摘要(英) |
The adoption of mold flow analysis during the packaging development stage can help in pre-process analysis and design optimization. Before conducting the analysis, the model needs to be converted to a solid mesh and provided to the solver. The solid mesh types include tetrahedrons, prisms, and hexahedrons. Among them, hexahedral mesh is recognized as the highest quality mesh type, but its automated construction is more challenging and needs to be constructed manually. The construction of quadrilateral surface meshes is critical as they form the basis for hexahedral meshing. Building a quadrilateral mesh automatically becomes more difficult when the IC packaging model contains multiple internal contours. In this study, an automated region partitioning method to divide the IC packaging model into multiple regions and combined it with automatic quadrilateral meshing techniques. Additionally, to enhance computational efficiency, different node spacing can be allocated during point generation, allowing for varying mesh densities between regions. Multiple size parameters were also adopted in this study to achieve a distribution of high and low-density meshes across the entire mesh and reduce the overall number of meshes. The research initially performed calculations on all internal contours of the packaging model and established bounding boxes around them. Subsequently, region boundaries were generated based on the model′s contours and bounding boxes, and data was created for each region boundary. These region boundaries were then combined into regions based on specified criteria, and the necessary data for constructing grids in each region was recorded. This region data was utilized for automated grid generation. The proposed method was tested on 19 models, including different types of packaging models, and achieved successful partitioning and grid construction for nearly all of them. |
參考文獻 |
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