博碩士論文 110322018 詳細資訊

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姓名 馬詩哲(Shi-Zhe Ma)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 應用勁度可變式滑動隔震支承於三維曲橋之動力歷時分析
★ 隔震橋梁含防落裝置與阻尼器之非線性動力反應分析研究★ 橋梁碰撞效應研究
★ 應用位移設計法於雙層隔震橋之研究★ 具坡度橋面橋梁碰撞效應研究
★ 橋梁極限破壞分析與耐震性能研究★ 應用多項式摩擦單擺支承之隔震橋梁研究
★ 橋梁含多重防落裝置之極限狀態動力分析★ 強震中橋梁極限破壞三維分析
★ 隔震橋梁之最佳化結構控制★ 跨越斷層橋梁之極限動力分析
★ 塑鉸極限破壞數值模型開發★ 橋梁直接基礎搖擺之極限分析
★ 考量斷層錯動與塑鉸破壞之橋梁極限分析★ Impact response and shear fragmentation of RC buildings during progressive collapse
★ 應用多項式滾動支承之隔震橋梁研究★ Numerical Simulation of Bridges with Inclined
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摘要(中) 傳統摩擦單擺支承(FPS)隔震週期與近域地震相近,易產生共振現象,而勁度可變式滑動隔震支承(Sliding Isolators with Variable Curvature, SIVC)可改善此缺點,其隔震週期隨位移變化,可分為兩階段:軟化段支承勁度隨位移增加而減小,可減緩結構之加速度反應;硬化段內支承勁度隨位移增加而增加,其可降低結構之位移反應。此效果可有效減少共振情形發生,更可降低橋面版位移。前人研究中,證實將SIVC中曲盤為六次方程式之多項式摩擦單擺支承(Polynomial Friction Pendulum Isolator, PFPI)用於等高或不等高之直線橋梁均可充分發揮其隔震效果,無論於近/遠域震波中皆有良好之表現。
但過去文獻少有使用PFPI於曲橋之案例,本研究延續前人水平曲梁橋之研究結果,數值分析方面採用基於等效節點割線特性之隱式動力分析程序(Implicit Dynamic Analysis Procedure based on Equivalent Nodal Secant Properties,簡稱為IDAP-ENSP),比較
摘要(英) The traditional Friction Pendulum System (FPS) isolator has an isolation period similar to near-field earthquakes, making it prone to resonance. However, the Sliding Isolators with Variable Curvature (SIVC) can address this drawback. The isolation period of SIVC varies with displacement and can be divided into two stages: the softening stage, where the bearing stiffness decreases with increasing displacement, reducing the structure′s acceleration response; and the hardening stage, where the bearing stiffness increases with increasing displacement, thereby reducing the structure′s displacement response. This effect can effectively reduce the occurrence of resonance and further decrease the displacement of the bridge deck. Previous studies have confirmed that the Polynomial Friction Pendulum Isolator (PFPI) with a polynomial friction pendulum of sixth-order equation in the SIVC can fully exhibit its isolation effect when applied to straight bridges of equal or unequal height, performing well under both near-field and far-field seismic waves.

However, there have been few cases in the literature using PFPI for curved bridges. This study extends previous research on horizontally curved girder bridges. In the numerical analysis, an Implicit Dynamic Analysis Procedure based on Equivalent Nodal Secant Properties (IDAP-ENSP) was used to compare the dynamic behavior of single-span and multi-span curved bridges with PFPI under various conditions. The parameters varied included curvature, different support configurations, and seismic wave input angles. Multiple sets of different seismic waves were analyzed, and the results were compared with those where PFPI supports were replaced by FPS. The research data showed that as the radius of curvature of the girder decreased and the seismic wave input angle increased, the difference in bearing reaction forces and internal forces of the girders increased, and different configurations also resulted in varying mechanical behaviors. In the comparison between the two types of supports, while the bearing reaction force of the PFPI isolator was greater than that of the FPS, the displacement of the PFPI isolator was significantly smaller than that of the FPS, proving that the PFPI exhibits good isolation performance in horizontally curved girder bridges.

Moreover, to better simulate real conditions, this study also used real bi-directional seismic wave data for analysis. The results indicated that, apart from the input angle of the seismic wave having an inconspicuous effect, the behavior was similar to that of the unidirectional seismic wave analysis. For the plastic hinge behavior at the base of the pier columns, the Takeda model was used for simulation. It was observed that the impact mainly occurred in the internal forces of the girders. With the addition of the Takeda model, the internal forces of the single-span girders decreased, while the internal forces of the multi-span sections increased.
關鍵字(中) ★ 水平曲梁橋
★ 勁度可變式滑動隔震支承
★ 多項式摩擦單擺支承
★ 近斷層震波
★ 基於等效節點割線特性之隱式動力分析程序
★ Takeda模型
論文目次 目錄
摘要 II
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.2.1 近遠域震波特性 3
1.2.2 變曲率摩擦單擺支承 3
1.2.3 曲線橋梁 4
1.2.4 新隱式非線性動力有限元素分析方法 7
1.3 研究內容 8
第二章 多項式摩擦單擺支承 9
2.1 勁度可變式滑動隔震支承力學行為 9
2.2 支承曲面函數與特性 13
第三章 基於等效節點割線特性之隱式動力分析程序 18
3.1 三維滑動支承元素 19
3.1.1 元素黏滯狀態 19
3.1.2 元素滑動狀態 21
3.1.3 元素分離狀態 25
3.1.4 摩擦係數模型 25
第四章 含變曲率滑動支承曲橋模型 28
4.1 目標曲線梁橋模型 29
4.1.1 含PFPI單跨曲橋 29
4.1.2 含PFPI多跨曲橋 30
4.2 PFPI支承參數設計 30
4.3 輸入震波 31
4.3.1 實際震波 31
4.3.2 研究所用調整倍率震波 31
第五章 分析結果與討論 45
5.1 含PFPI單跨曲橋之支承系統探討 45
5.1.1 支承反力 46
5.1.2 支承反應 47
5.1.3 大梁內力 48
5.2 含PFPI多跨度曲橋之支承系統探討 49
5.2.1 支承反力 49
5.2.2 支承反應 50
5.2.3 大梁內力 51
5.3 含PFPI曲橋與傳統滑動支承之隔震性能比較 52
5.3.1 單跨曲橋比較 52
5.3.2 多跨曲橋比較 53
5.4 含PFPI單跨曲橋在雙向震波影響下之支承系統探討 55
5.4.1 支承反力 55
5.4.2 支承反應 56
5.4.3 大梁內力 56
5.5 含PFPI多跨曲橋在雙向震波影響下之支承系統探討 56
5.5.1 支承反力 57
5.5.2 支承反應 57
5.5.3 大梁內力 58
5.6 Takeda模型對於曲橋之應用與改良 59
5.6.1 單跨塑鉸遲滯迴圈 59
5.6.2 多跨曲橋遲滯迴圈 59
5.6.3 Takeda模型對於含PFPI單跨曲橋之影響 60
5.6.4 Takeda模型對於含PFPI多跨曲橋之影響 61
5.7 有無橋墩對於單/多跨曲梁橋之影響 62
5.7.1 有無橋墩單跨曲橋之數據比較 62
5.7.2 有無橋墩多跨曲橋之數據比較 63
5.8 小結 64
第六章 結論與建議 555
6.1 結論 555
6.2 建議與未來研究方向 557
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指導教授 李姿瑩(Zi-Ying Li) 審核日期 2024-7-30
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