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姓名 徐佳佳(Chia-Chia Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
論文名稱 融入戰爭機器:《六月裡的玫瑰花》和《小寡婦》中的種族、性與軍事化勞動
(Integration into the War Machine: Race, Sexuality, and Militarized Labor in “A Rose in June” and “The Young Widow”)
★ 信仰科學-張之江的國術「治」國運動★ 單身動物園: 強制性伴侶的代理分裂力量與親密想像
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摘要(中) 面對暴力抹除階級、性別和種族化的過去是冷戰現代性的決定性條件,本文閱讀兩部台灣本土文學作品,陳映真《六月的玫瑰》和黃春明《小寡婦》,透過其描繪越戰期間種族化的士兵和軍事化的賣淫勞動,審視被抹殺的階級、性別和種族化的過去,以突顯臺美共同建構的冷戰現代性。 透過解讀非裔美國士兵的軍事勞動,本文處理遺忘種族暴力作為美國冷戰自由思想和帝國政治的支點,賦予美國道德主導地位的合理性,建立其全球領導地位,並為(新)殖民干預和全球軍事主義創造機會。我探討非裔美國士兵的軍事勞動在物質和意識形態方面如何支撐美國冷戰軍事帝國霸權,並討論非裔美國士兵在廢除種族隔離的越南戰爭中所扮演的角色,非裔美國士兵的軍事勞動不僅驗證美國對種族民主和進步的國家文化的主張,並建立美國戰爭權力的道德權威,奠定美國冷戰崛起的條件。本文展示美國自由化軍事帝國的生命權力:軍事化多元文化主義透過生命政治整合種族人性,製造生命,同時軍事物化特定群體,使其成為可犧牲品,以服務種族國家的帝國主義擴張。關注吧女身分、慾望、動機和經驗的多樣性,此文表明她們是計算和慾望的主體——儘管深陷於社會結構不平等所產生的物質和象徵性劣勢中——透過性勞動,與美國士兵的親密互動中協商或解除困境。吧女的日常抗爭顯現複雜的主體性和能動性,超越了女性受害者的範疇,對於否認她們勞動生命的看法,提出反對批評。
摘要(英) In the face of how the violent erasure of a classed, gendered, and racialized past is the determinant conditions for Cold War modernity, this thesis turns to two Taiwanese nativist literary works, Ying-zhen Chen’s “A Rose in June” and Chunming Huang’s “The Young Widow,” whose portrayal of racialized labors of soldiering and militarized prostitution during the Vietnam War to interrogate classed, gendered, and racialized pasts having been obliterated to highlight U.S.-Taiwan co-construction of Cold War modernity. My reading of African American soldiering reckons with the forgetting of racial violence at the fulcrum of American Cold War liberal thoughts and imperial politics that justifies U.S. moral dominance, establishes its global leadership that Taiwan aligned with, and stages the occasion for (neo)colonial intervention and global militarism. I explore how African American labor of soldiering in material and ideological terms underpins U.S. Cold War military-imperial hegemony and discuss the role of the African American soldier in the desegregated Vietnam War assumes in validating U.S. claims to a distinct national culture of racial democracy and progress, establishing U.S. war power’s moral authority, and thereby shaping the conditions of U.S. Cold War ascendancy. I demonstrate the biopower of U.S. liberal militarized empire: militarized multiculturalism makes life through biopolitical integration of racial humanity, whereas it simultaneously lets die through militarized objectification of certain populations, making them expendable for the racial state’s imperialist expansion. Attentive to the diversity of bar girls’ identities, desires, motivations, and experiences, this thesis shows that they are calculating and desiring subjects—entrenched in material and symbolic disadvantage engendered by social structures of inequalities—who seek ways, through their sexualized labor, to reconcile or get out of their predicament in their intimate interactions with U.S. soldiers. The bar girls’ daily acts of struggle, in showing a complexity of subjectivities and agency and exceeding the identifiable category of female victims, constitutes oppositional critiques of the disavowal of their laboring lives.
關鍵字(中) ★ 冷戰
★ 性工作
★ 種族
★ 軍事主義
關鍵字(英) ★ Cold War
★ sex work
★ race
★ militarism
論文目次 Abstract………………………………….………………………………….…………………I
Table of Contents………………………………….…………………….……………...……VI
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
African American Soldiering: To Make and to Let Die………………………...……54
Chapter 3
The “Unrespectable,” “Non-modern” Bar Girl………………………………………80
Works Cited…………………………………………………………………………………..99
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指導教授 林建廷(Chien-Ting Lin) 審核日期 2024-8-21
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