摘要(英) |
Among the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere, up
to 70% can be classified as non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs). The
petrochemical industry chain being the largest contributor among
stationary emission sources. These industrial exhaust gases are discharged
into the atmosphere via pipelines. These might cause air pollution and
health risks to residents near the factories. Therefore, it is necessary to
design and test an analyzer that can monitor the flue gas from of stack
emissions in real-time.
This study follows the standard method (NIEA A723.75B) and
develops an automated non-methane hydrocarbons analyzer using the back
flush chromatographic method. The calculation of NMHC is derived by
subtracting methane (CH4) from total hydrocarbons (THC). Compared to
the commonly used catalytic method, the sample collection and back flush
techniques significantly extend the lifespan of the chromatographic column.
After the instrument development, relevant quality assurance and quality
control standards need to be established in the laboratory. Propane recovery
was adjusted to 79.6%. When performing 6 repeated tests using 50 ppm
methane standard gas, the precision (RSD) and accuracy (Bias) for THC
were 0.59% and -1.86%, respectively; for CH4, the precision (RSD) and
accuracy (Bias) were 0.84% and -2.20%, respectively. The MDL test
results showed that both the THC and CH4 path were 0.05 ppm. To simulate the environment of emission conditions from smokestacks pipelines with
high moisture content (%), humidified methane, propane, and livelihood
gas were injected into the analyzer. The sensitivity for humidified methane,
propane, and livelihood gas ranged from 95.60% to 102.00%, 77.02% to
79.08%, and 79.89% to 82.26%, respectively. Additionally, due to the
varyed sensitivities of individual NMHC species in the Flame Ionization
Detector (FID), when converting them to unit methane concentration, this
can lead to inconsistent calibration curve slopes. Therefore, this study
proposes a correction method where the carbon response (CR) of propane
is adjusted from 3 to 2.58. This adjustment helps unify the slopes of the
THC calibration curves between different species, and improve accuracyin
field monitoring.
To verify its high reliability during the monitoring of smokestacks,
fifteen field test were conducted on different smokestacks with varied
chemical processes. Offline GC/MS was used to perform speciation of
NMHC, compensating for the inability to identify specific compounds
Lastly, investigation of the major sources of error in measurements
were made. Via variance calculations, it was found that the flow rate
instability for the hydrogen and air streams to FID was the most significant
source of error. |
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