摘要(英) |
A repairable system can be reused after repairs, but data from such systems often exhibit
cyclic patterns. For instance, in the charge-discharge cycles of a battery, capacity decreases with each cycle, and the system′s performance may not fully recover after each repair.
To address this issue, the trend renewal process (TRP) transforms periodic data using a
trend function to ensure the transformed data satisfy independent and stationary increments.
This study explores random-effects models with a conjugate structure, achieved
by reparameterizing the TRP models, called generic TRP (GTRP). These random-effects
GTRP models, adaptable to any GTRP model with a renewal distribution possessing a conjugate structure, provide enhanced convenience and flexibility in describing sample
heterogeneity. An approximate formula for the end of performance is derived to make life inferences about recurrent systems, with a simulation study confirming the validity of these inferences for GTRP models. Moreover, the proposed random-effects models are extended to accelerated GTRP (AGTRP) for assessing the reliability of lithium-ion battery data, in addition to analyzing aircraft cooling system data and NASA battery data. |
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