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姓名 陳信予(Shin -Yu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 針鐵礦之 Fenton-like 反應處理含亮藍 FCF 廢水
(Fenton-like Reaction Treatment of Wastewater Containing Brilliant Blue FCF Using goethite)
★ 偏光板TAC製程節水研究★ 應用碳足跡盤查於節能減碳策略之研究-以某太陽能多晶矽片製造廠為例
★ 不同形態擔體對流動式接觸床 (MBBR)去除氨氮效率之探討★ 以減壓蒸發法回收光阻廢液之可行性探討-以某化學材料製造廠為例
★ 行為安全執行策略探討-以某紡絲事業單位為例★ 以環保溶劑取代甲苯應用於工業用接著劑可行性之研究
★ AO+MBR+RO進行生活污水廠水再生最佳調配比例之研究-以鳳山溪污水處理廠為例★ 二氧化矽與氧化鋁廢水混合混凝處理之研究
★ 利用碳氣凝膠紙電吸附於二氯化銅水溶液現象之探討★ 非接觸式光學監測混凝系統技術之發展
★ 以光學影像連續監測銅廢水化學沉降之技術發展★ 以膠羽影像光訊號分析(FICA)技術監測高嶺土之化學混凝
★ 膠羽影像色譜分析技術 監測混凝程序之開發‒以地表原水為例★ 石門水庫分層取水對於前加氯與混凝成效之影響
★ 石門水庫分層取水對於平鎮淨水廠快濾池堵塞成因分析★ 地表水中氨氮之生物急毒性研究
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摘要(中) 人工食用色素為化學合成的色素,對不同的土壤有不同的影響。容易被酸性土壤吸收,由於其分子大且有離子鍵。因此土壤成分也會影響其吸附水平。從文獻指出人工食用色素會對人體造成傷害,如生育力下降、畸形胎,甚至可能會致癌。從過去相關的文獻,顯示出土壤中天然鐵氧礦物催化Fenton-like氧化法能處理眾多溶解相和非溶解相之污染物。因此本研究利用針鐵礦去模擬天然鐵氧礦物去催化過氧化物,來進行Fenton-like反應來去除人工食用色素此類污染物。並藉由調整不同的參數如:pH值、針鐵礦的含量和H2O2濃度與加入次數。故選用亮藍FCF,利用此系統進行,來探討對此污染物的去除的變化特性。
摘要(英) Artificial food colorants are chemically synthesized pigments that exhibit varying impacts on different types of soil. They are readily absorbed by acidic soils due to their large molecular size and ionic bonds. Consequently, soil composition also influences their adsorption levels. Literature has indicated the harmful effects of artificial food colorants on human health, including decreased fertility, malformed fetuses, and a potential carcinogenic impact. Previous studies have demonstrated the capability of natural iron oxide minerals in soil to catalyze Fenton-like oxidation, effectively treating various dissolved and non-dissolved pollutants. Hence, this research employs goethite to simulate natural iron oxide minerals in catalyzing peroxide to conduct Fenton-like reactions for removing pollutants such as artificial food colorants. By adjusting different parameters such as pH levels, goethite content, H2O2 concentration, and frequency of addition, this study focuses on using FD&C Blue No. 1 food colorant to explore the variations in its removal characteristics through this system.
Based on the results obtained, it was observed that increasing the concentration of H2O2 did not significantly enhance the ability of goethite to catalyze the Fenton-like reaction. However, increasing the frequency of H2O2 addition tended to mitigate the competitive interactions among Fe2+, Fe3+, and HO‧, thus maintaining a certain concentration of H2O2. This, in turn, proved to be highly effective in enhancing the capability of the Fenton-like reaction. Moreover, concerning different pH values, under acidic conditions, goethite demonstrated the ability to dissociate more iron ions, react with H2O2, and generate more HO‧. Therefore, it was notably evident that at pH=3, there was a substantial increase in the ability to catalyze the Fenton-like reaction. Regarding the quantity of goethite, higher content led to the release of a greater amount of iron ions available for reaction and provided more surface area for goethite-H2O2 interactions, both significantly enhancing the capability of the Fenton-like reaction. Hence, when utilizing synthetic goethite for catalyzing the Fenton-like reaction in removing artificial food colorant pollutants, referencing the parameter settings in this study can effectively evaluate and predict the feasibility and efficiency of eliminating pollutants associated with artificial food colorants.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人工食用色素
★ 亮藍FCF
★ 天然鐵氧礦物
★ Fenton-like反應
關鍵字(英) ★ Artificial food colorants
★ FD&C Blue No. 1
★ Natural iron oxide minerals
★ Fenton-like reaction
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
Abstrace III
誌謝 V
目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 X
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的與範疇 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 Fenton 化學氧化法 3
2.2 Fenton-like化學氧化法的反應機制 6
2.3. Fenton-like化學氧化法的影響因子 9
第三章 研究方法與材料 21
3.1 研究方法 21
3.2 研究流程 22
3.3實驗試藥試劑 22
3.4實驗設備 23
3.5 降解亮藍FCF處理方式 23
3.6 水樣分析 24
第四章 結果與討論 26
4.1 COD值分析 26
4.2 H2O2添加濃度對亮藍FCF污染物的影響 30
4.3 pH值對亮藍FCF污染物的影響 33
4.4 針鐵礦含量對亮藍FCF污染物的影響 36
4.5 H2O2添加次數對亮藍FCF污染物的影響 39
第五章 結論與建議 42
5.1 結論 42
5.2 建議 43
參考文獻 44
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 秦靜如(Ching-Ju Chin) 審核日期 2024-1-25
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