博碩士論文 110322099 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳玟芯(Wen-Sin Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 修正潮汐分布之光學衛星反演潮間帶地形: 以外傘頂洲為例
(Optical Satellite-Based Intertidal Topography with Tidal Distribution Correction: A Case of the Waisanding Tidal Flat)
★ 結合多種遙測衛星數據觀測湄公河水資源變化★ 利用多時期之衛星影像改進孟加拉地區之地表水量化
★ 利用ALOS SAR影像觀測2008當雄地震同震及震後形變量★ 利用衛星影像觀測2004年印度洋地震震後之海岸地形垂直變化
★ 利用綜合遙測資訊建置之高程模型觀測近岸地形時序變遷★ 整合Sentinel-1與TerraSAR-X 永久散射體雷達差干涉法以監測地表變形
★ 利用區域電離層模式校正Sentinel-1差分干涉以偵測臺灣地表變形★ 利用衛星影像間接建立全台海岸地形模型
★ 應用Sentinel-1衛星TOPS合成孔徑雷達及最小基線長分析技術監測越南河內的地層下陷★ Sentinel-1 Radar Interferometry Decomposes Land Subsidence in Taiwan
★ 以自相似算法進行衛星影像融合和水線判釋★ 基於卷積神經網路於光學衛星影像進行跨衛星之雲偵測
★ 利用衛星遙測資訊於稻米產量預測★ 利用ICESat-2及Sentinel-2反演南海近岸水深
★ 利用行動測深系統產製淺水區深度模型★ 以多元衛星影像監測青藏高原湖泊長期水量變化
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摘要(中) 沿岸地區被視為經濟及人文發展的重要地區,對於漁業、交通及觀光等發展都是相當重要的。此外,在生態方面沿岸的潮間帶地區更能用於調節氣候、過濾水質以及防止洪患等。然而,沿岸潮間帶地區具有易受到海水侵蝕及河川淤泥堆積的特性,地形變化快速,若能發展可以長期快速且大面積的監測方法,便能當作未來用來規劃發展該區域的重要資料來源。
本研究的研究區域為臺灣沿岸最大的沿岸沙洲-外傘頂洲,使用衛星影像來建置潮間帶的地形可達到快速且大範圍的要求。本研究使用Sentinel-2、Landsat 7/8自2014年至2017年的光學衛星影像,並計算每張影像的(改良的)常態差異水體指標,使用隨影像灰值分布不同而設定的閾值來辨識水體及陸域,再使用時間區間內的多張判識好水體的影像建置淹水機率圖。而後改善因為影像對應的潮汐高度採樣不均勻所造成的誤差,提出了Sampling Errors Reduction (SER)方法,使用DTU16全球海洋潮汐模型模擬每張影像對應的潮汐高度,並加以分析其分布情形後對淹水機率圖逐像素改進,再使用影像對應最高及最低潮汐高度對改善後淹水機率圖依比例賦予高程,最後潮間帶的數值高程模型即為高程位於平均較高高潮及平均較低低潮之間的區域。
摘要(英) Coastal zones serving as economic and cultural hubs, prominently feature activities such as fisheries, transportation, and tourism, underscoring their significance. Furthermore, ecologically, coastal intertidal zones play crucial roles in climate regulation, water filtration, and flood prevention. However, the coastal areas are easily affected by erosion and sediment deposition, coupled with the rapid morphological changes in intertidal zones, emphasizing the need to develop long-term, rapid, and large-scale monitoring methods. Such methods could serve as essential data sources for future planning and development of these regions.
The study area of this study is on the largest tidal flat along the coast of Taiwan, the Waisanding Tidal Flat. Traditionally, the topography of this shallow shoal has been surveyed using methods such as Single Beam Echo Sounder (SBES), airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), or stereoscopic imagery captured by unmanned aerial vehicles. However, these methods are often time-consuming and resource-intensive.
Utilizing satellite imagery offers a solution to meet the requirements of rapid and large-scale terrain reconstruction in intertidal zones. Past studies have employed radar and optical imagery or both to enhance temporal resolution. This study adopts a methodology for automatic tidal flat reconstruction. It utilizes optical satellite imagery from Sentinel-2, Landsat 7/8, from 2014 to 2017. The (Modified) Normalized Difference Water Index ((M)NDWI) is calculated for each image, employing thresholding based on variations in pixel intensity to delineate water and land. Subsequently, multiple images within a time interval are used to construct flood probability maps. The study then focuses on addressing errors caused by uneven sampling of tide heights corresponding to the images by proposing the Sampling Errors Reduction (SER) method. This method incorporates tide heights simulated by the DTU16 global ocean tide model for each image, analyzing their distribution, and iteratively improves flood probability maps at a pixel level. Finally, elevation values in the intertidal zone are assigned proportionally based on the highest and lowest tide heights corresponding to the images, resulting in an intertidal Digital Elevation Model (DEM) situated between Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) and Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW).
Comparing the results with DEM collected from the SBES, the DEM of the intertidal zone constructed using the proposed method achieves a Root Mean Square Difference (RMSD) of 28.8 cm, with a 6.2% improvement through the SER method. Furthermore, higher accuracy and improvement rates are observed with more images, although the improvement rate is influenced by the distribution of tide heights corresponding to the images.
關鍵字(中) ★ Landsat 7/8
★ Sentinel-2
★ 光學衛星影像
★ 數值高程模型
★ 潮汐模型
關鍵字(英) ★ Landsat 7/8
★ Sentinel-2
★ Optical satellite imagery
★ Tide model
論文目次 Table of Contents
摘 要 I
Abstract III
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Research Background 1
1-2 Objective 4
1-3 Architecture 5
Chapter 2 Related Studies 7
2-1 Coastal Monitoring Methods 7
2-2 Satellite Imagery in Intertidal Areas 8
Chapter 3 Study Area and Dataset 11
3-1 Study Area 11
3-1-1 Taiwan’s Coastal Zone 11
3-1-2 Waisanding Tidal Flat 12
3-2 Dataset 14
3-2-1 Sentinel-2 14
3-2-2 Landsat Series 16
3-2-3 DTU16 Global Ocean Tide Model 18
3-2-4 Ground Observed Data 19
Chapter 4 Methodology 20
4-1 Workflow 20
4-2 Optical Imagery Preprocessing 22
4-3 Cloudy Images filtering 23
4-4 Classification and Mapping the Frequency of Inundation Map 24
4-5 Sampling Errors Reduction (SER) 27
4-5-1 Sampling Errors 27
4-5-2 Correction 30
4-6 Leveling with DTU16 33
4-7 Defining the Intertidal Zone 34
Chapter 5 Results 35
5-1 The Intertidal DEM of Waisanding Tidal Flat 35
5-2 Constructed DEM Comparing with the Ground Observed Data 37
5-3 Temporal changes in the morphology of Waisanding Tidal Flat 42
5-4 Verification of the SER Method Using Numerous Simulations 44
5-4-1 Simulation of Using the Images with Extremely Uneven Distribution Tide Height 44
5-4-2 Simulated Tide Height Distribution is the Same as the 61 Images Used in this Study 46
5-5 The DEM Constructed with Different Numbers of Image 48
5-6 Constructing Topography Using Images from Individual Satellite Missions 50
Chapter 6 Discussions 56
6-1 Time Period of the Used Images 56
6-2 Limitations on the Intertidal Zone Range 56
6-3 Impact of Clouds on Water Body Detection Results 57
6-4 Tide Heights Distribution 59
Chapter 7 Conclusions 62
Chapter 8 Future Work 64
8-1 Intermission Bias 64
8-2 Landsat TOA Product 65
References 66
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指導教授 曾國欣(Kuo-Hsin Tseng) 審核日期 2024-8-22
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