 1
1.2 研究目的 ............................................. 2
第二章 研究背景 .......................................... 4
2-1 鋁及鋁合金之簡介.......................................4
2-1-1 鋁金屬之特性.........................................4
2-1-2 鋁合金的分類.........................................5
2-2 石墨及石墨烯 ..........................................7
2-3 粉末冶金 ..............................................9
2-4 氫能..................................................12
2-5 電解水製氫之基本原理...................................14
2-6 極化作用 .............................................15
2-6-1 歐姆極 .............................................15
2-6-2 濃度極化............................................15
2-6-3 活性極化............................................16
2-7 電解質................................................17
2-8 電極..................................................18
2-9 電解水製氫材料之搜集...................................22
第三章 實驗設備與步驟......................................26
3-1 實驗設備..............................................26
3-2 實驗用品..............................................26
3-3 實驗步驟 ............................................ 27
第四章 結果與討論 ........................................ 32
4-1 粉末冶金法製作鋁-石墨複合材料均勻性之探討............... 32
4-2 鋁-石墨複合材料之機械性質............................. 35
4-3 鋁-石墨複合材料之電解特性............................. 38
第五章 結論.............................................. 42
參考文獻................................................. 44
附錄一 第二章 產氫電極材料參考篇名 ........................ 48
附錄二 第三章 實驗圖示.................................... 55
3-3 實驗步驟圖示 ........................................ 55
附錄三 第四章 實驗示意圖.................................. 56
附錄四 第四章 圖表....................................... 57
圖表 4-1 長條圖、標記線圖................................. 57
圖表 4-2 長條圖、標記線圖................................. 58
圖表 4-3 長條圖、標記線圖................................. 59參考文獻 參考文獻
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