博碩士論文 112322043 詳細資訊

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姓名 邱伯修(Bo-Siou Ciou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 混凝土二氧化碳固碳技術之研究
(Study on CO2 Carbon Sequestration Technology in Concrete)
★ 混凝土碳養護尺寸效應與耐久性之研究★ 飛灰及底灰混凝土碳養護對抗壓強度及耐久性之研究
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摘要(中) 氣候變遷是21世紀的熱門話題,工業發展導致溫室效應日益嚴重,尤其二氧化碳排放影響最大,減少建築過程中的碳足跡成為新趨勢。本研究製作直徑10公分、高度20公分的混凝土圓柱試體,額外添加小蘇打和生石灰以水泥重量百分比計,並用廢棄混凝土骨材取代部分細骨材,用氣冷高爐石取代部分粗骨材,透過二氧化碳加速養護將二氧化碳封存於混凝土內。實驗控制兩種養護時間和壓力作為碳化條件,設計兩種碳化時機:拆模後的碳化養護和廢棄混凝土骨材的預碳化。探討不同碳化條件、添加物及碳化時機對混凝土碳吸收潛能的影響,同時進行抗壓強度、彈性模數、中性化、TGA和XRD測試。
摘要(英) Climate change is a popular topic in the 21st century. Industrial development has led to increasingly severe greenhouse effects, with carbon dioxide emissions having the most significant impact. Reducing the carbon footprint during the construction process has become a new trend. This study produced concrete cylinder specimens with a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 20 cm, and added baking soda and quicklime based on the percentage of cement weight. Waste concrete aggregates were used to replace a portion of the fine aggregates, and air-cooled blast furnace slag was used to replace a portion of the coarse aggregates. The specimens underwent accelerated carbon dioxide curing to sequester CO2 within the concrete.
The experiment controlled two curing durations and pressures as carbonation conditions, and designed two carbonation timings: carbonation curing after demolding and pre-carbonation of waste concrete aggregates. The study investigated the effects of different carbonation conditions, additives, and carbonation timings on the carbon absorption potential of concrete. Compressive strength, elastic modulus, neutralization, TGA, and XRD tests were conducted to understand the engineering and microstructural properties of the specimens.
The results showed that CO2 absorption was greatly influenced by the carbonation curing duration and pressure. Under 6 hours of carbonation curing and a pressure of 4.08 bar, various types of concrete reached maximum carbon absorption. Pure concrete specimens had the highest carbonation rate at 6.08%, followed by specimens with 2% baking soda at 4.69%. Other types of concrete showed less effective carbon absorption. Combining carbon absorption effects and compressive strength tests, the appropriate proportions of additives were determined: 2% baking soda, 5% quicklime, 50% waste concrete aggregates, and 50% air-cooled blast furnace slag.
Carbonation curing had little impact on the elastic modulus coefficient, which was mainly influenced by the type of concrete. The maximum neutralization depth after carbonation curing was 0.54mm, indicating minimal overall neutralization impact. XRD and TGA tests confirmed the presence of calcium carbonate. The specimen with 50% waste concrete aggregates showed the maximum calcium carbonate mass loss of 4.179% under 6 hours of curing and a pressure of 4.08 bar.
關鍵字(中) ★ 二氧化碳養護
★ 固碳率
★ 抗壓強度
★ 彈性模數
★ 中性化
關鍵字(英) ★ carbon dioxide curing
★ carbonation rate
★ compressive strength
★ modulus of elasticity
★ neutralization
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 二氧化碳封存與利用 4
2.1.1 CCUS技術 5
2.1.2 二氧化碳封存方式(CCS) 5
2.1.3 二氧化碳利用方式(CCU) 7
2.2 混凝土養護方式 9
2.2.1 大氣養護 9
2.2.2 蒸氣養護 9
2.2.3 混凝土加速二氧化碳養護 11
2.2.4 混凝土碳養護結合飽和石灰水養護 15
2.3 影響混凝土二氧化碳加速養護之變數 18
2.3.1 二氧化碳養護參數 18
2.3.2 二氧化碳養護時機 22
2.3.3 額外摻料對碳養護混凝土的影響 24
2.3.4 骨材對碳養護混凝土的影響 27
2.4 混凝土碳吸收估算 30
2.4.1 質量增益法與質量曲線法 30
2.4.2 熱重分析法 30
2.4.3 理想氣體方程式估算法 30
2.5 碳養護對環境溫度的影響 31
2.6 小結 34
第三章 研究規劃與試驗方法 35
3.1 研究規劃與製作 35
3.2 試體配比與編號 40
3.2.1 試體配比 40
3.2.2 試體編號 40
3.3 試驗材料介紹 42
3.3.1 卜特蘭Ⅰ型水泥 42
3.3.2 天然粗骨材 43
3.3.3 天然細骨材 44
3.3.4 小蘇打 46
3.3.5 生石灰 47
3.3.6 廢棄混凝土骨材 47
3.3.7 氣冷高爐石 49
3.4 試體製備與養護處理 50
3.4.1 試體製備 50
3.4.2 試體養護處理流程與儀器介紹 51
3.4.3 廢棄混凝土骨材預碳化處理 54
3.4.4 混凝土碳吸收量及固碳率計算說明 58
3.5 試驗與設備介紹 59
3.5.1 抗壓強度試驗 59
3.5.2 彈性模數試驗 60
3.5.3 中性化深度試驗 61
3.5.4 X光粉末繞射試驗(X-ray Diffraction,XRD) 62
3.5.5 熱重分析試驗(Thermogravimetric Analyzer,TGA) 63
第四章 結果與討論 65
4.1 二氧化碳加速養護對混凝土碳吸收之影響 65
4.1.1 碳養護環境之溫度變化 65
4.1.2 碳養護環境之壓力變化 71
4.1.3 碳養護混凝土二氧化碳吸收量估算 74
4.1.4 碳養護時間對二氧化碳吸收量的影響 80
4.1.5 碳養護壓力對二氧化碳吸收量的影響 84
4.1.6 碳養護固碳率及每公斤混凝土碳吸收 87
4.1.7 碳養護過程之水分損失 89
4.2 二氧化碳加速養護對混凝土抗壓強度之影響 92
4.2.1 各類型混凝土隨齡期之抗壓強度發展 92
4.2.2 各類型混凝土相較於純混凝土之抗壓強度差別 96
4.3 二氧化碳加速養護及混凝土種類對彈性模數之影響 106
4.4 二氧化碳加速養護對中性化深度之影響 111
4.5 二氧化碳加速養護後試體結晶物定性與定量分析 116
4.5.1 XRD測試 116
4.5.2 TGA測試 120
第五章 結論與建議 123
5.1 結論 123
5.2 建議 126
參考文獻 127
附錄 134
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指導教授 王勇智 李明君(Yung-Chih Wang Ming-Gin Lee) 審核日期 2024-8-19
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