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姓名 張曉亮(Hsiao-Liang Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
(Contribution to the Design of a Robotic Platform for Liposuction)
★ 神經內視鏡的球面解耦機械手臂設計★ 新型機電整合之多色3-D列印機
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摘要(中) 隨著人們對於追求更好的體態或出於個人健康問題,抽脂手術已成為整形手術中一種流行的選擇。抽脂手術中有幾種技術,例如吸力輔助抽脂、乾燥技術、濕法、超濕法、腫脹技術、超聲輔助抽脂、外部超聲輔助等。傳統的抽脂術是大多數醫生採取的主要方法,在手術時需要握住抽脂管,在單一方向來回往復抽脂,並用另一隻輔助手感覺抽脂具在皮下的力道以避免潛在危險,如刀具穿刺肌肉層、器官、血管。
本研究的概念和設計機構的目標環繞在傳統抽脂上,使用高轉速的步進馬達透過微處理器( Arduino )控制抽脂機構,隨後將安裝在協作機器人上進行實驗,其目的為減少手動抽脂手術所產生的疲勞。在機電設計上,當力規偵測力道在超過設定值時,機構會將抽脂刀回收至起始點,以利操作之醫師更改抽脂方向或排除手術危險。此外,使用動態捕捉和數據同步信號分析方法,以實現精確且同步的結果。動態捕捉系統廣泛用於許多研究領域,包括運動分析、醫學解剖學、生物力學、紅外分析等。
摘要(英) With a rising need to pursue better appearance or personal health issues, liposuction surgery has become one of the popular options in plastic surgery. Nowadays, liposuction surgeries are performed by inserting a specific instrument called the cannula. It is presented with the shape of a long tube with internal space allowing the fat tissue to pass through it. The cannula is physically connected to a vacuum pump that generates a negative pressure allowing the suction of the fat. It is manually navigated by the surgeon inside the patient’s anatomy, during a surgery that can last from one to two hours and up to four hours in the most difficult cases. Such an operation results in extreme discomfort and fatigue for the surgeon. The present study in collaboration with A+ Surgery Clinic in Taipei, proposes to develop the first operational robot for liposuction surgery. The use of a collaborative robot will improve the quality of this surgery by significantly reducing the physical exhaustion of the surgeon.
The concept and objective of the research focus on traditional liposuction targets on the thigh area, building and designing a liposuction device with reciprocating motion and a safety control system. The device will be installed on a collaborative robot arm to reduce exhaustion from manual liposuction surgery. Also, the robot control will prevent the cannula from rotating inside the patient′s anatomy, which causes excessive bleeding. The safety force detection system that retracts the cannula while exceeding a certain force makes it reliable and safe during surgery. Motion capture and data acquisition techniques are specially used in experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of the device. Integrating mechanical design and mechatronics in microprocessor control (Arduino) combined with a motion capture system, load cell force sensor, and data acquisition system to achieve precious and synchronized data. Based on the experiment, analyzing data via MATLAB robotics and signal processing toolbox, the result of the device’s kinematic performance and overshoot results will be an index of reference in medical applications and further discussion.
關鍵字(中) ★ 抽脂手術
★ 動態捕捉
★ 機器人學
★ 機構設計
★ 機電整合
★ 運動學分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Liposuction
★ Motion Capture
★ Robotics
★ Mechanical Design
★ Mechatronics
★ Kinematic Analysis
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vii
Explanation of Symbols xi
1 Introduction 1
1-1 Liposuction Surgery 1
1-2 Medical Tools of Operating Liposuction Surgery 4
1-3 Potential Medical Applications 8
1-4 Concept of Automatic Liposuction Device 11
1-5 Objectives and Summary 16
2 Design of an Automatic Liposuction Device 19
2-1 Design of an Automatic Liposuction Mechanism 19
2-1-1 Device requirement 19
2-1-2 Prototype Design 20
2-2 Motion Control of the Device 22
2-3 Instrumentation of the Device 26
2-4 Programming of the Device 30
2-4-1 Program main architecture 31
2-4-2 Software of System Structure 32
2-5 Experiment on the Automatic Liposuction Device 34
2-5-1 Experimental Setup and Calibration 35
2-5-2 Experiments Result 41
3 Experiments with Cooperative Robot 44
3-1 Automatic Device and Robot Interfacing 45
3-2 Experimental Protocol 49
4 Experiment Results and Discussion 55
4-1 Data Acquisition and Referencing 55
4-1-1 Markers Coordinate Processing 55
4-1-2 Reference Frames 57
4-2 Kinematic Analysis of the Oscillations 59
4-3 Suppression of Internal Rotation 62
4-4 System Delay and Overshoot 67
4-4-1 Force Overshoot 67
4-4-2 Force Detection System Synchronization Delay 68
4-4-3 Oscillation Overshoot 69
4-4-4 Rotation Suppression of the Robot 70
5 Conclusion 73
Reference 75
Appendix A 77
Appendix B 80

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指導教授 伊泰龍(Térence Essomba) 審核日期 2024-1-29
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