博碩士論文 111322013 詳細資訊

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姓名 劉曉陽(Hsiao-Yang Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 多孔材料幾何形狀與力學性質關係之探討
(Investigation of the Relationship Between the Geometric Shape and Mechanical Properties of Porous Materials)
★ 探討物質點法應用於極限條件下之結構反應★ 利用物質點法探討金屬板靶於子彈衝擊下之行為
★ 利用積層製造技術及物質點法探討IPU材料特性
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摘要(中) 多孔材料是一種特殊的材料結構,其發展已經具有千年的歷史,相較於實心材料,材料內適當的孔隙配置能使其整體更具有輕質、吸震、抗衝擊、隔音、保溫、高透氣等特徵,在許多工程領域都發揮了重要的作用,如:建築、航空航太、汽車工業和生物醫學工程等。車輪框、 桁架結構、人工骨骼以及機翼的設計就是現階段多孔材料的應用。而早在人類文明發現多孔隙材料的優點前,生物的演化就已將上述優點充分發揮,在自然界中已經自然的進化出了許多低相對密度、高勁度 和強度的多孔結構材料,鳥喙與鳥骨骼、蜂巢中之蜂窩結構便是極具代表性的例子。
摘要(英) Porous materials are a unique material structure with a development history spanning thousands of years. Compared to solid materials, the appropriate arrangement of pores within these materials can make them lighter overall and impart features such as shock absorption, impact resistance, sound insulation, thermal insulation, and high breathability. These characteristics have made porous materials play important roles in many engineering fields, including construction, aerospace, automotive industry, and biomedical engineering. Current applications of porous materials include wheel frames, truss structures, artificial bones, and wing designs.Even before human civilization discovered the advantages of porous materials, biological evolution had already fully utilized these benefits. Many low-density, high-stiffness, and high-strength porous structural materials have naturally evolved in the natural world. Notable examples include the beaks and bones of birds, and the honeycomb structures within beehives.
In recent years, advancements in 3D printing, along with improvements in computational capabilities and methods, have made the use of materials and the arrangement of pores more diverse and complex, extending the reach of research even further. Porous materials with more intricate structures can now be manufactured, and various materials such as polylactic acid (PLA) and thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) can be designed with complex geometries and successfully produced through 3D printing.
This thesis is based on the aforementioned background and uses the finite element method (FEM) in numerical simulation to study the mechanics of porous materials. It explores the relationships between the internal structural composition, material strength, and mechanical behavior of porous materials. The main analytical content of this thesis includes compression, shear force, and dynamic analysis of structural porous materials.
The pressure and shear force analyses investigate the relationships between various types of porous structures—such as pore size, arrangement, geometric shape, and load-bearing capacity. The dynamic analysis examines the effect of porous materials on stress wave propagation under the action of shock waves.
關鍵字(中) ★ 多孔材料
★ 有限元素法
★ 3D列印
關鍵字(英) ★ porous materials
★ finite element method
★ 3D printing
論文目次 中文摘要……………………………………………………………………………….i
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………………..1
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………………..4
第三章 多孔材料受壓力之力學性質分析 ………………………………………..11
第四章 多孔材料受剪力之力學性質分析…………………………………………59
第五章 添加多孔材料設計之動力分析…………………………………………..77
第六章 有限元素分析軟體概述及操作指南……………………………………..109
第七章 結論與建議………………………………………………………………..122
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指導教授 蘇昱臻(Yu-Chen Su) 審核日期 2024-7-29
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