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姓名 陳卉芊(Hui-Chien Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 共融型組織氛圍對安靜離職傾向之影響—以組織自尊為中介變項
★ 傳統食品業之轉型與品質升級策略探討-以P公司為例★ 航空器維修訓練調整策略探討-以C公司為例
★ 企業社會責任ヽ內控內稽制度措施的探討-以T銀行為例★ 主管管理職能評鑑與驗證-以A公司為例
★ 人力資源部門客戶服務代表角色與功能探討-以某科技公司為例★ E公司員工品格教育與工作投入、工作壓力、員工幸福感關係之研究,知覺組織支持之中介效果
★ 工作要求、工作控制與工作生活平衡關係之研究:以主管家庭支持行為為調節變項★ 如何打造正向的企業志工參與環境-以國內大型電子製造業為例
★ 如何塑造良好的企業志工投入與推薦-以國內大型電子製造業為例★ 組織自尊、學習目標導向及尋求回饋行為對於員工自我學習之影響
★ 家長式領導與組織認同感之關聯性研究-以信任主管為調節變項★ 影響在臺產業外籍移工的生活與工作適應程度: 從組織及勞工本身之變數探討
★ 尋求更好的解決之道!以正向觀點探討企業進用身心障礙者之問題-以M公司身障進用經驗為例★ 營業額意圖:組織和個人因素的影響以及企業家意圖在越南語境中的中介作用
★ 如何提升外派人員效能?知覺組織支持與配偶家庭支持對外派人員組織認同、工作投入、工作壓力之影響─以主管家庭支持行為為調節★ 育嬰的代價?影響育嬰留職停薪復職後個人績效及勞動條件變更之因素分析
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摘要(中) 隨著社會的發展與更迭,逐漸有越來越多不同的員工加入職場,職場的多元化成為一種顯著趨勢。這種多元化不僅體現在年齡層面,還包括性別、種族、宗教信仰、文化背景等多個方面。因此,工作者對於工作環境的需求和看法也隨之產生了變化。而組織也需要建立起一個更加多元共融的工作氛圍,以迎合來自不同背景的員工,讓員工能感受到被尊重和被理解,進而提升員工的工作投入。而建立這樣的共融型組織氛圍不僅有助於提升員工在組織中的自我認同感,還能夠有效降低員工的安靜離職率。因此,本研究以在同單位在職滿一年以上之工作者作為研究對象,探討共融型組織氛圍、組織自尊以及員工安靜離職傾向的的關係,並同時探討組織自尊於共融型組織氛圍與安靜離職傾向之間的中介效果。
本研究透過SurveyCake線上問卷,進行資料收集,最終共回收437份有效問卷,研究結果發現:(1)共融型組織氛圍對於安靜離職傾向具有顯著負向關係;(2)內部雇傭公平對於安靜離職傾向無顯著負向關係;(3)個體差異整合對於安靜離職傾向無顯著負向關係;(4)決策共融對於安靜離職傾向無顯著負向關係;(5) 共融型組織氛圍對於組織自尊具有顯著正向關係;(6)內部雇傭公平對於組織自尊無顯著正向關係;(7)個體差異整合對於組織自尊具有顯著正向關係;(8)決策共融對於組織自尊具有顯著正向關係;(9)組織自尊對於安靜離職傾向具有顯著負向關係;(10)共融型組織氛圍(個體差異整合、決策共融)對於安靜離職傾向具有負向關係,而在其中組織自尊具有完全中介效果。
摘要(英) With the development and change of society, more and more different employees are joining the workplace, and the diversity of the workplace has become a significant trend. This diversity is not only reflected in age, but also in gender, race, religious beliefs, cultural background and other aspects. As a result, workers′ needs and perceptions of the work environment have changed. Organizations also need to establish a more diverse and inclusive work atmosphere to cater to employees from different backgrounds, so that employees can feel respected and understood, and thus enhance their commitment to their work. The establishment of such an inclusive organizational atmosphere not only helps to enhance employees′ sense of self-esteem in the organization, but also effectively reduces the intention of becoming quiet quitters. Thus, this study focuses on the topic of climate for inclusion, including the foundation of equitable employment practices, integration of differences, and inclusion in decision making, and examines their impact on quiet quitting, with organizational-based self esteem as the mediator.
A research was conducted through SurveyCake, targeting the people who have been working in the same unit for one year or more as the research subjects, and a total of 437 valid questionnaires were collected. The result of this study found that: (1) Climte for inclusion has significant negative impact on quiet quitting; (2) The foundation of equitable employment practices has no significant negative impact on quiet quitting; (3) Integration of differences has no significant negative impact on quiet quitting; (4) Inclusion in decision making has no significant negative impact on quiet quitting; (5) Climte for inclusion has a significant positive impact on organizational-based self esteem; (6) The foundation of equitable employment practices has no significant negative impact on organizational-based self esteem; (7) Integration of differences has a significant positive impact on organizational-based self esteem; (8) Inclusion in decision making has a significant positive impact on organizational-based self esteem; (9) Organizational-based self esteem has a significant negative impact on quiet quitting; (10) Organizational-based self esteem has indirect mediation effect between climate for inclusion (including integration of differences, and inclusion in decision making) and quiet quitting.
關鍵字(中) ★ 共融型組織氛圍
★ 多元共融
★ 雇傭公平
★ 個體差異整合
★ 決策共融
★ 組織自尊
★ 安靜離職傾向
關鍵字(英) ★ Climate for inclusion
★ Diversity
★ Equity
★ Inclusion
★ The foundation of equitable employment practices
★ Integration of differences
★ Inclusion in decision making
★ Organizational-based self esteem
★ Quiet quitting
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
謝誌 iv
目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究問題 5
1-3 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2-1共融型組織氛圍 7
2-2安靜離職 10
2-3組織自尊 14
第三章 研究方法 18
3-1研究架構 19
3-2研究假說 20
3-3研究對象、研究變項操作與衡量工具 20
3-3資料蒐集與統計分析方法 25
第四章 研究分析 28
4-1敘述性統計分析 28
4-2信度與效度檢驗 29
4-3相關分析 35
4-3迴歸分析與假設驗證 38
4-4 研究假說結果彙整 45
第五章 結論與建議 46
5-1研究結論 46
5-2管理意涵 49
5-3研究限制與未來研究建議 51
參考文獻 53
附錄:研究問卷 64
參考文獻 中文參考文獻
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指導教授 王群孝(Chun-Hsiao Wang) 審核日期 2024-6-29
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