摘要(英) |
This study aims to explore how teachers in Hakka language certification classes at Hakka Living Schools integrate information technology into their teaching, utilizing an Immediate Response System (IRS) to enhance the learning outcomes of students in these classes. During the teaching process, bilingual Hakka-English picture books are used as instructional materials. Through action research, the study seeks to identify problems, adjust teaching methods, refine teaching strategies, and develop effective instructional approaches utilizing the IRS to improve learning outcomes.
The main objectives of the research are:
1. To investigate the impact of using the Immediate Response System (IRS) on enhancing students′ learning outcomes through action research.
2. To explore whether the use of the IRS increases motivation and interest in learning Hakka among students with varying levels of Hakka proficiency.
3. To provide concrete suggestions for teachers on how to integrate information technology into Hakka language teaching in the future.
This study employs action research methodology, focusing on 15 students from mixed-grade classes (grades 3 to 5) at a Hakka Living School in the Yangmei District. The research methods include semi-structured interviews, teaching journals, literature analysis, observation, feedback questionnaires, and action research to analyze and organize research data. The action research incorporates the IRS-supported teaching model into the curriculum and compares its effects on students′ Hakka learning achievements with traditional lecture-based teaching methods.
The results indicate that the IRS-supported teaching group significantly outperformed the traditional paper-and-pencil testing group, demonstrating that the use of the Immediate Response System (IRS) can enhance student learning outcomes. Students with the ability to engage in basic Hakka conversations showed the most notable improvements, followed by those capable of daily conversational skills in Hakka. Additionally, students with different levels of Hakka proficiency displayed increased motivation and interest in learning the language.
Keywords: Hakka language, Immediate Response System (IRS), action research. |
參考文獻 |
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