摘要(英) |
In response to post-pandemic recovery, aging of population and the de-globalization effects caused by geopolitical factors, the biotechnology sector is rapidly developing. CDMOs have become a crucial component in biotechnology, providing outsourcing services for pharmaceutical companies. A 2021 study indicated that the pharmaceutical industry’s carbon emissions are 55% higher than those of the automotive industry, with an annual carbon footprint of approximately 197 million tons of CO2 equivalent. To reduce carbon emissions, the pharmaceutical industry is adopting energy-efficient manufacturing processes, using renewable resources, and reducing the use of chemicals. Innovations and reforms are enabling biotech pharmaceutical companies to play an active role in environmental protection, promoting global sustainable development.
To increase production and quality, the pharmaceutical industry is gradually transitioning to continuous manufacturing, which simplifies processes, reduces anomalies, shortens cycles, and lowers the risk of errors. Continuous manufacturing is becoming a mainstream trend, reducing carbon emissions, minimizing waste, and improving energy efficiency. However, the challenges of technological transition costs, personnel training, and quality control make process conversion difficult. The PESTEL model can be used to explore these impacts from six aspects: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal, providing direction for long-term strategy formulation.
This study uses the PESTEL model to evaluate the impact of post-pandemic recovery (COVID-19, 2019~2023) and geopolitical changes on process improvements in the pharmaceutical industry. Politically, government support for technological development reduces corporate risks and costs. Economically, de-globalization strengthens supply chain cooperation to cope with trade wars and geopolitical risks. Socially, the pharmaceutical industry needs to meet social responsibility and brand image expectations. Technologically, continuous manufacturing requires more resources, and companies need to enhance innovation capabilities, R&D technology, and production efficiency. Environmentally, promoting technological innovation and taking on social responsibility are future trends. Legally, the China-US trade war and US legislation to lower prescription drug prices impact corporate costs and profits. The "Act for the Development of Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry" promotes risk diversification and diversified development. Overall, the shift to continuous manufacturing is a suitable choice. This study provides a clear analysis of the external environment, aiding future decision-making for companies. |
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