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姓名 張凱婷(Kai-Ting Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 RISC-V機械手臂控制系統晶片多軸運動控制硬體加速器開發
(Development of a Multi-Axis Motion Control Hardware Accelerator for a RISC-V Based Robotic Arm Control System On a Chip)
★ 整合GRAFCET虛擬機器的智慧型控制器開發平台★ 分散式工業電子看板網路系統設計與實作
★ 設計與實作一個基於雙攝影機視覺系統的雙點觸控螢幕★ 智慧型機器人的嵌入式計算平台
★ 一個即時移動物偵測與追蹤的嵌入式系統★ 一個固態硬碟的多處理器架構與分散式控制演算法
★ 基於立體視覺手勢辨識的人機互動系統★ 整合仿生智慧行為控制的機器人系統晶片設計
★ 嵌入式無線影像感測網路的設計與實作★ 以雙核心處理器為基礎之車牌辨識系統
★ 基於立體視覺的連續三維手勢辨識★ 微型、超低功耗無線感測網路控制器設計與硬體實作
★ 串流影像之即時人臉偵測、追蹤與辨識─嵌入式系統設計★ 一個快速立體視覺系統的嵌入式硬體設計
★ 即時連續影像接合系統設計與實作★ 基於雙核心平台的嵌入式步態辨識系統
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摘要(中) 本研究針對傳統可程式邏輯控制器(PLC)在高速、高精度運動控制中的
局限性,提出一種基於現場可程式化邏輯閘陣列(FPGA)的硬體加速器設計方法。傳統 PLC雖然因其高度的可靠性和穩定性而廣泛應用,但在處理複雜運動控制算法時,軟體運算的反應時間和處理速度往往不足,難以滿足現代工業對即時性和高精度的需求。為解決這一問題,本研究將 PLC的基本運動控制功能(如 COUNTER、TIMER 和 PWM)硬體化,並整合到硬體加速器中,利用其平行處理能力和高速計算性能,有效提升系統的反應速度和控制精度。
實驗結果顯示,基於 FPGA 的硬體加速器在多軸運動控制中的性能顯著優
於傳統的 PLC控制方法。在 TIMER和 PWM功能測試中,硬體加速器展示出
摘要(英) This study addresses the limitations of traditional Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) in high-speed, high-precision motion control by proposing a hardware accelerator design method based on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
(FPGAs). While traditional PLCs are widely used for their high reliability and stability, their software computation often falls short in response time and computation speed when processing complex motion control algorithms, failing to meet the real-time and high-precision demands of modern industry. To overcome this issue, this research hardware-implements basic PLC motion control functions (such as
COUNTER, TIMER, and PWM) and integrates them into a hardware accelerator, leveraging its parallel processing capabilities and high-speed computational performance to effectively enhance system response speed and control accuracy.
Experimental results indicate that FPGA-based hardware accelerators significantly outperform traditional PLC control methods in multi-axis motion control. In tests of TIMER and PWM functions, the hardware accelerator demonstrated shorter processing times and higher real-time performance, highlighting its great potential in multi-axis synchronous motion control. The successful application of this design validates the feasibility of using hardware acceleration technology to enhance the performance of motion control systems, providing an efficient and reliable technical solution for the industrial automation field.
This study proposes a method to significantly enhance the performance and efficiency of multi-axis motion control systems through hardware acceleration technology, laying a solid foundation for future technological developments in more complex motion control applications.
關鍵字(中) ★ 機械手臂
★ 多軸運動控制
★ 硬體加速器
關鍵字(英) ★ RISC-V
★ PLCopen
論文目次 目錄
摘要...................................................... i
Abstract ................................................ ii
誌謝.................................................... iii
目錄..................................................... iv
圖目錄.................................................. vii
表目錄.................................................... x
第一章、緒論............................................... 1
1.1 研究背景與動機......................................... 1
1.2 研究目的.............................................. 4
1.3 論文架構 ............................................. 4
第二章、運動控制技術回顧................................... 5
2.1 運動控制.............................................. 5
2.2 PLC.................................................. 6
2.2.1 原理和結構.......................................... 7
2.2.2 PLC程式語言......................................... 9
2.3 PLCopen.............................................. 12
2.4 運動控制功能.......................................... 13
2.4.1 脈衝寬度調變(PWM)................................... 14
2.4.2 計時器(TIMER)...................................... 15
2.4.3 計數器(COUNTER).................................... 16
2.5 硬體加速相關技術...................................... 17
2.5.1 現場可程式化邏輯閘陣列(FPGA)......................... 17
2.5.2 管線化和平行化...................................... 19
2.5.3 同步控制原理........................................ 21
2.6 RISC-V系統晶片....................................... 24
2.6.1 系統架構........................................... 24
2.6.2 自定義擴充指令設計.................................. 25
第三章、多軸運動控制器硬體設計............................. 27
3.1 多軸運動控制器架構設計................................. 28
3.2 多軸運動控制器離散事件建模............................. 30
3.2.1 COUNTER............................................ 32
3.2.2 TIMER.............................................. 33
3.2.3 PWM................................................ 35
3.2.4 平行化控制......................................... 37
3.3 多軸運動控制器高階硬體合成............................. 39
第四章、運動控制功能驗證................................... 43
4.1 開發環境............................................. 43
4.1.1 開發平台........................................... 43
4.1.2 硬體驗證開發版...................................... 44
4.1.3 軟體開發版......................................... 45
4.1.4 邏輯分析儀(LAD1010)................................ 46
4.2 RISC-V機械手臂控制系統晶片平台......................... 48
4.3 功能波形模擬驗證...................................... 49
4.3.1 運動控制功能:COUNTER控制器模組....................... 50
4.3.2 運動控制功能:TIMER控制器模.......................... 54
4.3.3 運動控制功能:PWM控制器模組........................... 58
4.4 時序驗證結果.......................................... 61
第五章、結論與未來方向..................................... 66
5.1 結論................................................. 66
5.2 未來展望............................................. 67
參考文獻................................................. 68
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指導教授 陳慶瀚 審核日期 2024-7-18
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