博碩士論文 110322011 詳細資訊


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姓名 劉辰星(LIU, CHEN-XING)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 應用多項式摩擦單擺支承於鋼筋混凝土建築之非線性動力歷時分析
★ 隔震橋梁含防落裝置與阻尼器之非線性動力反應分析研究★ 橋梁碰撞效應研究
★ 應用位移設計法於雙層隔震橋之研究★ 具坡度橋面橋梁碰撞效應研究
★ 橋梁極限破壞分析與耐震性能研究★ 應用多項式摩擦單擺支承之隔震橋梁研究
★ 橋梁含多重防落裝置之極限狀態動力分析★ 強震中橋梁極限破壞三維分析
★ 隔震橋梁之最佳化結構控制★ 跨越斷層橋梁之極限動力分析
★ 塑鉸極限破壞數值模型開發★ 橋梁直接基礎搖擺之極限分析
★ 考量斷層錯動與塑鉸破壞之橋梁極限分析★ Impact response and shear fragmentation of RC buildings during progressive collapse
★ 應用多項式滾動支承之隔震橋梁研究★ Numerical Simulation of Bridges with Inclined
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摘要(中) 根據過去經驗,傳統有限元素法在面對大量非線性的問題時容易產生數值發散問題,導致分析時間過長或是無法順利完成分析,為解決此問題本研究使用基於等效節點割線特性之隱式動力分析程序(Implicit Dynamic Analysis Procedure based on Equivalent Nodal Secant Properties, IDAP-ENSP)。
本研究分析之模型為位於台中之5層樓鋼筋混凝土建物,因其建造年代較為久遠,分析上應考慮到其勁度衰減之情形,因此本研究新增Modified Takeda模型進入IDAP-ENSP中,並由於梁斷面上下層配筋量不同,吾將模型改善為可考慮斷面上下層配筋不同情形。
分析上雖然非線性動力歷時分析能夠更真實的反應結構物面臨地震作用下之實際行為,但非線性動力歷時分析較為繁複且礙於現今市面上可用軟體其計算上耗時且容易數值發散,且難以模擬建物破壞後之高度非線性之行為,因此使用上較為困難,因此工程師較習慣以非線性靜力分析代替。本研究將考慮目標建物倒塌破壞前之行為,並分析1.未隔震 2.使用FPS隔震 3.使用PFPI隔震,與(1)使用Takeda模型(2)使用Modified Takeda模型作為塑鉸遲滯行為之建物。可得知使用PFPI之隔震效果最佳,其次FPS最後是未隔震建物;遲滯模型的選用上因本研究建物年代較為久遠,房屋會有所損傷耐震能力會衰減因此使用Modified Takeda較為合適。
摘要(英) Based on past experience, traditional finite element methods tend to
encounter numerical divergence issues when dealing with highly nonlinear
problems, leading to prolonged analysis times or the inability to complete the
analysis successfully. To address this issue, this study employs an Implicit
Dynamic Analysis Procedure based on Equivalent Nodal Secant Properties
The model analyzed in this study is a five-story reinforced concrete building
located in Taichung. Given its age, the analysis considers the stiffness degradation
of the structure. Therefore, this study incorporates the Modified Takeda model
into IDAP-ENSP. Additionally, due to the different reinforcement amounts in the
upper and lower layers of the beam section, the model is improved to account for
these differences.
Although nonlinear dynamic time-history analysis can more realistically
reflect the actual behavior of structures under seismic action, it is more complex
and, given the current software available on the market, time-consuming in
calculation and prone to numerical divergence. Moreover, it is difficult to simulate
highly nonlinear behavior after the building′s failure, making its use more
challenging. As a result, engineers often prefer nonlinear static analysis instead.
This study considers the behavior of the target building before collapse and
analyzes three scenarios: 1. without seismic isolation, 2. with FPS seismic
isolation, and 3. with PFPI seismic isolation. It also examines the building′s plastic
hinge hysteretic behavior using (1) the Takeda model and (2) the Modified Takeda
model. The results show that PFPI provides the best seismic isolation, followed
by FPS, and lastly, the building without seismic isolation. Given the building′s
age, which may lead to reduced seismic resistance due to damage, the Modified
Takeda model is more appropriate.
This study also compares the traditional performance design method, which
considers inter-story displacement, with this study′s approach of directly setting
the relationship between component yield and failure behavior. It is found that the
results considering inter-story displacement are consistent with the conclusions of
this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 多項式摩擦單擺支承
★ 摩擦單擺支承
★ Takeda 遲滯模型
★ Modified Takeda 模型
★ 基於等效節點割線特性之隱式動力分析程序
★ 近斷層震波
關鍵字(英) ★ Polynomial Friction Pendulum Isolator
★ Friction Pendulum Isolator
★ Takeda model
★ modified Takeda model
★ Implicit Dynamic Analysis Procedure based on Equivalent Nodal Secant Properties
★ Near-Fault Ground Motion
論文目次 目錄
摘要 i
目錄 iv
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 近遠域震波特性 2
1.2.2 有關耐震評估相關文獻 3
1.2.3 變曲率摩擦單擺支承 4
1.2.4 Takeda相關之遲滯模型 7
1.2.5 新隱式非線性動力有限元素法 8
1.3 研究內容 8
第二章 目標建物與分析方法說明 10
2.1 目標建物介紹 10
2.1.1 目標反應譜 11
2.2 目標建物基底隔震設定 12
2.3 建物梁柱版性質與塑鉸設定 14
2.3.1 梁柱版性質 14
2.3.2 塑鉸設定 15
2.4 本文所使用非線性動力分析方式 16
2.4.1 基於等效節點割線特性之隱式動力分析程序 16
2.4.2 分析方式與流程 17
第三章 遲滯模型與建物數值模型建立 28
3.1 ETABS模型說明 28
3.1.1 ETABS建模流程 28
3.1.2 IDAP-ENSP模型 29
3.2 連結元素模擬塑鉸之遲滯行為 29
3.2.1 Takeda模型 30
3.2.2 Modified Takeda模型 31
第四章 數值模型驗證 41
4.1 建物基本性質 41
4.1.1 建物週期 41
4.1.2 輸入震波 41
4.2 IDAP-ENSP正確性比對 41
4.2.1 線性桁架元素模擬膜之行為說明 42
4.2.2 ETABS軟體之塑鉸與阻尼設定 42
4.2.3 IDAP-ENSP與ETABS分析結果比較 44
第五章 建物案例分析與討論 62
5.1 輸入震波 62
5.2 地震作用下建物反應 63
5.2.1 單向地震力作用下之非線性反應 63
5.2.2 三向地震力作用下之非線性反應 66
5.2.3 Modified Takeda與Takeda遲滯行為差異 68
5.3 建物使用PFPI與傳統FPS之隔震效能比較 68
5.4 與傳統性能設計比較 70
第六章 結論與建議 124
6.1 結論 124
6.2 建議與未來研究方向 125
參考文獻 127
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 李姿瑩(Tzu-Ying Lee) 審核日期 2024-7-30
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