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姓名 張茵喬(Yin-Qiao Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
(Data Augmentation with Semantic Information in Visual Localization)
★ 基於馬賽克特性之低失真實體電路佈局保密技術★ 多路徑傳輸控制協定下從無線區域網路到行動網路之無縫換手
★ 感知網路下具預算限制之異質性子頻段分配★ 下行服務品質排程在多天線傳輸環境下的效能評估
★ 多路徑傳輸控制協定下之整合型壅塞及路徑控制★ Opportunistic Scheduling for Multicast over Wireless Networks
★ 適用多用戶多輸出輸入系統之低複雜度比例公平性排程設計★ 利用混合式天線分配之 LTE 異質網路 UE 與 MIMO 模式選擇
★ 基於有限預算標價式拍賣之異質性頻譜分配方法★ 適用於 MTC 裝置 ID 共享情境之排程式分群方法
★ Efficient Two-Way Vertical Handover with Multipath TCP★ 多路徑傳輸控制協定下可亂序傳輸之壅塞及排程控制
★ 移動網路下適用於閘道重置之群體換手機制★ 使用率能小型基地台之拍賣是行動數據分流方法
★ 高速鐵路環境下之通道預測暨比例公平性排程設計★ 用於行動網路效能評估之混合式物聯網流量產生器
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摘要(中) 我們提出了一種結合資料增強技術和語義資訊的方法,以解決動態環境中因定位誤差增加而導致的視覺定位問題。視覺定位在自動駕駛車輛、機器人和增強現實 (AR) / 虛擬現實 (VR) 等應用中至關重要。然而,在動態環境中,特別是有頻繁人員移動的情況下,定位的準確性和穩定性往往會顯著下降。
摘要(英) We proposes a method that combines data augmentation techniques with semantic information to address the issue of increased positioning errors in visual localization caused by dynamic environments. Visual localization is crucial in applications such as autonomous vehicles, robotics, and augmented reality (AR) / virtual reality (VR). However, in dynamic environments, especially where there is frequent human movement, localization accuracy and stability often significantly decline.
To solve this problem, we adopted the Random Erasing technique from data augmentation. Random Erasing simulates object movement or occlusion by randomly masking parts of the image, allowing the model to learn more diverse features and improve its robustness in dynamic environments. However, we believe the model should learn more useful features. Therefore, we further integrated semantic segmentation techniques to extract human regions in the images and applied special processing to these areas.
This combined approach aims to enhance the model′s adaptability in dynamic environments, ensuring localization accuracy in practical applications.
We conducted experiments on our datasets with varying dynamic characteristics in indoor environment like factory. Experimental results show that this method reduces localization errors caused by human movement. In areas with human movement, our method reduces translation errors by at least 35.8 \% and improves system stability. Additionally, in static environments, our method maintains high accuracy, demonstrating its adaptability across various settings.
關鍵字(中) ★ 視覺定位
★ 數據增強
★ 語義分割
★ 隨機擦除
關鍵字(英) ★ Visual Localization
★ Data Augmentation
★ Semantic Segmentation
★ Random Erasing
論文目次 中文摘要/Chinese abstract i
英文摘要/English abstract ii
目次/Table of contents
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Works 4
2.1 Data Augmentation 4
2.2 Data Augmentation in Visual Localization 5
2.3 Semantic Information in Visual Localization 5
3 Semantic Augmentation 6
3.1 Erasing region 7
3.2 Erasing Probability 9
3.3 Model and Training Strategy 10
4 Dataset 12
4.1 Hardware Setting 12
4.2 Sequence Information 12
4.3 Data Pre-Processing 13
5 Experimental Setting and Results 15
5.1 Data 15
5.2 Experimental Setup 16
5.3 Impact of different erasing probability 16
5.4 Testing Set Errors 17
5.5 Testing Set Errors in Human Active Section 19
5.6 Testing Set Errors in Non-human Active Section 22
5.7 Compare with Grid Erasing Method 22
6 Conclusion and Future Work 24
6.1 Conclusion 24
6.2 Future Work 24
Bibliography 25
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指導教授 黃志煒(Chih-Wei Huang) 審核日期 2024-8-20
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