博碩士論文 110323069 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳嘉恩(Jia-En Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 電解質陰極界面微結構設計以提升固態氧化物燃料電池性能之研究
(Effect of Electrolyte And Cathode Interface Microstructure on the Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells)
★ 熱塑性聚胺酯複合材料製備燃料電池 雙極板之研究★ 以穿刺實驗探討鋰電池安全性之研究
★ 金屬多孔材應用於質子交換膜燃料電池內流道的研究★ 不同表面處理之金屬發泡材於質子交換膜燃料電池內的研究
★ PEMFC電極及觸媒層之電熱流傳輸現象探討★ 熱輻射對多孔性介質爐中氫、甲烷燃燒之影響
★ 高溫衝擊流熱傳特性之研究★ 輻射傳遞對磁流體自然對流影響之研究
★ 小型燃料電池流道設計與性能分析★ 雙重溫度與濃度梯度下多孔性介質中磁流體之雙擴散對流現象
★ 氣體擴散層與微孔層對於燃料電池之影響與分析★ 應用於PEMFC陰極氧還原反應之Pt-Cu雙元觸媒製備及特性分析
★ 加熱對肌肉組織之近紅外光光學特性影響之研究★ 超音速高溫衝擊流之暫態分析
★ 質子交換膜燃料電池陰極端之兩相流模擬與研究★ 矽相關半導體材料光學模式之實驗量測儀器發展
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摘要(中) 本研究開發出一種新方法能夠改善電極與電解質之間接觸的界面層。透過不同的預燒結溫度(Pre-sinter temperature)於緻密的BCZY電解質層上製備出多孔層,應用於質子傳導型固態氧化物燃料電池中電解質 與 陰極之間,進一步研究溫度的變化對多孔層微觀結構與電池性能之影響。由於預燒結溫度愈低, BCZY粉末顆粒難以成長; 隨著 預燒結溫度提高,顆粒則會互相連結形成不緻密的凹坑,有助於陰極 漿 料陷入其中;但當溫度過高接近電池燒結溫度,反而容易導致封閉孔洞的形成。本研究目標旨在優化電解質與陰極之間的接觸界面並擴增電化學活性區域,降低電池內的界面阻抗進而實現更高的功率密度。

研究結果顯示,在四種不同預燒結溫度中,於1350 ℃下進行預燒結1小時後製備出的BCZY電解質多孔界面層具有較佳之電池性能,其在操作溫度800 ℃下之最高功率密度數值達到516.5 mW/cm2,其歐姆阻抗與極化阻抗分別為1.646 Ω·cm2及0.016 Ω·cm2,與未添加BCZY電解質多孔界面層之電池相比,最高功率密度提升了11.5%。儘管電解質多孔界面層稍微延長了質子傳輸之距離,造成歐姆阻抗略微提升,但因擴增電化學活性區域與三相邊界點位,使極化阻抗成功下降23.8%。
摘要(英) This research has developed a new method that can improve the interfacial layer of contact between the electrode and the electrolyte. The porous layer was prepared on the dense BCZY electrolyte layer through different pre-sinter temperature, and it was applied between the electrolyte and the cathode in the proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cell, and further studied the effect of temperature changes on the microscopic structure and cell performance. As the pre-sinter temperature is lower, it is difficult for BCZY powder particles to grow; as the pre-sinter temperature increases, the particles will be connected to each other to form non-dense pits, which will help the cathode slurry to sink into them. However, when the temperature is too high and close to the sintering temperature of the battery, it will easily lead to the formation of closed pores. The goal of the research is to optimize the contact interface between the electrolyte and the cathode and expand the electrochemically active area, reduce the interfacial impedance in the cell and achieve higher power density.
The research results show that among four different pre-sinter temperatures, the BCZY electrolyte porous interface layer prepared after pre-sintering at 1350 °C for 1 hour has the better cell performance, and its highest power density value at 800 °C is about 516.5 mW/cm2, and its ohmic resistance and polarization resistance are 1.646 Ω‧cm2 and 0.016 Ω‧cm2, respectively. Compared with the cell without BCZY electrolyte porous interface layer, the highest power density has increased by 11.5%. Although the porous interface layer of the electrolyte slightly prolongs the distance of proton transmission, resulting in a slight increase in ohmic resistance. The polarization resistance is successfully reduced by 23.8% due to the expansion of the electrochemically active area and the three-phase boundary points.
關鍵字(中) ★ 質子傳導固態氧化物燃料電池
★ 電解質
★ 多孔層
★ 界面微結構
論文目次 碩博士論文電子檔授權書 II
論文指導教授推薦書 IV
論文口試委員審定書 V
摘要 VI
Abstract VII
目錄 IX
圖目錄 XII
表目錄 XVI
第一章、緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 燃料電池 3
1-3 固態氧化物燃料電池 4
1-3-1 SOFC原理 4
1-3-2 SOFC優點 6
1-4 P-SOFC材料之特性 7
1-4-1 P-SOFC電解質材料 9
1-4-2 電解質粉末燒結機制 11
1-4-3 P-SOFC陰極材料 13
1-5 P-SOFC電池之常規製備技術 15
1-5-1 刮刀成型技術(Tape casting methode) 15
1-5-2 乾壓成型技術(Dry pressing methode) 15
1-5-3 旋轉塗佈技術(Spin coating methode) 16
1-5-4 絲網印刷技術(Screen printing methode) 17
1-6 研究目的 18
第二章、文獻回顧 19
2-1 氧還原反應對SOFC之影響 19
2-2 電極與電解質間的界面接觸對SOFC之影響 22
第三章、實驗方法 26
3-1 實驗藥品 26
3-2 實驗製程設備 27
3-3 實驗流程與方法 28
3-3-1 電解質粉末製備 28
3-3-2 陽極支撐型之基板製備 29
3-3-3 BCZY電解質多孔界面層製備 30
3-3-4 單電池製備 32
3-4 電池分析儀器 33
3-4-1 X光繞射儀(X-Ray Diffraction, XRD) 33
3-4-2 掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM) 34
3-4-3 聚焦離子束顯微鏡(Focus Ion Beam Microscope, FIB) 35
3-4-4 原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope, AFM) 36
3-4-5 燃料電池I-V性能量測與分析 37
3-4-6 電化學交流阻抗量測與分析 40
第四章、結果與討論 42
4-1 有無BCZY電解質多孔界面層之材料分析 42
4-2 BCZY電解質多孔界面層之表面形貌分析 43
4-2-1 2D表面形貌分析 43
4-2-2 3D表面形貌分析 45
4-3 單電池電化學性能分析 51
4-3-1 I-V性能曲線量測與分析 51
4-3-2 交流阻抗量測與分析 53
4-4 BCZY電解質多孔界面層之橫截面形貌分析 62
第五章、結論與未來規劃 66
5-1 結論 66
5-2 未來規劃 67
參考文獻 68
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指導教授 曾重仁 審核日期 2023-7-19
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