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姓名 林奕廷(Yi-Ting Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 以基因演算法優化無人機送餐路徑
(Optimizing Drone Food Delivery Routes Using Genetic Algorithms)
★ 以模擬退火演算法 進行化鍍製程無關聯平行機台之排程★ 以混合整數規劃 安插電鍍銅平行機台之緊急訂單
★ 以混合整數規劃進行非相關平行機台之批次製造排程★ 考量最大利潤之再生能源發電業最佳能源分配
★ 工業用電考量時間電價之太陽能發電系統最佳配置規劃★ 應用深度學習優化塗佈機之預測性維護
★ 應用資料探勘提升伺服器CPU熱流驗證效能★ 半導體設備商因應歐盟碳邊境調整機制之供應商遴選模式
★ 以螞蟻演算法最佳化具備時間窗考量之貨櫃電池運輸路徑★ 以混合整數規劃優化移動式充電樁存放位置
★ 快遞轉運中心以風光互補發電提升電動車隊用電之綠能佔比★ 製藥業連續製程可行性之外部環境評估
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摘要(中) 未來物流配送的趨勢是應用無人機進行配送服務。無人機機動性高,不受交通路況影響,因此可定期為行動不便的長者送餐。在COVID-19疫情的影響下,無人機配送可以減少餐飲外送平台的送貨員與顧客之間的接觸,應對緊急公共衛生事件。本研究之動機在於解決無人機配送餐點的排程問題,並建立一個能夠優化配送成本與時間的排程模式。研究之主要目的是在多場站車輛排程問題框架下,尋找在顧客預約時間窗內完成配送的最佳解。無人機從餐廳取餐後,需在顧客預約的時間窗內將餐點送達,無人機的起始出發點也可作為更換電池的基地。
摘要(英) The future trend in logistics and delivery services is the application of drones. Drones offer high mobility and are not affected by traffic conditions, making them ideal for regularly delivering meals to elderly individuals with limited mobility. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, drone delivery can reduce contact between delivery personnel and customers, addressing public health emergencies. The motivation for this study is to solve the scheduling problem for drone meal delivery and establish a scheduling model that optimizes delivery costs and time. The main objective of the research is to find the optimal solution within the framework of the multi-depot vehicle routing problem (MDVRP), ensuring deliveries are completed within the customer′s scheduled time window. After picking up meals from the restaurant, drones must deliver them within the customer′s reserved time window, with drone starting points also serving as battery replacement bases.
  This study develops a genetic algorithm based on drone fleet distribution, aiming to improve the efficiency of solving large-scale problems. Drone fleet distribution involves allocating drone resources to multiple subgroups, where each subgroup independently runs the genetic algorithm. Through appropriate crossover and mutation operations, solutions are exchanged between subgroups, increasing the diversity and depth of exploration and ultimately improving overall solution efficiency. To test the algorithm′s effectiveness, the study uses datasets of varying sizes. Experimental results indicate that population size and mutation rate are critical factors affecting the algorithm′s performance in order delivery problems. Proper population size and mutation rate can balance the stability of fitness and convergence speed. Additionally, adjusting algorithm parameters based on the number of orders is necessary to achieve optimal performance.
  Existing vehicle routing problem (VRP) and vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) issues are typically addressed using heuristic algorithms. Although these methods cannot guarantee the optimal solution, they offer the advantages of rapid computation and proximity to the best solution. These findings provide valuable references for parameter selection in practical applications of genetic algorithms. Comparisons with other optimization algorithms also reveal the advantages and limitations of genetic algorithms under specific conditions, providing directions for future research and improvement. The results of this study can serve as a reference for delivery platforms and restaurant operators in planning drone meal deliveries, offering an effective scheduling solution.
關鍵字(中) ★ 基因演算法
★ 無人機
★ 運輸配送模式
★ 無人機整合配送模式
關鍵字(英) ★ Genetic Algorithm
★ Drone
★ Transportation and Delivery Model
★ Drone Integrated Delivery Model
論文目次 摘要 i
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vii
第一章、研究問題 1
1.1無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV) 1
1.2研究動機 6
1.3 問題描述 9
第二章、文獻探討 14
2.1無人機 14
2.2無人機路徑規劃 16
2.3相關研究方法 17
第三章、研究方法 20
3.1問題分析 20
3.2 研究方法介紹 25
3.3 演算法架構及流程 39
第四章、電腦實驗 43
4.1 資料收集 43
4.2 資料分析 45
4.3 結果分析 50
第五章、結論與未來方向 52
5.1 結論 52
5.2 未來方向 53
參考文獻 55
中文文獻 55
英文文獻 55
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 王啓泰(Chi-Tai Wang) 審核日期 2024-7-23
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