摘要(英) |
This study investigates the impact of occupational fatal risk on workers′ wages, particularly focusing on the rarely addressed aspects of gender and household member selection (household head and spouse) in previous domestic literature. It specifically considers whether spouses within the same family choose high-risk jobs and explores whether life value estimates are higher in such cases. Through sample selection, the study separately examines the wage-risk compensation characteristics among male samples, female samples, and mixed-gender samples.
The primary model used in this research is the hedonic wage model reconstructed through assortative mating, as proposed by Aldy (2019). Taiwanese data from 2007 to 2016 were used to estimate the value of life, analyzing wage data from household heads and spouses. The total sample size was 4,640, and the study conducted estimates using four sample combinations: (1) all workers, (2) only household heads, (3) only spouses, and (4) spousal difference samples.
According to the occupational fatal risk coefficients, the estimated values of life are as follows: for all workers, the estimate is NT$141,039,987; for household heads, it is NT$101,371,723 ; for spouses, it is NT$105,294,878 ; and for the sample using the assortative mating theory, it is NT$250,179,018. Compared to traditional estimation methods, the model using intra-household differences, which excludes heterogeneity issues, results in a higher estimated value of statistical life (VSL). The study also finds that wage compensation for job risks is significant for men, whereas women do not show the same compensation effect, reflecting workplace gender inequality. |
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