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姓名 鄧昀禎(Yun-Zhen Teng) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 土木工程學系 論文名稱 基於磁吸附與全向輪技術的鋼結構攀爬機器人開發與驗證
(Development and Validation of a Steel Structure Climbing Robot Based on Magnetic Adhesion and Omnidirectional Wheel Technology)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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至系統瀏覽論文 (2026-6-30以後開放)
摘要(中) 在鋼結構建築中,定期檢測和維護是確保結構安全和延長使用壽命的重要措施。然而,
向移動通過。在技術和方法方面,研究使用 3D 列印技術設計機器人的主要部分,確認
關鍵字:鋼結構檢測、攀爬機器人、磁吸附技術、全向輪、3D 列印摘要(英) In steel structure buildings, regular inspection and maintenance are crucial for ensuring
structural safety and prolonging service life. However, steel structures are often located at high
or hard-to-reach places, making the inspection process complex and hazardous. Traditional
inspection methods require significant manpower and resources and pose dangers when
working at heights. To address these issues, this study developed a steel structure climbing
robot based on magnetic adhesion and omnidirectional wheel technology to enhance inspection
efficiency and reduce manpower requirements.The objective of this study is to design and
validate a climbing robot that combines omnidirectional wheels and magnetic adhesion
technology. This robot can move flexibly and adhere stably to steel surfaces. Through the
omnidirectional wheel mechanism, the robot can adapt to various terrains and perform flexible
movements in all directions on steel structures.The study used 3D printing technology to design
the main parts of the robot. After confirming the design′s feasibility, the robot body was custom-
made with lightweight yet high-strength aluminum alloy. Experimental results show that the
designed robot performs well in terms of magnetic adhesion under different weights, crawling
ability at various angles, ability to traverse bolt spacing, load testing, and crawling speed.The
experimental results demonstrate that the Mecanum wheel mechanism of the robot significantly
enhances its ability to adapt to climbing on different steel structures. The development process
included five design iterations, aiming for the robot to achieve more stable adhesion to the walls,
faster movement, higher load capacity, and greater flexibility. Finally, a series of experiments
validated its performance and stability. In the future, this robot is expected to be applied in steel
structure inspections, providing a safe and efficient solution.
Keywords: Steel Structure Inspection, Climbing Robot, Magnetic Adhesion, Omnidirectional
Wheel, 3D Printing關鍵字(中) ★ 鋼結構檢測
★ 攀爬機器人
★ 全向輪
★ 磁吸附技術
★ 3D 列印關鍵字(英) ★ Steel Structure Inspection
★ Omnidirectional Wheel
★ Magnetic Adhesion
★ Climbing Robot
★ 3D Printing論文目次 摘要 ........................................................................................................................................I
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................... II
致謝 ..................................................................................................................................... III
目錄 ..................................................................................................................................... IV
圖目錄 ................................................................................................................................. VI
表目錄 .............................................................................................................................. VIII
一、 緒論 ......................................................................................................................... 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 ......................................................................................................... 1
1-2 研究目的 ..................................................................................................................... 1
1-3 論文架構 ..................................................................................................................... 3
二、 文獻回顧 ................................................................................................................. 4
2-1 現有攀爬機器人技術 ................................................................................................. 4
2-2 磁吸附攀爬機器人 ..................................................................................................... 6
2-3 全向輪設計與其發展潛力 ......................................................................................... 8
2-4 磁吸附與全向輪技術的結合 ..................................................................................... 9
三、 研究方法 ............................................................................................................... 11
3-1 全向磁吸附攀爬機器人設計與實作 ....................................................................... 11
3-1-1 機器人設計概念與運動模式 ........................................................................... 12
3-1-2 機構設計與元件組成 ....................................................................................... 16
3-1-3 磁吸附設計 ....................................................................................................... 20
3-1-4 機電整合設計規劃 ........................................................................................... 23
3-2 靜力平衡方法與傾倒分析 ....................................................................................... 26
3-2-1 電池配置位置 ................................................................................................... 27
3-2-2 機器人運動力平衡與傾倒分析 ....................................................................... 28
3-3 機器人演算法與程式架構 ....................................................................................... 31
3-3-1 控制方式與機器人操作介面 ........................................................................... 34
四、 實驗規劃與設計 ................................................................................................... 35
4-1 全向輪磁吸附著力測試 ........................................................................................... 37
4-2 不同角度的爬行能力實驗 ....................................................................................... 38
4-3 通過螺栓攀爬實驗 ................................................................................................... 39
4-4 車子負載測試 ........................................................................................................... 41
4-5 爬行速度實驗 ........................................................................................................... 42
4-6 實際結構物攀爬能力測試 ....................................................................................... 43
五、 實驗與分析結果討論 ........................................................................................... 44
5-1 全向輪磁吸附著力測試結果與討論 ....................................................................... 44
5-2 不同角度的爬行能力實驗結果與討論 ................................................................... 45
5-3 通過螺栓攀爬實驗結果與討論 ............................................................................... 48
5-4 車子負載測試結果與討論 ....................................................................................... 49
5-5 爬行速度實驗結果與討論 ....................................................................................... 51
5-6 實際結構物攀爬能力測試結果與討論 ................................................................... 52
5-7 討論與結果比較 ....................................................................................................... 54
六、 結論與未來建議 ................................................................................................... 56
6-1 結論 ........................................................................................................................... 56
6-2 本研究之未來建議與改善方向 ............................................................................... 56
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................................. 58
圖 3-1 OMACR 開發流程架構 ............................................................................................... 11
圖 3-2 全向輪磁吸攀爬機器人 OMACR 的三種運動模式 .................................................. 14
圖 3-3 麥克納姆倫車的移動方向 ........................................................................................... 14
圖 3-4 (a) OMACR 的 3D 介紹圖(b) OMACR 的實體圖 ...................................................... 17
圖 3-5 7075-T7451 鋁合金車體 3D 透視圖 ........................................................................... 19
圖 3-6 (a)一個磁鐵吸附元件 (b) OMACR 的車底俯視圖 .................................................... 21
圖 3-7 直徑 10mm 厚度 2mm 之 N52 磁鐵 ............................................................................ 22
圖 3-8 機電整合規劃設計圖 ................................................................................................... 24
圖 3-9 TB6612 伺服馬達控制板 ............................................................................................ 25
圖 3-10 HM-GM37-3429 永磁碳刷直流減速馬達 ............................................................... 26
圖 3-11 OMACR 吸附在鋼結構平面上的示意圖.................................................................. 27
圖 3-12 OMACR 的電池配置示意圖 ..................................................................................... 28
圖 3-13 吸附在牆面時的斷面圖與之對應下視圖 ................................................................. 29
圖 3-14 假設兩顆磁鐵失效時吸附在牆面時的斷面圖與之對應下視圖 ............................. 30
圖 3-15 OMACR 的軟體架構圖 ............................................................................................. 32
圖 3-16 V7RC 手機應用程式 .................................................................................................. 34
圖 4-1(a) 模擬 45 度斜坡的 L 形狀鋼板的俯視圖(b) 模擬 45 度斜坡的 L 形狀鋼板的側視
圖(c)模擬 90 度垂直牆面的 L 形狀鋼板(d)模擬天花板的 L 形狀鋼板 ........................... 35
圖 4-2 L 形狀鋼板的工程圖(a)不等角視圖(b)正視圖(c)側視圖 ......................................... 36
圖 4-3 室外鋼箱梁實景 ........................................................................................................... 37
圖 4-4 全向輪磁吸附著力測試實驗方法示意圖(a)垂直車體的拉力(b)水平車子的拉力(c)
工程圖 .................................................................................................................................. 37
圖 4-5 不同角度的爬行能力實驗示意圖(a) 45 度傾斜鋼板(b) 90 度垂直鋼板(c) 水平鋼板
.............................................................................................................................................. 39
圖 4-6 通過螺栓攀爬實驗示意圖(a)case1 整排螺栓跨越(b)case2 跨越螺栓間................... 40
圖 4-7 車子負載測試實驗工程示意圖 ................................................................................... 41
圖 4-8 爬行速度實驗的工程示意圖 ....................................................................................... 42
圖 4-9 全向輪穩定實驗環境實景(a)實驗室的柱(b) 室外鋼箱梁 ......................................... 43
圖 5-1 不同傾斜角度下的吸附力散點圖 ............................................................................... 44
圖 5-2 在 45 度鋼板上的爬行能力實驗紀錄影格 ................................................................. 46
圖 5-3 在 90 度鋼板上的爬行能力實驗紀錄影格 ................................................................. 46
圖 5-4 在水平鋼板(天花板)上的爬行能力實驗紀錄影格 .................................................... 47
圖 5-5case1 整排螺栓跨越實驗紀錄影格 .............................................................................. 48
圖 5-6 case2 跨越螺栓間實驗紀錄影格 ................................................................................. 49
圖 5-7 不同角度鋼板上 OMACR 的負載能力柱狀圖........................................................... 50
圖 5-8 不同角度鋼板上的爬行速度折線圖 ........................................................................... 51
圖 5-9 實驗室的柱上爬行實驗紀錄影格 ............................................................................... 53
圖 5-10 室外鋼箱梁爬行實驗紀錄影格 ................................................................................. 53
表 3-1 麥克納姆輪橫向移動理論值參數表 ........................................................................... 16
表 3-2 OMACR 的零組件清單 ............................................................................................... 17
表 3-3 列印材料比較表 ........................................................................................................... 19
表 3-4 磁鐵吸附力理論值參數 ............................................................................................... 22
表 3-5 TB6612 規格表 ............................................................................................................. 25
表 3-6 HM-GM37-3429 永磁碳刷直流減速馬達 規格表 .................................................... 26
表 3-7 OMACR 的運動力平衡分析理論值參數表 ............................................................... 29
表 3-8 OMACR 在缺少兩顆磁鐵時的運動力平衡分析理論值參數表 ............................... 31
表 3-9 OMACR 的控制演算法 ............................................................................................... 33參考文獻 [1] Lam, T.L. and Y. Xu. A flexible tree climbing robot: Treebot-design and implementation.
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