摘要(英) |
At the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, a severe outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) occurred globally. To effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic, countries implemented citywide lockdowns and closed management measures, forcing companies and schools to adopt remote working and online teaching. This gave rise to the concept of a "zero-contact economy." However, events such as the 2022 Russia-Ukraine war and the U.S. CHIPS Act forced supply chains to reorganize, putting tremendous pressure on supply chain systems. Therefore, this study analyzes the current bottom-up material forecasting method used by the case study company, and proposes a suitable moving average forecasting method and mean absolute deviation (MAD) for verification to assist the company in accurately grasping customer and market demand to reduce inventory levels. At the system level, an advanced planning and scheduling method is proposed. On the other hand, historical data from the case study industry is used to propose how to better manage risks in the face of market uncertainty. The study finds that based on historical data analysis, the industry experiences a business cycle every 4 years. Using the moving average method and MAD verification, taking 2022 as an example, the predicted output quantity for 2023 is 2,023 units, while the actual output quantity is 1,843 units, a difference of 9.8%. Using this calculation method, the predicted output quantity is 2,014 units, narrowing the difference to 9.2%. |
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