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136. Zhan, L.; Li, S.; Li, Y.; Sun, R.; Min, J.; Bi, Z.; Ma, W.; Chen, Z.; Zhou, G.; Zhu, H.; Shi, M.; Zuo, L.; Chen, H., Desired open-circuit voltage increase enables efficiencies approaching 19% in symmetric-asymmetric molecule ternary organic photovoltaics. Joule 2022, 6 (3), 662-675.
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138. Zhan, L.; Li, S.; Li, Y.; Sun, R.; Min, J.; Chen, Y.; Fang, J.; Ma, C. Q.; Zhou, G.; Zhu, H.; Zuo, L.; Qiu, H.; Yin, S.; Chen, H., Manipulating Charge Transfer and Transport via Intermediary Electron Acceptor Channels Enables 19.3% Efficiency Organic Photovoltaics. Advanced Energy Materials 2022, 12 (39).
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140. Liu, K.; Jiang, Y.; Liu, F.; Ran, G.; Huang, F.; Wang, W.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, C.; Hou, J.; Zhu, X., Organic Solar Cells with Over 19% Efficiency Enabled by a 2D-Conjugated Non-Fullerene Acceptor Featuring Favorable Electronic and Aggregation Structures. Adv Mater 2023, 35 (32), e2300363.
141. Chen, H.; Jeong, S. Y.; Tian, J.; Zhang, Y.; Naphade, D. R.; Alsufyani, M.; Zhang, W.; Griggs, S.; Hu, H.; Barlow, S.; Woo, H. Y.; Marder, S. R.; Anthopoulos, T. D.; McCulloch, I.; Lin, Y., A 19% efficient and stable organic photovoltaic device enabled by a guest nonfullerene acceptor with fibril-like morphology. Energy & Environmental Science 2023, 16 (3), 1062-1070.
142. Cui, Y.; Xu, Y.; Yao, H.; Bi, P.; Hong, L.; Zhang, J.; Zu, Y.; Zhang, T.; Qin, J.; Ren, J.; Chen, Z.; He, C.; Hao, X.; Wei, Z.; Hou, J., Single-Junction Organic Photovoltaic Cell with 19% Efficiency. Adv Mater 2021, 33 (41), e2102420. |