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姓名 廖俊杰(Chun-Chieh Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 菁英人才管理措施對留任意願之影響:工作敬業度為中介變項、知覺組織支持為調節變項之探討
(The impact of talent management on intention to stay: An exploration of employee engagement as the mediator and perceived organizational support as the moderator)
★ 組織精簡與員工態度探討 - 以A公司人力重整計劃為例。★ 訓練成效評估及影響訓練移轉之因素探討----一項時間管理訓練之研究
★ 主管領導風格、業務員工作習慣及專業證照對組織承諾與工作績效之相關研究★ 研發專業人員職能需求之研究-以某研究機構為例
★ 人力資本、創新資本與組織財務績效關聯性之研究★ 企業人力資源跨部門服務HR人員之角色、工作任務及所需職能之研究
★ 新進保全人員訓練成效之評估★ 人力資源專業人員職能之研究-一項追蹤性的研究
★ 影響企業實施接班人計劃的成功因素★ 主管管理能力、工作動機與工作績效之關聯性探討─以A公司為例
★ 影響安全氣候因子之探討-以汽車製造業為例★ 台電公司不同世代員工工作價值觀差異及對激勵措施偏好之研究
★ 不同的激勵措施對員工工作滿足及工作投入之影響性分析★ 工作價值觀、工作滿足對組織承諾之影響(以A通訊公司研發人員為例)
★ 薪資公平知覺與組織承諾關係之探討-以內外控人格特質為干擾變項★ 改善活動訓練成效評量之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究目的在直接或透過員工敬業度作為中介,來分析企業菁英人才管理策略的實踐對員工留任意願的影響,同時考慮到若員工明顯感受到組織的支持,他們就更有可能對組織產生義務感,從而導致更高程度的組織承諾和留任意願,本研究也探討知覺組織支持在於工作敬業度與員工留任意願間具有調節效果。
(1) 組織階層的菁英人才管理措施與個人層級的留任意願存在顯著正相關。
(2) 個人層級的工作敬業度在菁英人才管理措施與留任意願間具有中介效果。
摘要(英) The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of talent management strategies on employee retention intention, both directly and through the mediation of employee engagement. The study also considers that if employees perceive significant organizational support, they are more likely to feel an obligation to the organization, leading to higher organizational commitment and retention intentions. Additionally, this study explores the moderating effect of perceived organizational support on the relationship between work engagement and employee retention intentions.

In today′s increasingly competitive global economic environment, talent management have become one of the most important business strategies and challenges for most companies worldwide, as well as a key success factor in gaining sustainable competitive advantages. Effectively attracting, motivating, retaining, and unleashing the potential of outstanding employees, as well as enhancing employee engagement and ensuring a high level of organizational support, are crucial for enhancing organizational performance and increasing corporate competitive advantage.

This study employs Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) to investigate the interactive effects between organizational-level variables and individual-level variables. It places talent management measures and perceived organizational support at the organizational level to investigate whether these measures affect individual-level employee engagement, ultimately increasing employee retention intention, with perceived organizational support added as a moderating factor. The study surveyed 27 companies in Taiwan that implement talent management, using a two-stage survey method. A total of 250 questionnaires were collected from these companies, and after excluding responses from two companies with less than six completed questionnaires, the final sample consisted of 238 valid questionnaires from 25 domestic companies, which were then subjected to empirical analysis.

The results of the study are as follows: (1) There is a significant positive correlation between organizational-level talent management measures and individual-level retention intention. (2) Individual-level employee engagement mediates the relationship between talent management measures and retention intention.
關鍵字(中) ★ 菁英人才管理
★ 留任意願
★ 工作敬業度
★ 知覺組織支持
關鍵字(英) ★ Talent Management
★ Retention Intention
★ Employee Engagement
★ Perceived Organizational Support
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2-1菁英人才的定義 5
2-2菁英人才管理 5
2-3留任意願 6
2-4員工敬業度 7
2-5知覺組織支持 8
2-6菁英人才管理措施對留任意願的影響 9
2-7工作敬業度在菁英人才管理措施與留任意願間具有中介效果 10
2-8知覺組織支持在員工敬業度與員工留任意願間具有正向的調節效果 12
第三章 研究方法 14
3-1研究架構 14
3-2研究對象與資料樣本收集 15
3-3研究工具 15
第四章 研究結果 20
4-1資料來源與樣本特性 20
4-2信度與效度分析 22
4-4相關性分析 24
4-6 階層線性模型分析 26
第五章 研究結論與建議 31
5-1研究結果與討論 31
5-2研究貢獻 32
5-3 管理意涵 33
5-4研究限制與建議 34
參考文獻 35
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