博碩士論文 111322015 詳細資訊

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姓名 夏昕薇(Xin-Wei Xia)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 利用積層製造技術及物質點法探討IPU材料特性
★ 探討物質點法應用於極限條件下之結構反應★ 多孔材料幾何形狀與力學性質關係之探討
★ 利用物質點法探討金屬板靶於子彈衝擊下之行為
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摘要(中) 隨著現代科技的發展,材料的使用種類及產品設計需求明顯增多且複
INGROWS PU 簡稱為IPU 為近年來由可成生技公司新研發之線材,其
系與積層製造常用線材TPU (熱塑性聚氨酯)有相似特性,亦同屬熱成型塑
響。故此本研究主要欲結合積層製造與IPU 線材,探討IPU 線材成型之力
綜上所述,此一系列之IPU 線材成型後之力學試驗與數值分析成果均
摘要(英) With the advancement of modern technology, the variety of materials used
and the demands of product design have significantly increased and become more
complex. In terms of material development, scholars and experts are dedicated to
pursuing materials that are lighter, stronger, and more cost-effective. Product
design has also become increasingly intricate to meet the growing number of
external conditions and requirements. However, complex designs have
historically posed significant challenges and incurred substantial costs in
industrial manufacturing. To effectively overcome these difficulties, additive
manufacturing technology emerged. Over the past two decades, this technology
has flourished in various engineering fields, such as automotive, aerospace, and
biomedical industries, and has even been referred to as the Third Industrial
INGROWS PU, abbreviated as IPU, is a newly developed filament by Acme
Biotechnology. It shares similar properties with TPU (thermoplastic
polyurethane), a material commonly used in additive manufacturing, and belongs
to the category of thermoplastic materials. However, precise material parameters
for this filament are difficult to find in common literature, and it is unclear whether
different printing methods or even environmental factors might affect its
properties and parameters. Therefore, this study aims to combine additive
manufacturing with IPU filament to investigate the mechanical properties of IPU
filament formation. The main approach will involve both experimental testing and
numerical simulation to examine the material′s behavior under stress and its
corresponding elastic and plastic characteristics. The experimental tests will be
conducted using a universal testing machine for tensile and compressive tests,
while the numerical analysis will employ the Material Point Method. Additionally,
this thesis will delve into various material parameters, such as the Young′s
modulus and the tangent modulus during the plastic stage.
In summary, the results of the mechanical tests and numerical analyses of the
IPU filament series can serve as important reference data for future product design
and development.
關鍵字(中) ★ 積層製造
★ 物質點法
★ 熔融沉積成型
★ 3D 列印
論文目次 摘要 ........................................................................................................................ I
Abstract ............................................................................................................... III
目錄 ..................................................................................................................... VI
表目錄 ................................................................................................................. IX
圖目錄 .................................................................................................................. X
符號說明 ............................................................................................................ XII
第一章 緒論 ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 前言 ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 ............................................................................... 3
1.3 研究內容與方法 ............................................................................... 4
1.4 論文架構 ........................................................................................... 5
第二章 文獻回顧與整理 ..................................................................................... 6
2.1 積層製造介紹 ................................................................................... 6
2.2 3D 列印積層製造技術的優缺點 ..................................................... 7
2.2.1 3D 列印優點 ............................................................................. 7
2.2.2 3D 列印缺點 ............................................................................. 8
2.3 常見熱塑性塑料介紹 ....................................................................... 9
2.4 熱塑性材料成型力學試驗 ............................................................. 10
2.5 積層製造技術在球形鉑奈米粒子之力學特性分子動力分析 .... 11
2.6 計算力學之研究介紹 ..................................................................... 12
2.6.1 計算力學之分析流程 ............................................................. 12
2.6.2 計算力學之相關研究 ............................................................. 13
2.7 常見計算力學數值方法 ................................................................. 14
2.7.1 有限元素法 ............................................................................. 14
2.7.2 物質點法 ................................................................................. 15 物質點法之發展 ..................................................................... 15 物質點法基本概念 ................................................................. 16
第三章 IPU 線材力學參數試驗規劃與流程 ................................................... 20
3.1 前言 ................................................................................................. 20
3.2 試驗規劃 ......................................................................................... 20
3.3 研究參數 ......................................................................................... 21
3.4 試體製作 ......................................................................................... 21
3.5 試驗設備 ......................................................................................... 23
3.6 試驗方法 ......................................................................................... 24
第四章 實驗結果 ............................................................................................... 31
4.1 抗拉強度試驗 ................................................................................. 31
4.2 抗壓強度試驗 ................................................................................. 40
第五章 數值分析方法:物質點法 ................................................................... 50
5.1 物體的運動與變形 ......................................................................... 51
5.2 物質點法應用於連續體之控制方程式 ......................................... 52
5.2.1 質量守恆方程式 ..................................................................... 53
5.2.2 動量守恆方程式 ..................................................................... 54
5.3 物質點法計算流程 ......................................................................... 55
5.4 物質點法研究與分析結果 ............................................................. 56
六、結論與展望 ................................................................................................. 62
6.1 結論 ................................................................................................. 62
6.2 展望 ................................................................................................. 63
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................. 65
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指導教授 蘇昱臻 審核日期 2024-7-30
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