摘要(英) |
This study investigates the impact of climate change on planting seasons in the Bekri Irrigation Area, Central Lampung Regency, and the optimization of irrigation cropping patterns to mitigate the adverse effects of drought. The research employs the Thiessen Polygon Method for rainfall distribution analysis and the CROPWAT 8.0 application for evapotranspiration calculations. The findings reveal a significant decrease in annual rainfall and an increase in temperatures over the study period, resulting in higher water requirements for crops. The analysis highlights the necessity of adaptive planting patterns and efficient water management to address these challenges. Total water requirements for corn crops increased from 378.0 lt/s/ha before climate change to 492.8 lt/s/ha after climate change. Consequently, the irrigated area shrank from 2,471 hectares to 1,727 hectares, resulting in a decrease in annual economic benefit from Rp34,350,082,705 to Rp24,006,724,774. Additionally, the study explores various planting strategies through linear programming optimization, demonstrating that diversified cropping patterns, including corn, soybeans, beans, and onions, can significantly enhance economic benefits. This research underscores the importance of continuous monitoring and adaptation to maintain sustainable agricultural practices in the face of ongoing climate change. |
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