摘要(英) |
The sources of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) in the environment are numerous. For stationary sources, HAPs emitted from pipelines or fugitive sources can disperse through the atmosphere and potentially cause acute and chronic health hazards to nearby residential areas, with some even being carcinogenic. In 2021, the Environmental Protection Administration announced the "Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Stationary Sources," prioritizing the regulation of 22 out of the 73 HAPs from stationary sources, including standards for emissions from pipes and boundary concentrations. Among these, 14 are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Currently, the method for detecting HAPs VOCs in the environment in Taiwan involves sampling with pre-evacuated stainless steel canisters, followed by analysis with Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), which is an offline detection technique. In 2021, the National Institute of Environmental Research successfully developed an online mass spectrometry monitoring technology. With support from the Ministry of Environment of Department of Monitoring and Information, the first environmental HAPs automatic continuous monitoring demonstration station in Taiwan was established at the perimeter of the Ren Da Industrial Area in Kaohsiung City in March 2023. This station can obtain hourly data for 87 organic HAPs in real-time, effectively tracking changes in ambient air concentrations around the industrial area. This study aims to establish maintenance standard operating procedure (SOP) for the HAPs monitoring hardware and quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) methods, and to identify critical HAPs items through the monitoring results.
Utilizing commercialized dewater and thermal desorption(TD) equipment in conjunction with GC-MS, referred to as TD-GC-MS, the application of Jetclean technology significantly extends the lifespan of the ion source, allowing continuous monitoring for up to three weeks. By controlling the trends of internal standards, the stability and sensitivity of the instrument can be observed, thereby establishing SOP for hardware maintenance and data quality assurance and quality control.
The results of one year of continuous monitoring indicate occasional high-value events for certain HAPs VOCs. Potential emission sources can be identified by analyzing the trends of other VOC fingerprints, and by combining with meteorological data to draw wind rose diagrams for source tracing investigation. During the monitoring period, offline sampling is conducted once per quarter for a continuous four hours, with samples sent to certified laboratories for analysis. The results show that the monitoring data correlate well, with most data points falling around the 1:1 line. Additionally, a parallel comparison with the photochemical monitoring station′s GC-FID shows a high correlation (r>0.7). This study also discovered that methylcyclopentane and 1,2-dichloroethane co-elute in the GC-FID at the photochemical station. By using ion fragments in GC-MS to distinguish between them, the results indicate that when concentrations exceed 1 ppbv, the measured value of methylcyclopentane should be attributed to 1,2-dichloroethane. GC-FID relies solely on retention time to differentiate pollutants, which can lead to misidentification in the case of co-eluting VOCs, resulting in significant discrepancies in health risk assessments.
This study screened important HAPs in the Ren Da Industrial Area based on inhalation carcinogenic risk, with major contributors including butadiene (24.4%), acrylonitrile (23.7%), benzene (11.1%), and chlorides, accounting for 80% of the total risk. Future online measurements of HAPs emissions must consider both toxicological properties and concentrations to achieve source control and end-of-pipe emission reduction, effectively lowering public health risks. This approach will maximize the utility of the HAPs monitoring station. |
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