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姓名 楊承達(Cheng-Ta Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 彈性工作安排對工作績效與組織承諾的影響 - 以員工敬業度為中介變項
★ 績效獎金制度知覺對員工態度之影響- 以金屬製品業 G 公司間接人員為例★ 跨部門專案團隊員工表現的影響因素:工作要求-資源模型觀點
★ 初探組織謠言對員工態度與行為之影響
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摘要(中) 新冠肺炎(Covid-19)疫情於2023年上半年趨緩後,台灣多數企業紛紛回歸正常出勤,然而,亦有許多企業藉助在新冠疫情期間建立之居家工作模式,依此重新訂立員工出勤規定。過去文獻較少探討彈性工作安排與彈性工作控制權對工作績效與組織承諾產生的影響,本研究以任職於本國籍或外商企業的僱用員工,公司有實施(或曾經實施)彈性工作安排政策為研究對象,資料蒐集採用便利抽樣法,有效問卷份數合計為 168份,再利用統計軟體JASP進行分析以驗證假說。研究結果表明,(1)彈性工作安排及彈性工作控制與員工敬業度有正向關係;(2)員工敬業度會中介彈性工作安排與任務性績效之間的關係;(3)員工敬業度會中介彈性工作安排與組織承諾之間的關係;(4)工作職位會調節彈性工作安排與員工敬業度之間的正向關係,當員工職位為一般員工時,彈性工作安排對員工敬業度之間的正向關係將被增強。
摘要(英) Many companies in Taiwan decided to resume original attendance policy after the COVID-19 pandemic showed a significant sign of easing in first half of 2023. However, there are many companies remain work-from-home system established during COVID-19 and re-designed employee’s attendance policy. In the past, there is less research focus on the impact of flexible work arrangements and flexible work control against work performance and organizational commitment. The target group of this study is based on employee who works for Taiwan domestic or foreign-invested companies which implemented (or has implemented in the past) flexible work arrangement policies. Using an app-based survey tool to collect quantitative data by convenience sampling, a total number of 168 employees work in various companies were recovered, JASP was applied for data analysis and verify hypothesis. The main results of the research show that (1) flexible work arrangement and flexible work control have a positive relationship with employee engagement; (2) employee engagement moderates the relationship between flexible work arrangement and task performance; (3) employee engagement moderates the relationship between flexible work arrangement and organizational commitment; (4) when an employee belongs to non-manager level, the impact of flexible work arrangement to employee engagement will be enhanced.
The result shows that flexible work arrangement and flexible work control system contribute a positive impact on employees, as the company provides flexible work arrangement and control, employees can allocate their best time to perform works and complete assignments, on the other hand, employee will select the time to work when they will not be interrupted.
關鍵字(中) ★ 新冠肺炎
★ 彈性工作安排
★ 彈性工作控制
★ 員工敬業度
★ 任務性績效
★ 組織承諾
關鍵字(英) ★ Covid-19
★ flexible work arrangement
★ flexible work control
★ employee engagement
★ task performance
★ organizational commitment
論文目次 中文摘要 ................................................................. i
Abstract ................................................................ ii
致謝 .................................................................... iv
目錄 ................................................................... iiv
表目錄 List of Tables .................................................... v
圖目錄 List of Figures ................................................. vii
第一章 緒論 ........................................................... 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 ................................................. 1
1-2 研究目的 ....................................................... 3
1-3 研究問題 ....................................................... 5
第二章 文獻探討 ....................................................... 6
2-1 彈性工作安排(Flexible Work Arrangement, FWA) ................... 6
2-2 彈性工作控制(Flexible Work Control, FWC) ....................... 9
2-3 員工敬業度(Employee Engagement) ............................... 11
2-4 任務性績效(Task Performance) .................................. 12
2-5 組織承諾(Organizational Commitment) ........................... 13
2-6 彈性工作控制、外商企業與工作職位的干擾效果 .................... 15
第三章 研究方法 ...................................................... 17
3-1 研究架構與假說 ................................................ 17
3-2 研究對象 ...................................................... 18
3-3 研究工具與量測方法 ............................................ 18
第四章 研究結果 ...................................................... 24
4-1 敘述統計 ...................................................... 24
4-2 問卷信度與各變數之間的相關分析 ................................ 25
4-3 驗證性因素分析 ................................................ 29
4-4 迴歸分析 ..................................................... 300
4-5 中介效果分析 .................................................. 31
4-6 調節效果分析 .................................................. 32
4-7 假說驗證結果摘要 .............................................. 34
第五章 結論與建議 .................................................... 36
5-1 研究結果討論 ................................................. 365
5-2 理論意涵 ...................................................... 37
5-3 實務意涵 ...................................................... 37
5-4 研究限制與未來建議 ............................................ 39
參考文獻 ................................................................ 41
附錄 .................................................................... 50
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指導教授 楊文芬 鄭晉昌(Irene Wen-Fen Yang Jihn-Chang Jehng) 審核日期 2024-7-19
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