博碩士論文 110323037 詳細資訊

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姓名 楊勝光(Shen-guang,Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 以微銑削製程進行金屬微流道及微結構製造研究
(Research on the fabrication of metal microchannels and microstructures using micro-milling process.)
★ 微流體系統應用於機械力刺激人體膀胱癌細胞之研究★ 多重微流體晶片機械應力刺激細胞培養之研究
★ 藉由熱接合、表面改質與溶劑處理方法 封閉於環狀嵌段共聚物與環烯烴共聚物材料上 微流道之研究★ Development of A Label-Free Imaging Droplet Sorting System with Machine Learning-Support Vector Machine (SVM)
★ 複合式物理力的生物反應器自動化與控制設計★ 外部致動之微流體機電控制平台
★ 以微铣削進行高分子微流體裝置之製程整合★ 奈米矽質譜晶片於質譜檢測之應用研究
★ 矽奈米結構對於質譜離子化效率探討之研究★ 微滾軋製程應用於高分子材料轉印微結構之研究
★ 設計微流體晶片應用於人體胎盤幹細胞的物理/化學誘導分化之研究★ 利用熱壓製造類多孔隙介質之 微流道模型研究
★ 單晶矽材料電化學放電鑽孔及同軸電度之研究★ 微流道中液滴成形及滴落現象之模擬分析
★ 兆聲波輔助化學溶液清潔晶圓表面汙染顆粒研究★ 真空加熱矽奈米結構晶片對於提升質譜檢測靈敏度與離子化機制探討與應用
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摘要(中) 本次論文研究,可分為兩部份,分別以銅材料,做為製造高深寬比微流道成品材料。另外使用銅、鋁6061材料,做為製造微結構成品材料。搭配使用電腦數控銑床(Computer numerical control milling machine , CNC milling machine)進行微銑削(Micro-milling),利用電腦數控銑床優勢,例如:微流道模具快速建模、高深寬比微流道、良好微流道尺寸控制和即時進行少量化生產等優勢,微觀銑削製程時與宏觀微銑削製程,有著不同銑削狀態,被稱為尺寸效應(Size effect),本次研究製造,著重在高深寬比微流道,然而使用加長型端銑刀(Extra long end-mill)、加長型球形端銑刀(Extra long ball-end-mill)進行銑削時,因為參數設定不同,例如:主軸轉速(Spindle speed,N)、進給速率(Feed rate,V_f)、每刀切深量(Axial cutting depth,a_P)、每齒進給率(Feed per tooth,f_z),皆具有不同犁切效應(Ploughing effect)影響,對於微銑削後,表面粗糙度(Surface roughness,R_z)、毛邊尺寸(Burr size),具有不同影響成品精準度,且使用其他方式,並不容易移除毛邊,故將對於加長型端銑刀,使用銑削參數進行研究。此外,使用加長型球形端銑刀具,產生自然扇形高度(Scallop height),影響微銑削後表面粗糙度,且搭配十字型刀具銑削路徑,在材料表面製造出金字塔微結構(Microstructure),並研究此金字塔微結構尺寸變化。
摘要(英) The present research can be divided into two parts, each focusing on the utilization of copper materials for the fabrication of high aspect ratio microchannels as well as the use of copper and aluminum 6061 materials for the production of microstructures. Micro-milling processes are conducted using a computer numerical control milling machine (CNC milling machine). Leveraging the advantages of CNC milling machines, such as rapid modeling of microchannel molds, the creation of high aspect ratio microchannels, precise control of microchannel dimensions, and real-time small-scale production capabilities, the micro-milling process exhibits distinct milling conditions when compared to macro-milling processes. This phenomenon is known as the size effect. In this study, the emphasis is placed on high aspect ratio microchannels.
However, when utilizing extended end mills and extended ball-end mills for milling, variations in milling parameters, such as spindle speed(N), feed rate(V_f), axial cutting depth per pass (a_P), and feed per tooth (f_z) result in different ploughing effects. Consequently, after micro-milling, the surface roughness (R_z) and burr size exhibit differing impacts on the precision of the final product. Additionally, alternative methods are not easily effective in removing burrs. Therefore, this research investigates the use of extended end mills with different milling parameters.
Furthermore, the use of extended ball-end mills produces a natural scallop height, which affects the surface roughness after micro-milling. When combined with a cross-shaped toolpath, it creates pyramid microstructures on the material′s surface. The variation in the dimensions of these pyramid microstructures is also studied.
關鍵字(中) ★ 微銑削
★ 加長型端銑刀
★ 加長型球形端銑刀
★ 微流道
★ 微結構
★ 毛邊
★ 表面粗糙
★ 犁切效應
關鍵字(英) ★ Micro-milling
★ Extra long end-mill
★ Extra long ball-end-mill
★ Microchannel
★ Microstructures
★ Burrs size
★ Surface roughness
★ Ploughing effect
論文目次 目錄
第一部分 微流道製造.................................................1
第一章 緒論.........................................................1
第二章 實驗設備及設計方法..........................................11
第三章 實驗結果與討論..............................................15
第四章 結論........................................................43
第五章 未來展望....................................................44
第二部分 微結構製造................................................45
第一章 緒論........................................................45
第二章 實驗材料設備與方法..........................................51
第三章 結果與討論..................................................55
第四章 結論........................................................65
第五章 未來展望....................................................65
Figure (1)Using etching fabrication metal microchannel. ......................2
Figure (2)Using electric discharge machining fabrication metal microchannel. ....3
Figure (3)Fabrication of microchannels using laser machining. .................4
Figure (4)Three types of material removal mechanisms in micro-milling.[30] .....5
Figure (5)Milling schematic diagram.[36] .................................6
Figure (6)Schematic diagram of burr formation.[38] .........................6
Figure (7)Review of parameters and burr used in micro-milling. ................8
Figure (8)Micro-milling process for manufacturing metal microchannels. ........9
Figure (9)Using CNC five-axis processing machine (Hartford 5A-25R) .........11
Figure (10)Measuring edge using equipment.(Nikon Optical Microscope) .......12
Figure (11)Surface Roughness Measurement Equipment (Bruker Dektak XT) ....13
Figure (12)Manufacturing microchannel and microchannel mold process. .......15
Figure (13)Compare extra length and ordinary 0.8mm end-mill. ...............16
Figure (14)Milling parameter stability. (a) Unstable parameters. (b)stable parameters. ........................................................17
Figure (15)Micro-milling schematic diagram.(adapt[59]) ....................17
Figure (16)Extend length end-mill with 0.8mm diameter (titanium silicon coating) cutter edge radius diagram. ............................................18
Figure (17)Diagram illustrating the relationship between each pass milling depth(a_p) and minimum chip thickness(h_min). .....................................18
Figure (18)Single-pass and multiple-pass milling schematic diagram. ..........19
Figure (19)Schematic diagram for calculating Average burr width at the microchannel. ......................................................19
Figure (20)Use a extra length 0.8mm diameter end-mill (titanium silicon coating). ...........................................................21
Figure (21)Schematic diagram of the influence of material grain position on micro-milling process. (adapt[62]) ...........................................22
Figure (22)Compare extra length and ordinary 0.4、0.3mm end-mill. ..........23
Figure (23)Extra length end-mill tool radius (r_e) diagram. ...................23
Figure (24)Conditions with aspect ratio 13:1 microchannel wall thickness of 0.15mm, depth of 2mm (upper image), and 0.10mm (lower image). ...................23
Figure (25)Diagram of per tooth feed rate (f_z). ............................24
Figure (26)f_z to r_e ratio (Single pass milling). ............................26
Figure (27)Diagram of per tooth feed rate. (a)Smaller f_z. (b)Bigger f_z..........26
Figure (28)Using extra length a 0.3mm diameter end-mill (Titanium Silicon Coating). ..........................................................28
Figure (29)Using extra length a 0.4mm diameter end-mill (Titanium Silicon Coating). ..........................................................29
Figure (30)Schematic diagram for calculating surface roughness. ..............30
Figure (31)Tool marks on the bottom of microchannels after milling at different spindle speeds. ......................................................31
Figure (32)Surface roughness experiment with extra length 0.8mm diameter end-mill (Titanium Silicon Coating). ............................................33
Figure (33)Schematic Diagram of scallop height generated using a ball-end-mill.(adapt[66]) .....................................................34
Figure (34)Difference between theoretical and actual values of scallop height for extended ball-end-mill. ...............................................35
Figure (35)Extra length 0.8、0.7、0.6mm ball-end-mill (Titanium Silicon Coating) cutter face image and tool edge radius diagram. ............................36
Figure (36)Schematic diagram of ball-end-mill milling in the shear area and ploughing effect area.(adapt[70, 71]) ....................................36
Figure (37)Experimental diagram of surface roughness using ball-end-mill with spacing between tool paths. ............................................37
Figure (38)Schematic diagram of the influence of ball-end-mill path spacing on scallop height and surface roughness. ....................................37
Figure (39)Surface roughness control experiment with extra length 0.8mm diameter ball-end-mill. .......................................................39
Figure (40)Surface roughness control experiment with extra lenght 0.7mm diameter ball-end-mill. .......................................................40
Figure (41)Surface roughness control experiment with extra length 0.6mm diameter ball-end-mill. .......................................................41
Figure (42)Microchannel heat sink. .....................................42
Figure (43)Microchannel mold. ........................................43
Figure (44)Etching process to create microstructure. ........................46
Figure (45)The picture of workpiece deformation and recast layer. .............47
Figure (46)Manufacturing microstructures using laser processing. .............48
Figure (47)The the 3D chip geometry of a micro ball-end mill feed in the horizontal direction when the angle is set to zero. ...................................49
Figure (48)Area of cut in ball-end milling considering the shearing and ploughing areas. .............................................................50
Figure (49)Fabrication of metal microstructures with micro-milling process. .....50
Figure (50)Using CNC five-axis processing machine (Hartford 5A-25R) ........52
Figure (51)Extra-length ball-end mill with diameters of 0.8mm、0.7mm、0.6mm. ............................................................52
Figure (52)Horizontal and vertical tool path milling direction. ................52
Figure (53)The measurement of pyramid shapes was conducted using equipment.(Scanning Electron Microscope , SEM) .........................53
Figure (54)Experimental equipment used for measuring pyramid shapes. ........53
Figure (55)Experimental equipment used for measuring pyramid shapes. (Bruker Dektak XT) ........................................................53
Figure (56)Schematic diagram of contact angle measurement. ................54
Figure (57)Contact angle measurement equipment. .........................54
Figure (58)Schematic simulation of cross milling path with a ball-end-mill. ......56
Figure (59)Schematic diagram of generating pyramid-shaped structures using ball-end-mill. ..........................................................56
Figure (60)Intentional generation of pyramid structures using a ball-end-mill.....57
Figure (61)Schematic diagram of measuring pyramid height using Dektak XT....57
Figure (62)Manufacturing pyramid height using a extra length 0.8mm diameter ball-end-mill. ..........................................................58
Figure (63)Manufacturing pyramid height using a extra length 0.7mm diameter ball-end-mill. ..........................................................59
Figure (64)Manufacturing pyramid height using a extra length 0.6mm diameter ball-end-mill. ..........................................................59
Figure (65)Copper、AL6061 pyramid microstructures.(SEM、Dektak XT) .....61
Figure (66)Schematic diagram of hydrophobic effect generated by pyramid microstructures. .....................................................63
Figure (67)Unprocessed copper and aluminum 6061 contact angle. ............63
Figure (68)Experiment for generating hydrophobic contact angles with pyramid shapes. ............................................................64
Table (1)Experimental data for average burr of 0.8mm end-mill. ..............12
Table (2)Experimental data for average burr of 0.3mm and 0.4mm end-mill minimum wall thickness. ......................................................13
Table (3)Surface roughness experiment using a 0.8mm end-mill. ..............14
Table (4)Experimental data for surface roughness of 0.8、0.7、0.6mm ball-end-mill. ..............................................................15
Table (5)Data for 0.3mm and 0.4mm end-mill. ............................25
Table (6)Experimental data for pyramid generation using 0.8mm、0.7mm、0.6mm ball-end-mill on copper and aluminum 6061. ..............................54
Table (7)Yield Strength table for materials.(Copper、Aluminum 6061) .........55
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指導教授 曹嘉文(Chia-Wen,Tsao) 審核日期 2023-11-21
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