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姓名 王家偉(Chia-Wei Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所在職專班
論文名稱 健保藥價給付之因素分析-以抗微生物製劑為例
★ 銀行授信行為之研究★ 經發會前後台股指數、期貨指數、電子指數與金融指數之關聯性
★ 台灣家庭夏天用電需求分析★ 影響台銀黃金存摺價格因素之研究
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★ 台美股價、匯率、利率之動態關聯-VECM與VECM-GARCH應用★ 台灣攤販業獲利決定因素-人力資本的影響
★ 航空客運經濟帶油決定因素之實證分析★ 台灣都會區用電需求影響因素實證分析
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★ 人口結構變遷對財政教育支出之影響★ 運動鞋製業的市場結構、行為與績效分析
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摘要(中) 台灣全民健保政策自民國86年開辦以來嘉惠國民,不僅照顧到經濟弱勢民眾,更讓台灣醫療愈加普及,使得國民平均壽命日漸增加。但相對的也帶來了全民健保沉重的財務虧損,有鑑於此,衛生福利部中央健康保險署逐步調整健保給付藥物價格,實施健保藥物保險給付調整機制,以減少全民健保財務虧損之衝擊。
摘要(英) Since its inception in 1997, Taiwan′s National Health Insurance (NHI) policy has benefited the populace by not only catering to economically disadvantaged individuals but also by promoting widespread access to healthcare services, leading to a gradual increase in the average life expectancy of citizens. However, this expansion of coverage has also resulted in significant financial deficits for the NHI system. In response to these challenges, the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA) under the Ministry of Health and Welfare has gradually adjusted the drug prices and implemented medication insurance payment mechanism covered by the NHI scheme to mitigate the financial burden on the system.
Therefore, this study aims to examine the factors influencing the reimbursement of antimicrobial agents under the NHI scheme over the years. It seeks to analyze the determinants of NHI drug reimbursement using hedonic price analysis. The research methodology involves establishing virtual variables based on the types of drugs listed in the NHIA′s announcements of reimbursable drug items from 2017 to 2022. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis is then employed to construct a price reimbursement model and analyze the significant factors affecting the overall reimbursement of antimicrobial agents, comparing them to control groups and identifying differences. Moreover, this research attempts to analyze the impact of NHI drug prices on the usage of antimicrobial agents across different drug categories. It establishes a demand analysis model using two-stage least squares methods (2SLS) to investigate the reasons for changes in both variables.
Therefore, this study aims to examine the factors influencing the factor of reimbursement for antimicrobial agents under the NHI over the years. It seeks to analyze the determinants of reimbursement factor for these medications. The research methodology involves establishing dummy variables based on the types of medications listed in the NHIA′s announcements of reimbursable drug items from 2016 to 2022. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis is then employed to identify significant factors affecting the overall reimbursement of antimicrobial agents. Moreover, the study investigates the reasons for compared to the control group and identifies any differences therein.
According to the empirical results of the price reimbursement model, annual usage exhibits a significant negative correlation. Regarding indications, antineoplastic drugs and immunosuppressants have the highest impact on drug reimbursement, followed by medications for the digestive system and metabolism, medications for the genitourinary system and hormonal-related medications, and systemic anti-infective agents, which show significant positive correlations. Conversely, anthelmintic drugs, medications for hemorrhoids, and hormonal medications exhibit significant negative correlations. Generic drugs, first-line medications, single-ingredient medications, and oral medications also show significant positive correlations, whereas injectable medications show significant negative correlations.
In the demand analysis model, among different drug categories, the demand elasticity for antineoplastic drugs, immunosuppressants, systemic anti-infective agents, and second-line medications is less than 1, while other medications do not exhibit this pattern. Injectable medications, on the other hand, show positive demand elasticity due to drug shortages and lack of alternatives, indicating that the uniqueness and urgency of medication usage can indeed influence demand elasticity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 健保藥價
★ 抗微生物製劑
★ 普通最小平均法(OLS)
★ 二階段最小平方法(2SLS)
關鍵字(英) ★ health insurance drug prices
★ antimicrobial agents
★ ordinary least averaging (OLS)
★ two stage least square(2SLS)
論文目次 中文摘要 ……………………………………………………….. i
英文摘要 ……………………………………………………….. ii
誌謝 ……………………………………………………….. iv
目錄 ……………………………………………………….. v
圖目錄 ……………………………………………………….. vi
表目錄 ……………………………………………………….. vii
一、 緒論………………………………………………….. 1
1.1 研究動機…………………………………………….. 1
1.2 研究目的…………………………………………….. 3
1.3 章節安排…………………………………………….. 3
二、 健保藥價價格給付調整機制及抗微生物製劑簡述.. 5
2.1 現行健保藥費支出概況…………………………….. 5
2.2 健保藥價改革……………………………………….. 7
2.3 健保藥品價格給付調整機制……………………….. 8
2.4 抗微生物製劑類型………………………………….. 12
三、 文獻回顧…………………………………………….. 15
3.1 專利藥品…………………………………………….. 15
3.2 學名藥品…………………………………………….. 17
3.3 台灣藥價差………………………………………….. 19
3.4 台灣健保藥價與國際藥價比較分析……………….. 20
3.5 抗微生物製劑藥抗藥性…………………………….. 21
四、 研究方法…………………………………………….. 23
4.1 實證模型設定……………………………………….. 23
4.2 資料來源與變數設定…..…………………………… 25
4.3 基本統計分析…………………….…………………. 31
五、 實證結果…………………………………………….. 35
5.1 價格給付模型……………………………………….. 35
5.2 需求分析模型……………………………………….. 39
六、 結論………………………………………………….. 44
6.1 研究發現…………………………………………….. 44
6.2 研究意涵與政策建議……………………………….. 47
6.3 研究限制與未來研究方向………………………….. 48
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………….. 49
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指導教授 劉錦龍(Chin-Lung Liu) 審核日期 2024-5-27
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