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姓名 黃克丞(Ke-Cheng Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 以神經網路設計多種照明參數之白光光譜生成器
(Designing a White-Light Spectrum Generator with Multiple Lighting Parameters by Using Neural Networks)
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摘要(中) 本研究以實驗室現有的14頻道燈箱為基礎,設計一款可以藉由輸入光參數後,快速得到符合輸入光參數光譜的光譜生成器。利用基因演算法來生成不同照度的數據集,使用數據集來訓練神經網路,透過不同超參數組合來評估表現良好的模型,並將該模型設計成光譜生成器。本研究的光譜生成器分成無拓展輸入與拓展輸入兩種,無拓展輸入情況下,光譜生成時間為0.01至0.02秒,而拓展輸入時,光譜生成時間為0.19秒,雖然時間比無拓展輸入久但可以預測較大的範圍。
透過基因演算法生成相關色溫(Correlated Color Temperature, CCT)為3000 K、4000 K、5000 K與6500 K,照度(Illuminance, Ev)為500 lux、600 lux、700 lux、750 lux、800 lux、900 lux以及1000 lux的數據集,其中會包含14頻道權重、CCT、色偏差值(Delta u-v, Duv)、顏色保真度指數(Color Fidelity Index, Rf)以及晝夜節律刺激值(Circadian Stimulus, CS)等光參數。
研究結果顯示,當改變Ev時,CS值也會跟著變大,但Ev與CS並不為線性關係,Ev越大時,CS值的最大值與最小值的範圍將會變小。CS值也會受到藍色-黃色機制(b-y)的影響,使4000 K的CS值低於其他三種色溫。訓練神經網路時,適當的正規化值(L2 regularization)可以有效的降低神經網路的預測誤差。最終光譜生成器將可預測不同照度下不同照明參數的光譜,只要是位於數據集內的光參數,光譜皆可以順利被預測生成。
摘要(英) In this study, we design a spectrum generator based on the 14-channel illuminator that can quickly produce spectra matching the input lighting parameters. A genetic algorithm is used to generate datasets of different illuminances, which are then used to train neural networks. Various hyperparameter combinations are evaluated to develop a well-performing model, which is then used to create the spectrum generator.
The spectrum generator in this study is divided into two types: one with non-extended input and one with extended input. For non-extended input, the spectrum generation time is 0.01 to 0.02 seconds, while for extended input, it is around 0.19 seconds. Although the extended input takes a longer time, it allows for the prediction of a broader range.
Using a genetic algorithm, datasets were generated with Correlated Color Temperatures (CCT) of 3000 K, 4000 K, 5000 K, and 6500 K, and Illuminance (Ev) of 500 lux, 600 lux, 700 lux, 750 lux, 800 lux, 900 lux, and 1000 lux. These datasets include lighting parameters such as 14-channel weights, CCT, Delta u-v (Duv), Color Fidelity Index (Rf), and Circadian Stimulus (CS).
For the neural network training, the dataset for each illuminance is first split into training, validation, and test sets. According to the experimental plan, these sets are then combined into new training, validation, and test sets with different illuminances. The training and validation sets undergo two-dimensional oversampling and are used for training. To minimize the training time and error of the neural network, this study compares different combinations of illuminance datasets and various hyperparameter configurations. The goal is to achieve the best performance with the least amount of data and the shortest training time.
The research results indicate that as the Ev increases, the CS value also increases. However, the relationship between Ev and CS is not linear. As Ev becomes larger, the range between the maximum and minimum CS values decreases. The CS value is also influenced by the blue versus yellow color mechanism (b-y), resulting in lower CS values for 4000 K compared to the other three CCTs. When training the neural network, an appropriate L2 regularization value effectively reduces the prediction error. Ultimately, the spectrum generator can predict the spectrum of different lighting parameters under various illuminances, and as long as the lighting parameters are within the dataset, the spectra can be successfully generated.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光譜生成器
★ 多頻道燈箱
★ 神經網路
★ 基因演算法
★ 晝夜節律刺激值
關鍵字(英) ★ Spectrum Generator
★ Multi-Channel Illuminator
★ Neural Network
★ Genetic Algorithm
★ Circadian Stimulus
論文目次 摘要 v
Abstract vii
致謝 ix
目錄 x
圖目錄 xiv
表目錄 xxii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
1-3 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2-1 光譜及基本照明光參數介紹 4
2-2 顏色保真度指數(Color Fidelity Index, Rf) 11
2-3 照明對生理影響 17
2-3-1 非視覺效應(Non-visual Effects) 18
2-3-2 晝夜節律刺激值(Circadian Stimulus, CS) 21
2-4 多頻道燈具之特性 24
2-5 基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA) 28
2-6 神經網路(Neural Network, NN) 31
第三章 光譜生成器的方法與步驟 36
3-1 實驗設備 36
3-1-1 可調式光譜多頻道燈箱 36
3-1-2 光源照明分析軟體 Q_LEDNavigator 38
3-1-3 光源控制軟體照度計 THOUSLITE FS 39
3-1-4 色彩照度計 CL-70F 40
3-2 實驗設計 41
3-2-1 模擬環境配置 41
3-2-2 實驗流程 42
3-3 實驗方法 47
3-3-1 不同照度集生成方法 48
3-3-2 神經網路訓練方法 53
3-3-2-1 比較不同過採樣 58
3-3-2-2 比較不同照度數據集組合 60
3-3-2-3 神經網路超參數優化 62
3-3-3 建構光譜生成器方法 67
第四章 實驗結果與討論 70
4-1 數據集統計及分析結果 70
4-2 神經網路預測結果 86
4-2-1 比較過採樣結果 86
4-2-2 不同照度組合之神經網路預測結果 89
4-2-2-1 組合500、1000 lux照度數據集 90
4-2-2-2 組合500、750、1000 lux照度數據集 93
4-2-2-3 組合500、700、800、1000 lux照度數據集 96
4-2-2-4 不同照度組合結果討論 99
4-2-3 超參數優化結果 101
4-3 光譜生成器結果 106
4-3-1 無拓展輸入光譜生成器結果 108
4-3-2 拓展輸入光譜生成器結果 122
4-3-3 LEDCube實際照明結果 127
4-4 光譜生成器結果討論 138
第五章 結論與未來展望 142
5-1 結論 142
5-2 未來展望 144
參考文獻 145
附錄A 無拓展輸入光譜生成器預測結果 150
附錄B 拓展輸入光譜生成器預測結果 190
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指導教授 陳怡君(Yi-Chun Chen) 審核日期 2024-7-29
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