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姓名 黃琬婷(Wan-Ting Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 運用六標準差手法於產品稽核流程之改善-以面板業 G 公司為例
(Applying Six Sigma Methodology for Improvement in Product Audit Process: A Case Study of Company G in the Panel Industry)
★ 應用灰色理論於有機農產品之經營管理— 需求預測及關鍵成功因素探討★ NAND型Flash價格與交運量預測在風險分析下之決策模式
★ 工業電腦用無鉛晶片組最適存貨政策之研究-以A公司為例★ 砷化鎵代工廠磊晶之最適存貨管理-以W公司為例
★ 資訊分享&決策制定下產銷協同關係之研究 -以IC設計業為例★ 應用分析層級法於電子化學品業委外供應商評選準則之研究
★ 應用資料探勘於汽車售服零件庫存滯銷因素分析-以C公司為例★ 多目標規劃最佳六標準差水準: 以薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器C公司製造流程為例
★ 以資料探勘技術進行消費者返廠定期保養之實證研究★ 以價值鏈觀點探討品牌公司關鍵組織流程之取決-以S公司為例
★ 應用產銷協同規劃之流程改善於化纖產業-現況改善與效益分析★ 權力模式與合作關係對於報價策略之影響研究—以半導體產業A公司為例
★ 應用資料探勘於汽車製造業之庫存原因分析★ 以類神經網路預測代工費報價---以中小面板產業C公司為例
★ 電路板產業存貨改善研究-以N公司為例★ 運用六標準差改善機台備用零件(Spare parts)存貨管理
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摘要(中) 在眾多流程改善的工具裡面,六標準差一直是被許多業界廣泛接受與利用的工具之一,由於其「數據導向」的特性,不僅限於製造業的品質改善,服務業、醫療業也均有六標準差的應用案例。
摘要(英) Six Sigma, widely accepted and utilized in various industries, is a data-driven tool not limited to quality improvement in manufacturing but also applicable in service sectors and healthcare industry. This study examines the application of Six Sigma in enhancing the product audit sampling process at Company G, a domestic manufacturer specializing in small and medium-sized panels primarily used in automotive, medical, and industrial control applications. To comply with the automotive IATF 16949:2016 standards, Company G conducts biannual product audits to evaluate the quality of automotive panels from the customer′s perspective, aiming for risk management and identifying opportunities for continuous improvement. Despite conducting these audits twice a year, the audited product types over the years have covered less than half of the annual production. Enhancing the implementation of product audits has become a key focus for Company G.
To enhance the implementation of product audits at G Company, this study utilized the Six Sigma DMAIC methodology. It systematically evaluated potential variables contributing to poor implementation through measurement and assessment, and collected relevant data for root cause analysis. Finally, standardization and personnel training were employed to achieve control and maintenance of outcomes.
The research findings demonstrate that the DMAIC approach effectively assists project team members in focusing on improvement directions, particularly in refining sampling methods to strengthen reliability aspects. Following adjustments to the sampling approach, the coverage rate of audit plan toward automotive models produced in first half of 2024 was successfully increased to 100%, with a 5% improvement in audit coverage. Moreover, the sampling quantity for unfinished audit models increased by up to 30%. Continued implementation of these strategies into the latter half of the year is anticipated to result in significant improvements. In conclusion, the study also elucidated potential future research directions to provide a basis for continuous improvement efforts within the team.
關鍵字(中) ★ 六標準差
★ 產品稽核
★ 流程改善
關鍵字(英) ★ Six Sigma
★ Product Audit
★ Process Improvement
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 - 1 -
1.1 研究背景 - 1 -
1.2 研究動機 - 1 -
1.3 研究目的 - 2 -
1.4 研究架構與方法 - 3 -
第二章 文獻探討 - 5 -
2.1 車用產業 - 5 -
2.2 風險控管 - 5 -
2.3 六標準差與流程改善 - 6 -
2.4 六標準差相關應用案例 - 7 -
第三章 研究方法 - 9 -
3.1 六標準差定義 - 9 -
3.2 六標準差組織架構 - 9 -
3.3 六標準差推動步驟 - 11 -
3.3.1 定義階段Define - 11 -
3.3.2 衡量階段Measure - 12 -
3.3.3 分析階段Analyze - 13 -
3.3.4 改善階段Improve - 14 -
3.3.5 控制階段Control - 16 -
第四章 個案研究 - 17 -
4.1 公司概況 - 17 -
4.2 產品稽核簡介 - 18 -
4.3 G公司現行產品稽核抽樣流程 - 19 -
4.4 G公司現行狀況 - 22 -
4.5 專案改善步驟 - 24 -
4.5.1 定義階段Define - 26 -
4.5.2 衡量階段Measure - 28 -
4.5.3 分析階段Analyze - 31 -
4.5.4 改善階段Improve - 35 -
4.5.5 控制階段Control - 36 -
4.5.6 改善成效比較 - 37 -
4.5.7 其他效益 - 40 -
第五章 研究結論與建議 - 41 -
參考文獻 - 44 -
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指導教授 陳振明(Jen-Ming Chen) 審核日期 2024-7-23
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