博碩士論文 111456019 詳細資訊

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姓名 呂世暐(Shih-Wei Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 以優先級排程模式建立排程自動化模組提高準交率-以I公司為例
★ 應用失效模式效應分析於產品研發時程之改善★ 服務品質因子與客戶滿意度關係研究-以汽車保修廠服務為例
★ 家庭購車決策與行銷策略之研究★ 計程車車隊派遣作業之研究
★ 電業服務品質與服務失誤之探討-以台電桃園區營業處為例★ 應用資料探勘探討筆記型電腦異常零件-以A公司為例
★ 車用配件開發及車主購買意願探討(以C公司汽車配件業務為實例)★ 應用田口式實驗法於先進高強度鋼板阻抗熔接條件最佳化研究
★ 以層級分析法探討評選第三方物流服務要素之研究-以日系在台廠商為例★ 變動良率下的最佳化批量研究
★ 供應商庫存管理架構下運用層級分析法探討供應商評選之研究-以某電子代工廠為例★ 台灣地區快速流通消費產品銷售預測模型分析研究–以聯華食品可樂果為例
★ 競爭優勢與顧客滿意度分析以中華汽車為例★ 綠色採購導入對電子代工廠的影響-以A公司為例
★ 以德菲法及層級分析法探討軌道運輸業之供應商評選研究–以T公司為例★ 應用模擬系統改善存貨管理制度與服務水準之研究-以電線電纜製造業為例
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摘要(中) 本研究以隱形眼鏡製造為個案,在資料蒐集中發現研究對象 I 公司在生產
亂,其三是業務單位反映,客戶對於 I 公司的訂單準時交貨率不滿,經常性的
針對公司生產排程的問題,本研究使用 Excel VBA 的自動功能,達到以下
摘要(英) This study takes contact lens manufacturing as a case study. During the data
collection, it was found that the research object Company I encountered problems in
production scheduling and response delivery. First, the scheduling system still relied
on manual scheduling, which in addition to consuming a lot of manual time and
efficiency In addition to being low, there is also the risk of human error. The second is
that the company′s orders are often urgent, resulting in frequent rescheduling and
changes. In addition to increasing the workload of personnel, it can also easily cause
chaos in the schedule. The third is that business units report that customers are
dissatisfied with the on-time delivery rate of company I′s orders. , frequent late
deliveries have caused trouble to customers, and the company′s senior management
has held many meetings for this reason. In response to the company′s production
scheduling problem, this study uses the automatic function of Excel VBA to achieve
the following functions: automatically capture and match the same series of historical
data yield and utilization rates to calculate, estimate the most likely time for
production completion, and then Divide the urgency levels of orders and give priority
to orders with shorter delivery times and more urgent orders, in this way reducing the
frequent inability to deliver on time.
關鍵字(中) ★ 排程自動化
★ 生產排程
★ 重排程
★ 訂單準時交貨率
★ Excel VBA
關鍵字(英) ★ Scheduling automation
★ production scheduling
★ rescheduling
★ on-time delivery rate of order
★ Excel VBA
論文目次 中文摘要 ................................................................. i
Abstract ................................................................ ii
誌謝 ................................................................... iii
圖目錄 .................................................................. vi
表目錄 ................................................................. vii
第一章 緒論 ............................................................ 1
1-1 研究背景及動機 .................................................. 1
1-2 研究目的 ........................................................ 3
1-3 研究範圍與對象 .................................................. 4
1-4 研究流程 ........................................................ 5
第二章 文獻探討 ........................................................ 6
2-1 VBA 相關文獻探討 ................................................. 6
2-2 生產排程 ........................................................ 7
2-2-1 按訂單生產(Make To Order)......................... 8
2-2-2 按庫存生產(Make To Stock)......................... 8
2-2-3 按訂單組裝(Assembly To Order)..................... 8
2-2-4 按訂單設計(Engineering To Order).................. 9
2-2-5 按訂單配置(Configure To Order).................... 9
2-3 重排程 ......................................................... 10
2-4 設備綜合效率 ................................................... 11
2-4-1 設備稼動率(Availability)....................... 12
2-4-2 性能效率(Performance).......................... 12
2-4-3 品質良率(Quality).............................. 12
2-5 排程順序 ....................................................... 13
第三章 研究方法 ....................................................... 15
3-1 研究方法架構 ................................................... 15
3-2 資料收集 ....................................................... 17
3-2-1 各線生產進度表................................... 17
3-2-2 領班-生產日報表.................................. 18
3-3 模型設計 ....................................................... 19
第四章 模型建構與分析 ................................................. 22
4-1 模型建構 ....................................................... 22
4-2 操作說明 ....................................................... 24
4-3 實際測試與分析比較 ............................................. 26
4-3-1 生管人員加班時數分析............................. 26
4-3-2 準時交貨率....................................... 27
第五章 結論 ........................................................... 29
中文參考文獻 ............................................................ 31
英文參考文獻 ............................................................ 32
附錄 .................................................................... 33
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指導教授 葉英傑(Yeh, Ying-Chieh) 審核日期 2024-7-22
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