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姓名 林冠勳(Guan-Xun Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 基於全雙工中繼器平台實現Wi-Fi通道預約機制於非授權頻譜
(Implementation of Wi-Fi Channel Reservation Using Full Duplex Radio Repeater over Unlicensed Spectrum)
★ 利用智慧天線系統實現精準室內定位技術★ 電力線通訊之競爭存取與路由方法設計與實現
★ 設計與實作基於GRAPES函式庫之P2P即時串流系統★ 利用離散餘弦基礎之聲音浮水印達到室內定位技術
★ 利用虛擬指紋建置法之智慧型天線系統實現精準室內定位技術★ 即時影像串流自適應播放系統之研究
★ 利用模糊邏輯控制器於蜂巢式網路降低位置管理機制成本★ 基於支持向量機及模糊推理之地震預警系統研製
★ 基於行動裝置之分散式多人會議系統★ 以分群為基礎之3D無線與光學網路晶片頻道存取方法
★ 基於收前先聽LBR機制之授權型輔助接入LAA架構下於異質網路中暴露節點之研究★ 支援跳頻之IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee無線隨身網路機制設計與實現
★ 應用於IEEE 802.16行動無線都會網路省電模式參數設定之智慧策略★ IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee 無線隨身網路高效能路由演算法分析與設計
★ 應用於IEEE 802.16無線寬頻都會網路之具調適性自動重傳請求回報機制★ 無線感測網路為基礎之空間平面圖自動建構之技術
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摘要(中) 第五代行動通訊 (5G) 應用情景其中一項為超低延遲通訊 (ultra-reliable and low latency communications,URLLC),其特性為低延遲以及高可靠性。若要實現此服務於非授權頻譜 (unlicensed spectrum) 將面臨許多問題,例如來自異質 Wi-Fi網路干擾等。本論文根據先前所提出之非授權頻譜通道預留機制 (channel reservation mechanism,CRM),利用一台全雙工無線電中繼器 (Full Duplex Radio Repeater,FDRR) 平台於非授權頻譜某一通道持續發出Busy Tone (BT) 以達成通道預約目的,並可同時於該通道上傳輸訊息不受干擾,驗證先前所提出之非授權頻譜通道預留機制之可行性。
本論文設計使用多台FDRRs平台模擬第五代行動通訊場景內基地台 (gNB)與用戶設備 (UE),實現於非授權頻譜之CRM。其原理為gNB與所有UEs同時於一非授權頻段之通道上發送相同長度但是不同根索引之ZC序列作為BT,另外,若一設備欲傳遞資料訊息亦使用不同根索引之 ZC序列傳送。gNB與UEs間透過匹配濾波器 (matched filter) 可有效匹配已知ZC序列進而區別來源設備之訊息,達成數台UEs和gNB同時發射BT時也能同時接收到不同設備之訊息,互不干擾。此時,存取此通道之Wi-Fi設備將因其採用載波偵測多重存取/碰撞避免 (CSMA/CA) 而被所提出之CRM阻擋存取機會,從而實現通道預約。實驗透過 Iperf軟體測試觀察Wi-Fi通道吞吐量驗證是否該通道已被佔用。
摘要(英) One of the applications of 5th-Generation Mobile Communication Technology (5G) is ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC), which focuses on features such as low latency and high reliability. If one wants to realize URLLC service in the unlicensed spectrum, he/she may face many challenges, such as the interference from heterogeneous Wi-Fi networks. Based on our previous researches, which proposed the channel reservation mechanism (CRM) over unlicensed spectrum, this thesis attempts to utilize a full-duplex radio repeater (FDRR) platform to achieve channel reservation by continuously emitting the Busy Tone (BT) in unlicensed channel in order to occupy that channel, meanwhile these FDRRs are able to transmit control/data signals to each other without the disturb from Wi-Fi networks. The experiment is used to validate the feasibility of developing the proposed CRM for realizing the URLLC services in unlicensed spectrum.
This thesis uses a number of FDRRs to play the roles of gNodeB (gNB) and user equipment (UE) in the 5G system, aiming to achieve channel reservation in unlicensed spectrum. All FDRRs emit ZC sequences of the same length but with different root indices as BTs, one index for one FDRR, and they use matched filters to effectively distinguish the source FDRRs by matching known ZC sequences. As a result, the gNB and UEs can transmit their BTs and receive the other BTs from other devices simultaneously. At the same time, the channel accessed by Wi-Fi devices will be temporarily occupied by the proposed CRM. Through Iperf (PCC/PCS) testing, the throughput of the Wi-Fi channel is used as an evidence to show that whether the channel is used by Wi-Fi devices or not, thus validating the capability of channel reservation.
During the design phase, we utilize the Quartus tools to program in Verilog and then program the FPGA within the FDRR. Also, we employ the Keil_V5 to write firmware code for the MCU to process sophisticated calculation, aiming to conserve FPGA resources. Finally, we utilize MATLAB to confirm the correlation between the IQ signals extracted from the FDRR via JTAG and then identify the received ZC sequences. Experiments have been established to validate that multiple FDRRs are able to communicate with each other without the disturb from homogeneous and heterogeneous interferences during field tests, which in turn also confirms the ability of channel reservation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 全雙工無線電 (FDR)
★ 自適應濾波器
★ 可程式化邏輯閘陣列
★ ZC序列
★ 載波頻率偏移
★ 通道預約
關鍵字(英) ★ Full Duplex Radio
★ Adaptive Filter
★ Field Programmable Gate Array
★ Zadoff-Chu Sequence
★ Carrier Frequency Offset
★ Channel Reservation
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Chapter 2. BACKGROUND 3
2.1. Full Duplex Radio 3
2.2. Commercial Repeater Hardware 4
2.3. Automatic Gain Control 5
2.4. Zadoff Chu (ZC) Sequence 6
2.5. Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) 7
2.6. Least Mean Squares (LMS) Algorithms 9
2.7. Matching Filter 10
Chapter 3. Related Work 12
3.1. Nonlinear Distortion in FDRR 12
4.1. AGC Design 13
4.2. CFO Estimation and Correction 14
4.3. Self-Interference Cancellation 15
4.4. Matching Filter 16
4.5. CRM Experiment 16
5.1. Implementation of CFO Correction 19
5.2. Implementation of SIC 20
5.3. Implementation of CRM 21
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指導教授 許獻聰(Shiann-Tsong Sheu) 審核日期 2024-7-26
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