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姓名 黃姵穎(Pei-Ying Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 企業環境導向對綠色創新之影響: 利害關係人壓力和環境動態性的調節作用
(Impact of Corporate Environmental Orientation on Green Innovation: The Moderating Roles of Stakeholder Pressure and Environmental Dynamism)
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摘要(中) 在全球面臨氣候變化和環境退化的挑戰背景下,企業被迫尋求創新的環保策 略來滿足可持續發展的要求。綠色創新,作為企業實現環境和經濟雙贏的重要途 徑,越來越受到關注。為了有效推動綠色創新,企業需要了解內部和外部因素如 何影響其環境導向以及創新能力。利害關係人壓力,來自於客戶、供應商、政府 和社會等各方面的期望和要求,對企業的環境策略具有重要影響。此外,企業所 處環境帶來的動態性也可能調節這些影響。本研究旨在探討利害關係人壓力如何 影響企業的內部和外部環境導向,並進一步分析這些環境導向對綠色創新的影響, 以及利害關係人壓力與環境動態性在其中的調節作用。
本研究向台灣前 1,000 家製造企業搜集調查數據,採用傳統郵寄方式,結 果支持了利害關係人壓力對內部與外部環境導向有積極且顯著的影響,此外內部 與外部環境導向也對綠色創新有積極且顯著的影響。另外,結果還支持了利害關 係人壓力正向調節內部與外部環境導向與綠色創新之間的關係。而在本研究的最 後也提出理論與管理洞見、研究限制以及未來的研究方向。
摘要(英) In the face of global challenges like climate change and environmental degradation, companies are seeking innovative strategies for sustainable development. Green innovation, crucial for achieving environmental and economic benefits, is increasingly important. To drive green innovation, companies must understand how internal and external factors influence their environmental orientation and innovation capabilities. Stakeholder pressure from customers, suppliers, governments, and society significantly shapes corporate environmental strategies. Additionally, the dynamism of the environment in which companies operate can also moderate these impacts. This study explores how stakeholder pressure affects companies′ internal and external environmental orientations, analyzes the impact of these orientations on green innovation, and examines the moderating roles of stakeholder pressure and environmental dynamism.
Survey data were collected from Taiwan′s top 1,000 manufacturing companies through traditional mailing methods. The results show that stakeholder pressure positively impacts both internal and external environmental orientations, which in turn positively influence green innovation. Furthermore, stakeholder pressure positively moderates the relationship both internal and external environmental orientation and green innovation. Finally, this study provides theoretical and managerial implications, discusses limitations, and suggests directions for future research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 環境導向
★ 綠色創新
★ 利害關係人壓力
★ 環境動態
關鍵字(英) ★ Environmental Orientation
★ Green Innovation
★ Stakeholder Pressure
★ Environmental Dynamism
論文目次 摘要........................................................................................................................ I
Abstract ................................................................................................................. II
誌謝...................................................................................................................... III
Contents ...............................................................................................................IV
List of Figures ......................................................................................................VI
List of Tables...................................................................................................... VII
1. Introduction........................................................................................................1
1.1 Research Background and Motivations ...................................................1
1.2 Research Objectives and Questions.........................................................5
2. Literature Review...............................................................................................6
2.1 Environmental Orientation.......................................................................6
2.2 Green Innovation .....................................................................................7
2.3 Stakeholder Theory ................................................................................ 11
2.4. Environment Dynamics ........................................................................13
3. Research Framework and Hypotheses ............................................................. 15
3.1 Research Framework .............................................................................15
3.2 Stakeholder Pressure and Environmental Orientation ........................... 16
3.3 Environmental Orientation and Green Innovation.................................17
3.4. Moderating Effects of Stakeholder Pressure.........................................19
3.5. Moderating Effects of Environmental Dynamism................................21
4. Research Methodology ....................................................................................24
4.1 Sample Selection and Data Collection...................................................24
4.2 Operationalization of Constructs ...........................................................25
4.2.1 Internal Environmental Orientation .................................................... 27
4.2.2 External Environmental Orientation...................................................28
4.2.3 Green Innovation ................................................................................29
4.2.4 Stakeholder Pressure...........................................................................31
4.2.5 Environmental Dynamism ..................................................................32
4.3 Control Variables ...................................................................................32
4.4 Marker Variable .....................................................................................33
4.5 Research Procedures .............................................................................. 34
5. Data Analysis and Results................................................................................35
5.1 Response Rate........................................................................................35
5.2 Descriptive Statistics..............................................................................36
5.3 Measurement Model ..............................................................................40
5.3.1 Examination of Second-Order Constructs ..........................................40
5.3.2 Reliability and Validity .......................................................................42
5.4 Structural Model ....................................................................................46
5.4.1 PLS Results of Hypothesis Testing.....................................................46
5.4.2 Robustness Analysis............................................................................48
6. Conclusions......................................................................................................54
6.1 Findings and Discussions.......................................................................54
6.2 Theoretical Contributions and Managerial Implications .......................57
6.3 Limitations and Future Research ...........................................................59
Reference .............................................................................................................61
Appendix A .......................................................................................................... 75
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指導教授 王存國(Cun-Guo Wang) 審核日期 2024-7-2
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