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姓名 辛維朗(Wei-Lang Hsin) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系 論文名稱 結合反應曲面法與蟻群演算法探討尼龍6之纖維複合材料射出成型縫合線強度最佳化
(Optimization of weld line strength for injection molding process parameters of Nylon 6 fiber composites using response surface methodology coupled with ant colony optimization)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
[Bibtex 格式]
至系統瀏覽論文 (2025-8-30以後開放)
摘要(中) 本研究透過反應曲面法結合蟻群演算法,建立製程參數與品質特性之
回歸模型並進行最佳化搜索,以獲得最佳製程參數,提升材料之縫合線強度。以15%短碳纖維含量之尼龍6 作為射出材料,並使用Moldex3D 與
SolidWorks 進行射出成型模具設計,再來使用Box-Behnken 設計法規劃實驗並建構數學模型,並將其作為蟻群演算法之適應函數,最後各別以反應曲面法與蟻群演算法求解製程最佳化問題,探討尼龍6 纖維複合材料於射出成型製程中,不同的製程參數對於其縫合線強度之影響,並比較反應曲面法與蟻群演算法兩種最佳化方法之優劣。
本研究成功地利用CAD 與CAE 工具完成模具設計,有效降低試模成
升尼龍6 纖維複合材料之縫合線強度,降低實驗成本並節省時間,提供技
術人員另一種有效的製程最佳化方法。摘要(英) This study combines response surface methodology (RSM) and ant colony optimization (ACO) to establish the regression model between process parameters and specimen quality. This combination performs optimization to obtain the optimal process parameters and improve the weld line strength of specimen. First,nylon 6 containing 15% short carbon fiber was used as the injection material, and Moldex3D and SolidWorks were used for mold design. Next, the Box-Behnken design (BBD) was employed to conduct the experiment and establish amathematical model which was the fitness function of the ACO. Finally, RSM and ACO were used to solve the optimization problem. The influence of different process parameters on the weld line strength of the specimen was discussed. The optimization results of RSM and ACO were compared with each other.
The experimental results show that the weld line strength is significantly affected by the melt temperature. The higher the melt temperature, the better the bonding of the weld line which significantly improves its tensile strength. The prediction error of weld line strength using RSM is 1.53%, and its improvement rate is 3.89%. Moreover, the prediction error of weld line strength using ACO is
0.68%, and its improvement rate is 4.54%. According to the present results, it shows that ACO has a smaller prediction error and a higher improvement rate of weld line strength. This study indicates that ACO has better ability to optimize
process parameters. In conclusion, both RSM and ACO can effectively optimize process parameters and improve weld line strength, which provide technicians with another effective method for process optimization.關鍵字(中) ★ 縫合線
★ 反應曲面法
★ 蟻群演算法關鍵字(英) ★ Weld line
★ Response surface methodology
★ Ant colony optimization論文目次 中文摘要 ................................................................................................................ I
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ II
誌謝 .................................................................................................................... III
目錄 ..................................................................................................................... IV
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................... VII
表目錄 ................................................................................................................. IX
第一章、緒論 ....................................................................................................... 1
1-1 前言 ............................................................................................................ 1
1-2 文獻回顧 .................................................................................................... 3
1-2-1 纖維複合材料文獻 ............................................................................ 3
1-2-2 實驗設計法文獻 ................................................................................ 4
1-2-3 蟻群演算法文獻 ................................................................................ 4
1-3 研究動機與目的 ........................................................................................ 5
1-4 研究流程 .................................................................................................... 6
第二章、基本原理與理論模式 ........................................................................... 8
2-1 射出成型原理 ............................................................................................ 8
2-1-1 充填階段 ............................................................................................ 8
2-1-2 保壓階段 ............................................................................................ 9
2-1-3 冷卻階段 ............................................................................................ 9
2-1-4 頂出脫模階段 .................................................................................... 9
2-2 縫合線 ...................................................................................................... 10
2-3 拉伸試驗 .................................................................................................. 11
2-3-1 彈性限與比例限 .............................................................................. 11
2-3-2 楊氏係數 .......................................................................................... 11
2-3-3 降伏點與降伏強度 .......................................................................... 12
2-3-4 抗拉強度 .......................................................................................... 12
2-3-5 延性 .................................................................................................. 12
2-4 實驗設計法 .............................................................................................. 13
2-4-1 反應曲面法 ...................................................................................... 13
2-4-2 Box-Behnken 設計 ............................................................................ 14
2-5 蟻群演算法 .............................................................................................. 15
2-5-1 馬爾可夫鏈蒙特卡羅法 .................................................................. 16
2-5-2 轉移機率 .......................................................................................... 17
2-5-3 狀態更新之依據準則 ...................................................................... 17
2-5-4 費洛蒙強度更新之依據準則 .......................................................... 18
第三章、研究方法 ............................................................................................. 20
3-1 實驗材料 .................................................................................................. 20
3-2 試片設計 .................................................................................................. 22
3-3 實驗設備 .................................................................................................. 22
3-4 實驗設計軟體 .......................................................................................... 28
3-5 Z-SCORE 標準化方法 ................................................................................ 28
第四章、結果與討論 ......................................................................................... 29
4-1 模具設計 .................................................................................................. 29
4-1-1 流道設計 .......................................................................................... 29
4-1-2 澆口設計 .......................................................................................... 32
4-1-3 冷卻水路設計 .................................................................................. 34
4-2 射出成型實驗 .......................................................................................... 35
4-2-1 製程參數規劃 .................................................................................. 35
4-2-2 實驗設計 .......................................................................................... 37
4-3 拉伸試驗結果 .......................................................................................... 39
4-4 反應曲面法最佳化過程與結果 .............................................................. 43
4-4-1 模型適當性檢驗 .............................................................................. 43
4-4-2 變異數分析 ...................................................................................... 46
4-4-3 預測結果 .......................................................................................... 48
4-5 蟻群演算法最佳化過程與結果 .............................................................. 48
4-5-1 蟻群參數設定與測試 ...................................................................... 49
4-5-2 蟻群最佳化預測結果 ...................................................................... 56
4-6 製程參數最佳化結果比較 ...................................................................... 57
第五章、結論與未來展望 ................................................................................. 60
5-1 結論 .......................................................................................................... 60
5-2 未來展望 .................................................................................................. 62
附錄一 ................................................................................................................. 63
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