博碩士論文 111324077 詳細資訊

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姓名 莊芮綺(Jui-Chi Chuang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 研究膜內臨界行為對膜間融合過程的影響
(Investigating the Influence of the Intramembrane Critical Behavior on the Progress of the Intermembrane Fusion Process)
★ 雙連續相中孔二氧化鈦光催化以及電子結構之實驗與模擬研究★ 聚合物-奈米粒子複合材料在玻璃轉移溫度下的結構與動力學相關性之實驗與模擬研究
★ 新興糖基雙子型界面活性劑之結構以及其對基因轉染效率之影響★ 自發曲率、金屬離子吸附以及微脂體膜融合效率三者間之相關性探討
★ 脂質組成成分對細胞膜物理性質與生物功能的影響★ 添加具有抗菌潛力的胜肽對磷脂質自組裝結構與彈性性質的影響
★ 分子構型與表面電荷密度對雙子型陰陽離子界面活性劑系統之相行為影響★ 探討具有不同間隔長度的陰、陽離子雙子型界面活性劑對於DNA壓實與解壓實之影響
★ 具抗菌潛力之胜肽如何影響脂質膜的彈性性質與結構完整性★ CoCrFeMnNi 高熵合金 形變行為之探討
★ 透過改變磷脂質排列密度減少Amyloid β與膜之間交互作用★ 對生物膜具活性的胜肽誘導相分離脂質膜產生結構上擾動
★ 人類脂肪幹細胞於生醫材料塗佈細胞外間質之純化及分化★ 發展量測雙層脂質膜的排列密度之實驗技術
★ 利用酸鹼度敏感型雙子型界面活性劑製作之基因載體對核內體脂質膜結構之影響★ 開發預測雙子型界面活性劑之自組裝結構的方法
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摘要(中) 膜融合是一種重要的生物現象,指兩個或多個原本獨立的脂雙層膜融合為一體的過程,這種現象廣泛存在於各種生物環境中,如胞吞作用(endocytosis)、胞吐作用(exocytosis)、細胞與細胞間(cell-to-cell)的融合。雖然我們先前的研究揭示了膜內混溶性的臨界波動(critical fluctuations)(一種當系統接近其臨界點時會出現的短暫和局部的組成域(domain)現象)可能會阻礙融合,但在融合過程的哪步驟受到影響仍不清楚。為了解決這個問題,我們必須準確地辨識臨界波動在融合過程中的影響時機。為此,我們採用螢光共振能量轉移(fluorescence resonance energy transfer, FRET)技術來檢查兩個融合膜中脂質分子的混合情形。當兩個螢光分子(供體(donor)與受體(acceptor))靠近時,供體分子的激發能量可以轉移到受體分子,使受體發出螢光,此技術對供體和受體之間的距離非常敏感,因此可以用來測量分子間的距離變化。在本實驗中,我們利用由低熔點脂質1,2-dioleoyi-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) 、高熔點脂質1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC)與膽固醇(cholesterol)所組成的仿生膜進行研究,因為它們的成分與細胞膜相似。透過對不同成分的脂質進行實驗,我們發現在液態單相中,隨著DSPC增加使組成接近液態有序相,脂質混合程度有增加的趨勢。我們認為臨界波動可能是透過水合排斥力來(hydration force)阻礙膜與膜之間相互靠近來影響融合進行,而不是對融合中間體結構(stalk)或融合孔的形成造成影響。而在液-液共存相中,脂質混合程度不隨膽固醇的比例增加而變化。我們推測促進莖結構的形成與水合排斥力呈現相反作用且互相影響,所以推斷兩者會互相抵銷使脂質混合無趨勢變化。
摘要(英) Membrane fusion is a fundamental biological process wherein individual membranes coalesce into a single entity, a pervasive phenomenon in various biological contexts including endocytosis, exocytosis, and cell-to-cell fusion. While our prior research has unveiled that the critical fluctuations in miscibility (a critical phenomenon which manifesters as short-lived and localized compositional domain formation when a system is in the close proximity of its critical point) within membranes might impede fusion, the underlying mechanism for this correlation remain elusive. To resolve this issue, it is imperative to precisely discern when during the fusion process the critical fluctuations exert their influence. To this end, we employ fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), a technique sensitive to the distance between two energy-exchanging fluorescent probes, to scrutinize the fusion step where the lipid molecules in two coalescing membranes start mixing together, in the presence and absence of the critical fluctuations. We utilize biomimetic membranes composed of the low melting temperature lipid, 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC), high melting temperature lipid, 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC), and cholesterol for our study because of their compositional similarity to cell membranes. Through experiments on different lipid compositions, we found that in a single liquid phase, as the DSPC increases and the composition approaches the liquid ordered phase, the extent of lipid mixing tends to increase. We speculate that critical fluctuations may influence membrane fusion by preventing the membranes from approaching each other through hydration repulsive force, rather than affecting the formation of the fusion intermediate structure (stalk) or the fusion pore. In the liquid-liquid coexistence phase, the extent of lipid mixing does not change with an increasing proportion of cholesterol. We speculate that the promotion of stalk formation and hydration forces have opposite effects and influence each other, leading to the cancellation of their effects, resulting in no significant change in lipid mixing.
關鍵字(中) ★ 臨界波動
★ 膜融合
★ 螢光共振能量轉移
關鍵字(英) ★ critical fluctuations
★ membrane fusion
★ fluorescence resonance energy transfer, FRET
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiv
第一章、緒論 1
1-1細胞膜 (Cell membrane) 2
1-2脂筏 (Lipid rafts) 4
1-3 相分離 (Phase separation) 6
1-4 臨界現象 (Critical phenomena) 9
1-5脂質 13
1-5-1磷脂質 (Phospholipid) 13
1-5-2脂質體 (Liposome) 15
1-6 膜融合 17
1-6-1 膜融合的機制 19
1-6-2 脂質混合與內容物混合 21
1-7 研究動機 (Motivation) 23
第二章、材料與方法 24
2-1實驗材料 24
2-1-1磷脂質 24
2-1-2螢光磷脂質 28
2-1-3 緩衝溶液 30
2-1-4 其他材料 31
2-2實驗器材與儀器 32
2-3樣品製備 33
2-3-1不含染劑的脂質體製備 33
2-3-2含有染劑的脂質體製備 35
2-4動態光散射儀 (Dynamic light scattering, DLS) 38
2-4-1動態光散射儀測量原理 38
2-4-2動態光散射儀測量實驗流程 40
2-5螢光光譜儀 (Fluorescence spectroscopy) 41
2-5-1螢光光譜原理 41
2-5-2膜融合的量測 42
2-5-3膜融合實驗流程 45
2-6小角度X光散射 (Small angle X-ray scattering, SAXS) 49
2-6-1小角度X光散射原理 49
2-6-2小角度X光散射實驗流程 51
2-6-3小角度X光散射數據處理 52
第三章、實驗結果 55
3-1 脂質體粒徑大小與分佈 55
3-2 脂質體的結構型態及膜厚 62
3-3 臨界現象與膜融合 68
3-3-1臨界點左側組成較接近液態無序相脂質混合程度 69
3-3-2臨界點右側組成較接近液態有序相脂質混合程度 73
3-3-3 液-液共存相脂質混合程度 78
第四章、結果討論 82
4-1 脂質體膜厚與臨界現象 82
4-2 膜融合與臨界現象 84
第五章、結論 88
參考資料 89
附錄一、擬合小角度X光散射Matlab code 97
附錄二、膜融合螢光強度隨時間的變化 102
附錄三、各組成膜融合的螢光光譜 103
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指導教授 陳儀帆(Yi-Fan Chen) 審核日期 2024-8-15
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