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E. (2017). Impacts of 25 years of groundwater extraction on subsidence in the
Mekong delta, Vietnam. Environmental research letters, 12(6), 064006.
Nguyen, M., Lin, Y. N., Tran, Q. C., Ni, C.-F., Chan, Y.-C., Tseng, K.-H., & Chang,
C.-P. (2022). Assessment of long-term ground subsidence and groundwater
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Poland, J., Lofgren, B., & Riley, F. (1972). Glossary of selected terms useful in studies
of the mechanics of aquifer systems and land subsidence due to fluid withdrawal:
US Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper, 2025(9).
Riley, F. S. (1984). Developments in borehole extensometry. Land subsidence.
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Land Subsidence, Venice,
Schumann, G. J.-P., Moller, D. K., & Mentgen, F. (2016). High-accuracy elevation data
at large scales from airborne single-pass SAR interferometry. Frontiers in Earth
Science, 3, 88.
Smith, R. G., Knight, R., Chen, J., Reeves, J., Zebker, H., Farr, T., & Liu, Z. (2017).
Estimating the permanent loss of groundwater storage in the southern San
Joaquin Valley, California. Water Resources Research, 53(3), 2133-2148.
Sneed, M. (2001). Hydraulic and mechanical properties affecting ground-water flow and
aquifer-system compaction. San Joaquin Valley, California: US Geological
Survey Open-File Report, 01-35.
Terzaghi, K. (1925). Principles of soil mechanics: Settlement and consolidation of clay.
Tsai, J.-P., Chen, Y.-W., Chang, L.-C., Kuo, Y.-M., Tu, Y.-H., & Pan, C.-C. (2015).
High recharge areas in the Choushui River alluvial fan (Taiwan) assessed from
recharge potential analysis and average storage variation indexes. Entropy, 17(4),
Tung, H., & Hu, J.-C. (2012). Assessments of serious anthropogenic land subsidence in
Yunlin County of central Taiwan from 1996 to 1999 by Persistent Scatterers
InSAR. Tectonophysics, 578, 126-135.
Wang, S.-J., Lee, C.-H., Chen, J.-W., & Hsu, K.-C. (2015). Combining gray system and
poroelastic models to investigate subsidence problems in Tainan, Taiwan.
Environmental Earth Sciences, 73, 7237-7253.
Yang, Y.-J., Hwang, C., Hung, W.-C., Fuhrmann, T., Chen, Y.-A., & Wei, S.-H. (2019).
Surface deformation from Sentinel-1A InSAR: relation to seasonal groundwater
extraction and rainfall in Central Taiwan. Remote Sensing, 11(23), 2817.
Ye, S., Xue, Y., Wu, J., Yan, X., & Yu, J. (2016). Progression and mitigation of land
subsidence in China. Hydrogeology Journal, 24(3), 685.
Zhang, Y., Gong, H., Gu, Z., Wang, R., Li, X., & Zhao, W. J. H. J. (2014).
Characterization of land subsidence induced by groundwater withdrawals in the
plain of Beijing city, China. Hydrogeology Journal, 22(2), 39759
Hung, W.-C., Hwang, C., Liou, J.-C., Lin, Y.-S., & Yang, H.-L. (2012). Modeling
aquifer-system compaction and predicting land subsidence in central Taiwan.
Engineering Geology, 147, 78-90.
Hung, W. C., Hwang, C., Sneed, M., Chen, Y. A., Chu, C. H., & Lin, S. H. (2021).
Measuring and interpreting multilayer aquifer‐system compactions for a
sustainable groundwater‐system development. Water Resources Research, 57(4),
Hwang, C., Yang, Y., Kao, R., Han, J., Shum, C., Galloway, D., Sneed, M., Hung, W.,
Cheng, W., & Li, F. (2016). Time-varying land subsidence detected by radar
altimetry: California, Taiwan and north China. Sci Rep 6: 28160. In.
Ku, C.-Y., & Liu, C.-Y. (2023). Modeling of land subsidence using GIS-based artificial
neural network in Yunlin County, Taiwan. Scientific reports, 13(1), 4090.
Leake, S., & Galloway, D. L. (2007). MODFLOW ground-water model: User guide to
the subsidence and aquifer-system compaction package (SUB-WT) for watertable aquifers. US Geological Survey.
Leake, S. A., & Prudic, D. E. (1991). Documentation of a computer program to simulate
aquifer-system compaction using the modular finite-difference ground-water
flow model. US Government Printing Office.
Lohman, S. W. (1970). Definitions of selected ground-water terms: revisions and
conceptual refinements. US Government Printing Office.
Lu, C., Ni, C., Chang, C., Yen, J., & Hung, W. (2015). Combination with precise
leveling and PSInSAR observations to quantify pumping-induced land
subsidence in central Taiwan. Proceedings of the International Association of
Hydrological Sciences, 372(372), 77-82.
Mahmoudpour, M., Khamehchiyan, M., Nikudel, M. R., & Ghassemi, M. R. (2016).
Numerical simulation and prediction of regional land subsidence caused by
groundwater exploitation in the southwest plain of Tehran, Iran. Engineering
Geology, 201, 6-28.
Metzger, L. F., Ikehara, M. E., & Howle, J. F. (2002). Vertical-deformation, water-level,
microgravity, geodetic, water-chemistry, and flow-rate data collected during
injection, storage, and recovery tests at Lancaster, Antelope Valley, California,
September 1995 through September 1998 (Vol. 1). US Geological Survey.
Minderhoud, P. S., Erkens, G., Pham, V., Bui, V. T., Erban, L., Kooi, H., & Stouthamer,
E. (2017). Impacts of 25 years of groundwater extraction on subsidence in the
Mekong delta, Vietnam. Environmental research letters, 12(6), 064006.
Nguyen, M., Lin, Y. N., Tran, Q. C., Ni, C.-F., Chan, Y.-C., Tseng, K.-H., & Chang,
C.-P. (2022). Assessment of long-term ground subsidence and groundwater
depletion in Hanoi, Vietnam. Engineering Geology, 299, 106555.
Poland, J., Lofgren, B., & Riley, F. (1972). Glossary of selected terms useful in studies
of the mechanics of aquifer systems and land subsidence due to fluid withdrawal:
US Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper, 2025(9).
Riley, F. S. (1984). Developments in borehole extensometry. Land subsidence.
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Land Subsidence, Venice,
Schumann, G. J.-P., Moller, D. K., & Mentgen, F. (2016). High-accuracy elevation data
at large scales from airborne single-pass SAR interferometry. Frontiers in Earth
Science, 3, 88.
Smith, R. G., Knight, R., Chen, J., Reeves, J., Zebker, H., Farr, T., & Liu, Z. (2017).
Estimating the permanent loss of groundwater storage in the southern San
Joaquin Valley, California. Water Resources Research, 53(3), 2133-2148.
Sneed, M. (2001). Hydraulic and mechanical properties affecting ground-water flow and
aquifer-system compaction. San Joaquin Valley, California: US Geological
Survey Open-File Report, 01-35.
Terzaghi, K. (1925). Principles of soil mechanics: Settlement and consolidation of clay.
Tsai, J.-P., Chen, Y.-W., Chang, L.-C., Kuo, Y.-M., Tu, Y.-H., & Pan, C.-C. (2015).
High recharge areas in the Choushui River alluvial fan (Taiwan) assessed from
recharge potential analysis and average storage variation indexes. Entropy, 17(4),
Tung, H., & Hu, J.-C. (2012). Assessments of serious anthropogenic land subsidence in
Yunlin County of central Taiwan from 1996 to 1999 by Persistent Scatterers
InSAR. Tectonophysics, 578, 126-135.
Wang, S.-J., Lee, C.-H., Chen, J.-W., & Hsu, K.-C. (2015). Combining gray system and
poroelastic models to investigate subsidence problems in Tainan, Taiwan.
Environmental Earth Sciences, 73, 7237-7253.
Yang, Y.-J., Hwang, C., Hung, W.-C., Fuhrmann, T., Chen, Y.-A., & Wei, S.-H. (2019).
Surface deformation from Sentinel-1A InSAR: relation to seasonal groundwater
extraction and rainfall in Central Taiwan. Remote Sensing, 11(23), 2817.
Ye, S., Xue, Y., Wu, J., Yan, X., & Yu, J. (2016). Progression and mitigation of land
subsidence in China. Hydrogeology Journal, 24(3), 685.
Zhang, Y., Gong, H., Gu, Z., Wang, R., Li, X., & Zhao, W. J. H. J. (2014).
Characterization of land subsidence induced by groundwater withdrawals in the
plain of Beijing city, China. Hydrogeology Journal, 22(2), 397. |