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(The Ambush Revolution: How Emerging Brands Utilize Ambush Marketing To Enhance Brand Image On Social Media.)
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摘要(中) 大型活動所引起廣泛關注,在傳統媒體的報導與社群媒體的推波助瀾下,產生及 時且巨大的媒體聲量,促使廣告行銷的通路更加多元。其中,贊助大型活動是一種行 銷與推廣的形式,然而大型活動有限,贊助所需支出的費用持續增長,使得成為贊助 商變得更加困難,因而衍伸出偷襲式行銷。本研究針對為新創品牌於社群媒體上對時 裝週進行偷襲式行銷策略以增進新創品牌形象及態度,進而影響消費者行為意圖。其 中,本研究建立於形象移轉模型,並發現消費者對於贊助關係的識別正確性、大型活 動的國際化程度以及品牌與活動關聯的頻率皆可能對於新創品牌形象及態度造成影響。
本研究之貢獻包含新創品牌應針對更具國際影響力的大型活動進行偷襲式行銷策 略,並嘗試在社群媒體上高頻率地與活動有關連,能夠以較低成本的方式增進消費者 對於新創品牌的正面態度。
摘要(英) The widespread attention generated by large-scale events, coupled with coverage in traditional media and amplification on social media, creates timely and extensive media exposure, leading to a diversification of advertising marketing channels. Among these, sponsoring large-scale events is a form of marketing and promotion. However, with limited large-scale events and the increasing costs associated with sponsorship, becoming a sponsor has become more challenging, thus giving rise to ambush marketing. This study focuses on ambush marketing strategies employed by emerging brands on social media during fashion weeks to enhance brand image and attitude, thereby influencing consumer behavior intentions. Building upon the image transfer model, the study found that consumer recognition of sponsorship, the internationalization level of large-scale events, and the frequency of association between the brand and the event may impact the brand image and attitude of emerging brands.
The contributions of this study include the suggestion that emerging brands should utilize ambush marketing strategies targeting more internationally influential large-scale events and attempt to establish frequent associations with events on social media. This approach can enhance consumer′s positive attitudes toward brands in a cost-effective manner.
關鍵字(中) ★ 偷襲式行銷
★ 新創品牌
★ 品牌形象
★ 活動形象
★ 形象移轉模型
★ 社群媒體
論文目次 Abstract ii
Table of contents iii
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
1. Introduction 1
2. Theoretical Background 5
2.1 Ambush marketing 5
2.2 Sponsorship recognition 10
2.3 Status of the event 11
2.4 Event image 11
2.5 Brand image 12
2.6 Brand image and WOM 14
2.7 Brand image and purchase intention 14
2.8 Image transfer model 15
2.9 Frequency of exposure 16
2.10 Consumer knowledge 17
3. Study 1 19
3.1 Measurement and Procedure 19
3.2 Result 23
3.2.1 Measurement Model 23
3.2.2 Hypothesis Testing 25
3.3 Discussion 33
4. Study 2 35
4.1 Measurement and Procedure 35
4.2 Result 38
4.2.1 Measurement Model 38
4.2.2 Hypothesis Testing 41
4.3 Discussion 44
5. Study 3 46
5.1 Measurement and Procedure 46
5.2 Result 50
5.2.1 Measurement Model 50
5.2.2 Hypothesis Testing 52
5.3 Discussion 54
6. General Discussion & Limitations 55
6.1 Theoretical implication 55
6.2 Managerial implications 59
6.3 Limitations and Future Research Directions 61
References 63
Appendix A 69
Appendix B 71
Appendix C 72
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