摘要(英) |
This research aims to enhance enterprise production efficiency by integrating the concepts of lean management and the theory of constraints. While lean management is widely applied in businesses, this study advocates for enhancing its effectiveness through the application of the theory of constraints. The theory of constraints focuses on identifying and eliminating constraints that impact effective output, and its successful application significantly increases production capacity. Conversely, successful implementation of lean management reduces manufacturing costs by eliminating waste in the production process.
Through in-depth analysis of the production processes at the case company, opportunities for improvement were identified. In the continuous improvement process, the study integrated methods from the theory of constraints and concepts from lean theory to form an improvement cycle. This cycle aims to eliminate waste in the production process, ensuring smooth flow and increased production efficiency. The goal of this approach is to enhance production efficiency, reduce lead times, and simultaneously improve the overall effective output. In the improvement process, the case company effectively leveraged the complementary advantages of lean management and the theory of constraints, resulting in significant improvements in effective output, adaptation to production variations, and workforce optimization.
In conclusion, the case study confirmed that the complementary application of the theory of constraints and lean management can achieve synergistic effects. The study proposes an integrated model, the "LEAN_TOC Improvement Framework," particularly suitable for the manufacturing industry. This model cleverly combines the improvement thinking of the theory of constraints with the core principles of lean production, quickly identifying potential problems in the process and making organizational operations more efficient. Through this integrated improvement framework, not only product quality and delivery speed were enhanced, but customer satisfaction was also improved, ultimately assisting businesses in maximizing profits. The introduction of this model provides a new and effective method for the manufacturing industry to comprehensively optimize business processes and enhance competitiveness. |
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