摘要(英) |
This paper tries to construct a way of understanding traditional culture based on the theses in Gadamer′s Truth and Method, while applying it to respond to the challenge of internationalism. This begins with three key concepts of Gadamer′s: That of "temporal distance", "effective history" and "application". Through these concepts, we shall be able to understand the close relationship between man, history and traditional culture, the way he participates in them, as well as the points of doing so. The researcher, then, looks into the problem of what is culture, doing so in light of such concepts as Bildung, game, continuity and precedence. What is discussed here is the components and mechanism of culture, and what is emphasized is its richness and profoundity. From the perspective of this paper, these later two are the important characteristics of culture. So the paper proceeds by focusing on internationalism and illustrating its relationship with the Enlightenment and liberalism. The researcher is of the view that these are harmful to traditional culture; (unlike romanticism) and the conflict can be traced back to the contradiction regarding the way each side think about human nature, as well as whether it values only universality, but not concrete universality. The conclusion of thispaper: internationalism is both impractical and in conflict with human nature, whereas traditional culture is the origin as well as ultimate basis for the development of the human spirit. |
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