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姓名 沈廷勳(Ting-Hsun Shen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 軟體工程研究所
論文名稱 大結構數據可視化與分析實現於3D調試工具xDIVA
★ CRUnit - Capture / Replay Based Unit Testing★ Locating Interested Code by Program Execution Paths with Debugger
★ An OpenStack Based Testing as a Service Platform★ Visualize Ripple Effect with Analyzing Object-Oriented Design Relationship
★ Change History Tracing Tool for Arbitrary Programming Language★ Virtual Objects for Program Visualization in xDIVA
★ Enhance Stress Testing Power by Synchronizing JMeter Test Scripts★ 以 GDB 實作 XThreadDebugger-Linux(XTD-Linux)提供 Linux 平台之多執行緒除錯
★ 支援版本控制系統之文件撰寫工具★ Korat: An O.S.-independent Capture/Replay Test Automation System
★ GUI Component Detection for Cross-Platform Applications–Using Input Device and Image Change Synergistic Detection Method★ 應用設計模式於 RPA 軟體 實作低維護成本的屬性面板自動修正功能
★ 使用靜態分析偵測 JavaScript 應用程式中的 Race Condition★ 基於物件導向與 Clean Code 概念進行 xDiva 重構與優化
★ 基於xDIVA之利用關鍵影格將3D物件動畫化與即時保存的視覺化工具★ Time capsules of code: 使用穿越時空的訊息來解決程式碼 註解的弊病
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摘要(中) 從古至今,家族族譜、田地分布、戰略位置、人口統計等,只要是人們想要理解、分析的數據,總是會想先嘗試將其進行視覺化,程式中各種資料當然也不例外。
xDIVA( Extreme Debugging Information Visualization Assistant ) 是本實驗室迄今為止所開發的一款3D視覺化程式除錯輔助工具。該工具允許使用者在除錯任意程式時,擷取中斷點處的任意變數並將其在3D世界中視覺化展示。目前的xDIVA已經能夠高效且多元地讓使用者視覺化各種資料,但對於「結構分析」方面尚未提供完善的功能,因此本研究開發了一套系統,幫助使用者更好地觀察結構數據並進一步進行結構分析。
摘要(英) From ancient times to the present, whenever people want to understand and analyze data, such as family genealogy, land distribution, strategic positions, demographic statistics, etc., they always first try to visualize it. The data in various programs are no exception
xDIVA (Extreme Debugging Information Visualization Assistant) is a 3D visualization debugging assistant tool developed by our laboratory to date. This tool allows users to visualize any variable at breakpoints in a 3D world while debugging any program. The current xDIVA is already capable of efficiently and diversely visualizing various data for users, but it has not yet provided comprehensive functions for "data analysis." Therefore, this research developed a system to help users better observe structured data and further conduct structural analysis.
To conduct effective structural analysis, enhancements are needed in "multiple structure presentation" and "data analysis." "Multiple structure presentation" allows users to simultaneously display multiple object structures for observation, while "data analysis" provides diverse analytical tools, enabling users to understand structural differences from various perspectives.
The system developed through this research enhances xDIVA′s visualization and interaction capabilities, improving users′ efficiency and experience in the debugging process and providing a powerful and easy-to-use tool for 3D structural analysis.
關鍵字(中) ★ xDIVA 關鍵字(英) ★ xDIVA
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 x
一、 緒論 1
二、 研究背景 4
2-1 xDIVA 4
2-2 GDB Plugin 7
2-3 VS Code Extension 8
2-4 Type Mapping Dialog 9
2-5 Dependency Editor 10
2-6 Evaluator 11
2-7 Viewer 12
三、 問題背景與分析探討 16
3-1 人們面對資料的行為模式 16
3-1-1 資料視覺化 16
3-1-2 資料觀察 17
3-1-3 結構分析 17
3-2 xDIVA舊有功能分析 18
3-3 xDIVA功能優化方向 19
3-3-1 多結構展示 19
3-3-2 結構分析 20
四、 系統實作及整合 21
4-1 多結構顯示 21
4-2 結構分析 28
4-3 使用者操作行為 35
五、 案例探討與實驗 37
5-1 布林運算之分析 38
5-1-1 差集運算 38
5-1-2 和集運算 41
5-1-3 交集運算 44
5-2 數值計算 46
5-2-1 Linked List 47
5-2-2 Binary Tree 48
5-2-3 RGB圖像視覺化 49
5-2-4 DNA 51
5-2-5 化學結構 54
六、 系統成效評估 57
6-1 EDA例子評估 57
6-2 DNA例子評估 59
七、 結論與未來展望 62
7-1 結論 62
7-2 未來展望 63
八、 參考資料 64
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指導教授 鄭永斌(Yung-Pin Cheng) 審核日期 2024-7-29
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