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姓名 林政宇(Cheng-Yu Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 法蘭表面平坦度和振動的關聯性
(Correlation between Flange Surface Flatness and Vibration)
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摘要(中) 為了解決鑽石刀片切割(Saw-Dicing)時因振動造成晶片背面破裂(back side chipping)問題,本研究應用藍芽晶片感測器(感測器)先收集其振動源的數據,再藉由振動值的分析曲線來判斷振動起伏的主要來源,再由循環式品質管理(PDCA)先針對振動的來源,列舉影響振動的不同來源進行分析,分別考慮幾項條件,包含1.不同水流量、2.法蘭表面平坦度(TTV(Total Thickness Variation)、 3.刀子總類的選擇等以上三項進行實驗,以比較不同加工條件的晶背破裂程度,來找出主要的振動源。實驗結果顯示:
在相同因素的情況下只改變SD#3000跟SD#4500型號的鑽石刀片進行晶圓切割實驗,合格公差內碎裂深度的晶片比率分別為0.2026%跟0.2113%,碎裂深度約為1:1.043 ,由振動曲線來看兩者相當接近。
在相同因素的情況下只改變全新的法蘭平坦度跟舊的法蘭平坦度進行晶圓切割實驗,合格公差內碎裂深度的晶片比率分別為0.0340%跟0.6267%,碎裂深度約為1:18 由振動曲線來看差異非常大。
摘要(英) To address the issue of back side chipping during Saw-Dicing due to vibration, this study employed Bluetooth chip sensors to first collect data on the vibration sources. Subsequently, the main sources of vibration fluctuations were determined through the analysis of vibration values. Then, through a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach, the study focused on the vibration sources, listing and analyzing various factors influencing vibration, including different water flow rates, Total Thickness Variation (TTV) of flange surfaces, and the selection of blade types. Experiments were conducted under these conditions to compare the extent of backside chipping under different processing conditions and identify the primary sources of vibration.
The experimental results showed that:
When only the water flow rate was changed under the same conditions, the chip fracture depth within the acceptable tolerance ratio for water flow rates of 2.0L/min and 1.5L/min was 0.2206% and 0.2352%, respectively, with a fracture depth ratio of approximately 1:1.066. The vibration curves indicated that these two were quite close.
When only the types of diamond blades (SD#3000 and SD#4500) were changed under the same conditions, the chip fracture depth within the acceptable tolerance ratio was 0.2026% and 0.2113%, respectively, with a fracture depth ratio of approximately 1:1.043. The vibration curves indicated that these two were also quite close.
When only the flatness of the new and old flanges was changed under the same conditions, the chip fracture depth within the acceptable tolerance ratio was 0.0340% and 0.6267%, respectively, with a fracture depth ratio of approximately 1:18. The vibration curves indicated a significant difference between the two.
From the experimental results, it can be observed that the ratio of fracture depth to flatness is 1:18, which is much greater than the ratios for changing water flow (1:1.043) and different diamond blades (1:1.066). It is evident that the flatness of the flange surface is the primary source affecting vibration. Through the measurement of abnormal and normal fracture depth ratios obtained by vibration chip sensors, with a chip cutting width of 0.1mm allowing for fracture tolerance below 10µm, this study confirms that when the vibration intensity is less than 2.5, the standard for fracture tolerance below 10µm can be achieved, and the yield can reach 100%
關鍵字(中) ★ 振動 關鍵字(英)
論文目次 目 錄
中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
我的貢獻 v
誌謝 iiiiii
目 錄 ix
圖 目 錄 xi
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 COG介紹 4
2.2 切割機簡介 5
2.2.1 切割機切割作動 6
2.2.2 切割機刀子切割理論與原理 7
2.3 PDCA簡述 9
第三章 研究方法 11
3.1 水流量的多寡是否影響碎裂問題 11
3.2 刀具總類不同是否影響碎裂問題 13
3.3 法蘭是否影響碎裂程度 15
第四章 振動實驗與分析 18
4.1 實驗工具 18
4.2 實驗工具原理 19
4.2.1感測器設備 19
4.3 藍芽感測器安裝位置 19
4.4 實驗數據 21
(1) 法蘭表面平坦度 21
(2) 實驗用不同的號數磨刀板磨修法蘭 22
(3) 不同平坦度法蘭實際振動加速度 24
(4) 研究結論 24
(5) 小結 51
第五章 未來展望 52
5-1 未來展望: 52
參考文獻 52
附錄 52
參考文獻 [1].Online resources:切割機https://www.disco.co.jp/cn_t/index.html
[2]. Online resources: COG製程 https://www.chipbond.com.tw/zh-tw
[3]. Online resources:切割原理https://www.waferchem.com.tw/index.html
[4]. Pinpoint Laser Systems (n.d.). How To Measure Flange Flatness.
[5] Energies. (2023). Structural Behavior of L-Type Flange Joint with Various Flange Flatness Conditions. Energies, 16(15), 5703.
[6]. KEYENCE. (n.d.). Application Solutions for Flatness and Warpage Measurement.
指導教授 張榮森 審核日期 2024-7-18
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