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姓名 張余安(Yu-An Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 主管跨文化融合之道:如何塑造員工信任、緩解工作壓力與促進建言行為
(Cross-Cultural Integration for Supervisor: To Cultivate Employee Trust, Decrease Job Stress and Encourage Voice Behavior)
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摘要(中) 國際化是許多企業發展及拓展業務無可避免的趨勢,受少子化人力短缺的影響,人才跨國間的流動越趨頻繁,職場上不同文化的交流越來越常見,而組織的文化多樣性可帶來許多新的發想及創新,但也帶來許多因誤解或差異而產生的衝突。因此,在跨文化團隊中,主管如何透過文化管理行為,使團隊合作更順暢,並解決團隊衝突,將是未來許多跨國組織常見的挑戰。而主管的管理行為對於部屬在工作上的感知,包含信任感、工作壓力及建言行為,皆有深刻的影響,若在跨文化團隊中,主管能透過跨文化管理行為,提升員工對主管的信任,降低其工作壓力並促進建言行為的意願,將使跨國組織運作更順暢。本文研究以目前在跨文化團隊中任職人員為研究對象,透過線上問卷進行調查,共回收有效樣本190份,並進行分析。
1. 在跨國籍的情況下,主管的文化差距彌合行為與部屬對主管的信任有正向顯著關係。
2. 在跨國籍的情況下,主管的文化差距彌合行為與員工建言行為意願有正向顯著關係。
3. 在跨國籍的情況下,部屬對主管的信任與員工建言行為意願有正向顯著關係。
4. 在跨國籍的情況下,部屬對主管的信任在主管的文化差距彌合行為與員工建言行為意願關係中,扮演中介角色。
5. 在跨國籍的情況下,主管的文化差距彌合行為與員工工作壓力有負向顯著關係。
6. 在跨國籍的情況下,部屬對主管的信任與員工工作壓力有負向顯著關係。
7. 在跨國籍的情況下,部屬對主管的信任在主管的文化差距彌合行為與員工工作壓力關係中,扮演中介角色。
摘要(英) Internationalization is an unavoidable trajectory for numerous enterprises seeking expansion and diversification. Influenced by the shortage of manpower due to declining birth rates, talent migration across borders has surged. Consequently, intercultural communication in the workplace is becoming more common. The diversity of organizational cultures can inspire new ideas and innovations, yet it also create conflicts arising from misunderstandings or differences. Therefore, in cross-cultural teams, how supervisors manage cultural behaviors to facilitate smoother cooperation and resolve conflicts within teams will be a common challenge for many multinational organizations in the future. Supervisors′ managerial conduct significantly shapes subordinates′ workplace perceptions, including trust, stress, and voice behavior. If supervisors in cross-cultural teams can enhance subordinates′ trust through cross-cultural management behaviors, reduce their job stress, and promote their willingness to speak up, the multinational organizations will be more efficient. This study focuses on employees currently working in cross-cultural teams, utilizing an online questionnaire survey for data collection, with a total of 190 valid responses collected and analyzed.

The research findings are as follows:

1. Under multinational circumstances, supervisors′ cultural gap bridging behaviors positively and significantly influence subordinates′ trust in supervisors.
2. Under multinational circumstances, supervisors′ cultural gap bridging behaviors positively and significantly influence subordinates′ voice behavior.
3. Under multinational circumstances, subordinates′ trust in supervisors positively and significantly influences subordinates′ voice behavior.
4. Under multinational circumstances, subordinates′ trust in supervisors mediates the relationship between supervisors′ cultural gap bridging behaviors and subordinates′ voice behavior.
5. Under multinational circumstances, supervisors′ cultural gap bridging behaviors negatively and significantly influence employees′ job stress.
6. Under multinational circumstances, subordinates′ trust in supervisors negatively and significantly influences employees′ job stress.
7. Under multinational circumstances, subordinates′ trust in supervisors mediates the relationship between supervisors′ cultural gap bridging behaviors and employees′ job stress.
關鍵字(中) ★ 跨文化管理
★ 文化差距彌合行為
★ 工作壓力
★ 建言行為意願
★ 信任感
關鍵字(英) ★ Cross-cultural management
★ Cultural Gap Bridging Behaviors
★ Job Stress
★ Voice Behavior
★ Trust
論文目次 目 錄
摘 要 iv
Abstract vi
誌 謝 viii
目 錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xii
一、緒論 - 1 -
1-1 研究動機 - 1 -
1-2 研究目的 - 4 -
1-3 研究流程 - 5 -
二、文獻探討 - 6 -
2-1 主管的文化差距彌合行為(Cultural Gap Bridging Behaviors)的理論及意義 - 6 -
2-2 部屬對主管的信任的理論及意義 - 8 -
2-3 員工工作壓力的理論及意義 - 9 -
2-4 員工建言行為意願的理論及意義 - 10 -
2-5 主管的文化差距彌合行為、部屬對主管的信任、員工工作壓力與員工建言行為意願間的關係探討 - 10 -
2-6 員工海外經驗(求學/工作)年資的調節效果影響 - 14 -
三、研究方法 - 15 -
3-1 研究架構與假設 - 15 -
3-2 研究變項衡量 - 16 -
3-3 研究方法 - 25 -
四、研究結果 - 27 -
4-1 樣本分析 - 27 -
4-2 信度分析 - 29 -
4-3 效度分析 - 30 -
4-4 相關分析 - 33 -
4-5 迴歸分析 - 35 -
4-6 研究假設結果 - 38 -
五、結論及建議 - 40 -
5-1 研究意涵 - 40 -
5-2 管理意涵 - 41 -
5-3 研究限制與未來研究之建議 - 43 -
六、參考文獻 - 45 -
6-1 英文文獻 - 45 -
6-2 中文文獻 - 49 -
參考文獻 6-1 英文文獻
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指導教授 王群孝(Chun-Hsiao Wang) 審核日期 2024-6-29
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