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姓名 劉凱妍(Kai-Yen Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 台灣家族企業資產傳承個案與趨勢分析
★ 具兩岸特色的台灣銀行產業分析-以上海銀行為例★ 台灣界面活性劑產業競爭條件分析-以A公司為例
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★ 保險業務員專業技能升級之策略研究─以C公司為例★ 文化創意產業工藝類之行銷模式分析
★ 金融業理財專員獎酬辦法探討與績效評估★ 電子製造業服務化之策略探討
★ 中國連鎖茶飲市場分析★ 台灣商用車產業分析
★ 中國手持式X射線螢光元素分析儀產業分析★ 台灣半導體設備代理商之策略探討
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摘要(中) 台灣的經濟起飛年代,見證了無數成功創業家的崛起。然而,隨著企業規模的擴大和業務的複雜化,以及創業家年齡的增長和子女的成家立業,近10年來,台灣企業界陸續面臨傳承與接班的難題。本論文旨在探討台灣家族企業的經營與傳承過程,分析其在世代交替、企業管理、文化傳承及外部環境變遷中的應對策略與挑戰。
本論文採用個案訪談方式,在完成研究背景、研究動機、研究流程和文獻探討後,我們意識到需要更深入地探討家族企業資產傳承及企業家面臨的挑戰,包括接班人計畫和培育等方面。因此,採用了深度訪談法(depth interviewing)及問卷調查法(survey method),在深入了解家族企業的思維邏輯以及與代際傳承相關的問題,研究選取了具有代表性的五家台灣家族企業,通過深入的訪談與實地調查,揭示其在不同背景和產業中所展現的獨特特徵和共通經驗。
摘要(英) During Taiwan′s economic boom, numerous successful entrepreneurs emerged. However, as businesses expanded and operations became more complex, coupled with the aging of entrepreneurs and their children starting their own families, Taiwanese enterprises have increasingly faced challenges in succession and leadership transition over the past decade. This thesis aims to explore the management and succession processes of Taiwanese family businesses, analyzing their strategies and challenges in generational transition, corporate management, cultural heritage, and adaptation to external environmental changes.
This dissertation adopts a case study interview method. After completing the research background, research motivation, research process, and literature review, we recognized the need to delve deeper into the issues of asset succession and the challenges faced by entrepreneurs, including succession planning and training. Therefore, depth interviewing and survey methods were employed to gain an in-depth understanding of the thought processes within family businesses and the issues related to intergenerational succession. Five Taiwanese family businesses were selected for in-depth interviews and field investigations to reveal their unique characteristics and common experiences across different backgrounds and industries.
Taiwanese family businesses account for over 74% of listed companies. Out of 331 listed family businesses, 59 with no succession records were excluded, leaving 272. Among these 272 family businesses, there have been 628 succession events over the past 21 years, with 58% of successors being family members. The proportion of family businesses among listed companies in Taiwan dropped from 82% in 2000 to 76% in 2006, and has remained between 74% and 75% in the past decade. These figures indicate that family businesses hold a significant position in the Taiwanese stock market, and whether they have succession plans and the work experience of successors have profound impacts on business performance and sustainable development.
In the next five years, these businesses may face three major challenges: continuous innovation, attracting suitable talent, and retaining key personnel. During this process, how to transition veteran employees, who have made significant contributions in the past, from frontline positions to core assisting roles, thereby ensuring the effective transfer of internal resources within the family business, will be crucial to their success or failure.
Most Taiwanese family businesses began to rise in the 1940s and 1950s, and now many have reached the critical point of second or third-generation succession. To survive or pursue greater profits, many family businesses started expanding into mainland China or neighboring Asian countries in the 1990s. These Taiwanese family business operators and employees face complex situations, including strategic transformation, succession, and assisting the older generation of employees in adapting to new operating and living environments. During critical periods of business transformation, much like during the early stages of rapid growth and expansion, family businesses should institutionalize "not breaking up the family" through establishing clear family governance structures and management systems to maintain scale and synergy during the succession process.
The findings of this thesis are as follows: Family businesses face multiple challenges in succession and sustainable management, with key issues including generational differences, insufficient succession planning, imbalance between short-term and long-term goals, lack of adaptability, and a shortage of strategic alliances and cooperation. Generational differences in economic environments and values lead to discrepancies in business philosophies between the older and younger generations. If new business models are not adopted, succession will be difficult. Globally, family businesses generally lack sufficient succession planning and confidence in their succession plans, affecting long-term stability. Most family businesses′ strategic planning focuses only on short-term goals, failing to fully consider long-term market changes and sustainable development, leading to a lack of preparedness for long-term challenges. In the face of rapidly changing global situations and the demands of digital transformation, family businesses need to be flexible and adaptable, with successful transformation relying on technology adoption, continuous learning and improvement, and a macro vision. However, many businesses still fall short in this regard. Historically, family businesses have operated solo, but in the modern market environment, they need to adopt more strategic alliances and cooperation models to promote innovation and development. Many family businesses have yet to fully utilize this approach, putting them at a disadvantage in competition.
In summary, family businesses face significant challenges in succession and sustainable management, including generational differences, insufficient succession planning, imbalance between short-term and long-term goals, lack of adaptability, and a shortage of strategic alliances and cooperation. These issues need to be addressed through comprehensive planning and management to ensure that family businesses can achieve long-term stable development in a highly competitive modern market, making the dream of becoming a centennial enterprise a reality.
關鍵字(中) ★ 家族企業傳承
★ 接班規劃
★ 世代差異
★ 企業管理
★ 策略聯盟
★ 策略聯盟
關鍵字(英) ★ family business succession
★ succession planning
★ generational differences
★ corporate management
★ strategic alliances
★ sustainable management
論文目次 第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動背景與動機 1
1.2 研究方法 3
1.3 研究流程與架構 4
第2章 文獻探討 7
2.1 家族企業治理 7
2.2 家族企業傳承 12
2.3 本章小結 15
第3章 個案研究與趨勢分析 17
3.1 個案研究 17
3.2 個案傳承的問題探討 31
3.3 本章小結 42
第4章 個案訪談與分析 44
4.1 訪談問題設計 44
4.2 個案背景與訪談內容 45
4.3 個案整理與分析 79
第五章 結論與建議 85
5.1 結論 85
5.2 建議 86
參考文獻 89
參考文獻 中文文獻:
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1. 遠見雜誌電子版2022年1月26日,取自https://tw.news.yahoo.com/股民必看-台灣長青傳承股100強-可成-群光-鴻海三雄稱霸電子業-230000875.html
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6. 《經濟日報》,登載日期於2024年2月21日,網址:https://money.udn.com/money/story/122331/7780854 / 智慧經營/台塑總管理處總經理林善志 精進製程安全管理
7. Booklife圓神書活網,網址:https://www.booklife.com.tw/baike-detail/3/159 / 誰是接班人?從台積電、台塑的交棒,看台灣公司的永續經營! 與 Yahoo新聞,登載日期於2017年5月18日,網址:https://tw.news.yahoo.com/9-102909684.html / 台塑啟動經營權、所有權分家 王家人退出9人小組
8. 三立新聞網,登載日期於2020年11月18日,網址:https://tw.news.yahoo.com/王永慶神布局-過世12年繼續賺千億-005540912.html
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10. KPMG安侯建業會計師事務所,網址:https://kpmg.com/tw/zh/home/insights/2022/04/the-role-and-development-of-the-family-office.html / 家族辦公室在家族傳承中的角色及發展不只是財富的傳承,「家族辦公室」更是一個成就家族與家族企業永續經營的平台
11. PwC資誠會計師事務所《家族企業需要成立家族辦公室嗎》,網址:https://www.pwc.tw/zh/topics/family-business/fo-20231011.html
12. 常杏研究顧問《家族辦公室》,登載日期於2023年7月6日,網址:https://ginkgoconsult.com/family-office/2020-10-blog-family-01/
13. 安永會計師事務所(EY)所發新聞稿,登載日期於2023年6月5日,網址:https://www.ey.com/zh_tw/news/2023/06/ey-taiwan-news-release-2023-06-05 / 家族企業傳承祕笈 善用傳承工具 不動產傳承、境外資金回臺 節稅規劃
指導教授 邱俊榮 審核日期 2024-7-26
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