摘要(英) |
To promptly identify emission sources of ozone precursors and clarify the relationship between volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone formation, the Ministry of Environment (former Environmental Protection Administration) established multiple Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) in Taiwan. These stations continuously monitor 54 VOCs hourly. In addition to PAMS, the Ministry of Environment also enacted regulations to monitor VOCs listed as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). These toxic VOCs range from sub-ppb (v/v) to ppt (v/v), thus requiring the thermal desorption (TD) technique to preconcentrate air samples. This study builds on previous laboratory experience to develop a low detection limit TD system, coupled with a commercial GC/MS system for online monitoring. The instrument includes features such as temperature control, leak test, flow control, multi-sampling, etc.
The developed TD system was tested following the PAMS standard method, i.e., NIEA A505.12B. The precision test showed a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 1% to 4.6%, well below the method’s requirement of 25%. The accuracy test results demonstrated the recovery of 84.48% to 122.74%, withing the method’s criteria of 75% to 125%. When comparing the developed system with a commercial counterpart used at PAMS stations, 90% of the peaks showed improved separation, and all peaks displayed less tailing in chromatography.
Water vapor in the environment greatly affects the sensitivity of the mass spectrometer, leading to a rapid decrease in ion source sensitivity, increased maintenance costs, and inconsistent results. In this study, we demonstrate that moisture is the key factor affecting ion source sensitivity by varying the humidity of the sample and introducing four internal standards (Bromochloromethane, 1,4-Difluorobenzene, Chlorobenzene-d5, and p-Bromofluorobenzene) to evaluate the impact on ion source sensitivity. Internal standards allow for mass spectrometry calibration and direct monitoring of ion source stability. After 70 consecutive injections with dry gas, the peak areas of the four internal standards only changed by 3.7% on average. In contrast, after the 70th test with humid gas, the peak areas of the internal standard decreased to 55.10%, demonstrating the significant impact of moisture on the ion source’s sensitivity.
For environmental monitoring, we replaced regular capillary columns with low-bleed columns. These low-bleed columns, which feature low backpressure and thicker films, reduce the likelihood of stationary phase material being carried into the detector, thereby minimizing ion source contamination and maintaining sensitivity. Results showed that after testing with low-bleed columns, the internal standard area decreased to 47.49%, compared to only 8.55% left with regular columns. This result demonstrates how the properties of stationary phase can affect ion source sensitivity. Using low-bleed columns can effectively counteract the impact of water vapor on the ion source sensitivity, prolonging the service life of the ion source. Ultimately, this increases the stability and longevity of the monitoring instruments and reduces the overall maintenance costs. |
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