摘要(英) |
This paper bases its research on the principles of wave optics and the VOHIL model proposed by Professor Ching-Cheng Sun. It derives an optical model for volume holographic optical elements, analyzing the corresponding diffraction light distribution under different parameters, including the refractive index of the recording medium material, material thickness, recording light source, and reading light source, all of which affect the spatial distribution of the diffraction light field.
Based on the scalar diffraction theory of wave optics and the VOHIL model, we establish an optical model for volume holographic elements. By using electromagnetic wave equations, we derive the distribution of the diffraction light field at the system’s output surface during the recording and reading processes of the holographic film.
The advantage of the model is in using the light field distribution of recording and reading light sources as the basis for calculation, significantly aiding the convenience of calculations for different light sources. This model simplifies computational complexity, compared to the analytic expression of the function. Moreover, the model considers factors influencing the diffraction light field. For volume holographic optical elements designed with diffraction wavelength, and distribution viewing angle, providing comprehensive image information. |
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